Freitag, 24. Januar 2014

DO you eat cloned meat?

Juba / 17/04/2012
Translated and edited by: Ljubica Carp
Matrix World
Nation of Change
Maybe you wondered this news , but it is very possible to eat cloned meat every day , in fact, U.S. Department of Agriculture 's ( USDA ) has no idea whether the U.S. market is currently selling cloned meat - nor how large quantities. ( A similar situation is happening in Europe . Op ed. )
In fact this ministry is more concerned with us on all sorts of possible ways to show that we do not have to worry about consuming cloned meat even though its sales are currently prohibited on the territory of the United States .
The public is still 2010th , require accurate information on the manufacture and sale of cloned meat for human consumption , then the Minister of Agriculture Tom Vislack nonchalantly replied that he did not know whether Americans eat cloned meat .
The public has become more concerned when the British Agency for Standardization Food - FSA said that people around the world already eat cloned meat , although by them contained cloned meat for a year on the market (that began in 2009th , year ) .
It is shocking that the FSA as well as the USDA informed citizens that cloned meat poses no danger , so that citizens do not have to lift a panic .
The reason for this is their assessment that cloned meat is substantially the same as the usual meat and it is therefore completely safe for human consumption .
This statement is completely similar to the reports provided to us by Monsanto for decades poturao that genetically modified foods are safe but it proved that GMO products associated with all kinds of diseases and defects of ; organ damage to physical toxicity that induces cell death .
Here's how Tom Vislack answered the question as to whether the sale of cloned meat in America :

" Today I can not answer that question . I do not know . I know that all the research has confirmed that the cloned meat is completely safe for human consumption . "
Conventional meat producers often use distressing techniques to grow meat species and do not care how they behave with animals , what kind of meat sales people and ruining their health as their meat products . Therefore, we would not be surprised if the cloned meat for sale with a traditional meat products . To avoid the possibility of consuming cloned meat and malignant quantities of antibiotics and growth hormones that we treat animals before slaughter , you should check with whom you are buying meat , whether grass- fed animals and whether the organic production .
The problem of fattening animals with antibiotics is extremely dangerous for the animals and us who feed on them even though the standards prescribed by the FDA ( as well as all other agencies for food and medicine in the world . Op . Eds. ) no matter what the public has recently asked for an immediate ban unnecessary use antibiotics to animals .

Unlucky cloned sheep Dolly.

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