Freitag, 24. Januar 2014

The human tissue found in meat and meat products /// go VEGAN

Juba / 03/31/2013Author : Ljubica CarpMatrix WorldAfter the scandal with the sale of horse and donkey meat - declared as beef - in EU stores , the scientists decided to do an independent study on how they actually consume when we eat the meat of alleged animal .Are we better than South Africa ?Scientists from the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa made ​​the mycobacterial DNA analysis of meat from slaughterhouses in this country to learn how to respect the laws and hygienic conditions , but after a catastrophic discovery had their findings show South African parliament .In slaughterhouses nine provinces South African Stellenbosch scientists have found traces of human tissue and certain human excreta , but the slaughterhouse they were told that workers sometimes cut down or have other accidents do happen , and that science is actually pointing to such accidents .But microbiologists and geneticists were not satisfied with such excuses , even as many online publications Activist Post has learned to make the results of these studies were completely different to , for example , was just a random dredging up the nose or similar actions during tranžiranja or preparing meat .This study shows , in a radical way , how little heed to discover what is inside the package with the alleged " fresh meat " or meat products , and that we do not even know what we consume .One of the study participants , Dr Louw Hoffman , revealed that only 15% of the meat is properly declared in RSA , while other meat or should not be offered to the market :

" The law is clearly stated to allergens should be clearly written on labels of meat products . "Nevertheless , Hoffman's team concluded that false declaration does not pose a danger to consumers even if they are in the meat should be beef or chicken are traces of human tissue , blood or secretions .In Croatia, we had an example of scientific studies on the quality of meat , especially of imported meat and check themselves declaration , although a lot of times we could hear about the defects in the quality of meat and meat products in stores across the country .Croatian Food Agency 's 2007th opened a laboratory for testing the quality of meat CMQ - Center for Meat Quality , but after the opening, we have not had a chance to see that this service promoted by the media or to know anything more about her work , and even less about the results of CMQ 's.What can we learn from the example of South Africa 's?Forensic scientist Dr. Eugenia D' Amato of the University of the Western Cape is South Africa 's parliament and the relevant parliamentary committees , to submit a detailed portfolio data , which found that 43 % of game actually beef while horse meat is used as a meat substitute antelope , and pork is often found in meat products , which should contain only ostrich meat .Damning was the fact that in 85 % of meat and meat products found human remains and tissues . Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry JAR concluded that the citizens of South Africa did not become cannibals just because they eat human tissues and fluids in the meat , because :

" It is quite possible to find traces of human DNA in meat and meat products but human DNA does not mean that eating human flesh . "
Activist Post believes that such allegation extremely negative and that such statements trying to calm public discontent . On the other hand , no one is trying to explain why they failed hygienic and respect the general provisions on processing of meat , and who is to blame and why the contamination of animal flesh human tissues .Times LIVE has also written about this issue , revealing that Hoffman learned that out of 139 surveyed meat products , 95 of them were mislabeled , but to such tests should again work to reveal how much the government and appropriate authorities keep their promises public order today declared the meat properly and that the public is not deceiving .Meat and meat products are becoming more expensive , but it definitely does not mean that the quality of meat over the years and all the complicated laws , become better . Matrix World has already written about how rotten meat treated with CO2 in order to restore a fresh look and color , we also discovered how little we know about the increasing attempts by floods foreign markets cloned meat , unfortunately it does not end with the story of the meat . In many stores , " junk food " served the so-called " pink slime " or pink slime replacing meat and meat meal .Not only is this way of poison and mislead customers , but scientists are seriously considering the possibility of cheap and rapid growing of " meat " burger from bovine fetal cells that would be produced in barrels full of nutritious liquids .Anyway , we deserve to know what we eat , especially if food prices we pay peppermint and if we at the same disappears most of the already lean wages .How will we be healthy and how we feed healthy obviously does not depend on government services or " honest intentions " of big retail chains .Our job is to compel the same to tell us what we eat and what we eat .For us , we want to know the truth or not .


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