Freitag, 24. Januar 2014

Completely missed studies on red meat : You are what your food eats

Translated and edited by: John Kali
Matrix World
Healt Impact News Daily , Alliance for Natural Health
Are they eating beef destined to die earlier ? The recently released Harvard study , together with inappropriate and disturbing articles in the press , shows that the consumption of red meat is associated with higher rates of mortality from cardiovascular disease and cancer . The study recommends that you replace red meat with a " healthy" sources of protein such as fish, poultry , nuts and legumes , to thereby reduce mortality .
However , we note that this study is very problematic .
Firstly , the study was conducted over many years ( 28th yr . For women , 22 years . Men ) , so that every four years they sent out questionnaires in which they answered questions about their diet . This method of research , where participants send their reports can not be considered reliable , especially when these reports come only every four years .
Another , even more important flaw of this study is the fact that there was no difference between organic , pasture -fed beef on and inorganic , ie . CAFO - beef ( Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation- refers to cattle that are mass located in confined spaces , fed inadequate and unnatural food, and the end result is the meat of questionable nutritional value antinomianism . ) . As pointed out by Dr. Joseph Mercola , nutritional value of both meat differs significantly !

Essential Omega important third 

Because of the conditions in which they live cattle on factory farms and food based solely on cereals , conventional beef can contain more than 20 times the amount of omega - 6 fatty acids ( which we associate with the appearance of arthritis , chronic inflammation and cancer ) than healthy omega - 3 fatty acid ( to improve blood flow, reduce inflammation and strengthen the heart ) . On the other hand , cattle graze on pastures have about seven times the amount of omega - 3 fatty acids from unhealthy omega 6.
According to a study by the 2011.objavio British Journal of Nutrition , when we eat a moderate amount of grass -fed beef , but for four weeks we will attain that our body has a healthy level of essential masnoća.Zdravi individuals who are fed organic beef increased levels of omega - 3 fatty acids in the blood and reduce the level of omega - 6 fatty acids that cause inflammation .
Meat cattle feed on grass is far healthier than beef fed grain for a number of reasons .
For example, contains 4 times the amount of the entire group of vitamin E deficiency which is associated with the development of diabetes , immunological disease , Parkinson's disease , diseases of the eyes , lungs and liver . Feeding organic beef will prevent deficiency of this vitamin in the body . This is just one of the benefits of organic beef . In such a quantity of meat is lower in total fat , contains more beta - carotene , thiamine , riboflavin , calcium , magnesium , potassium , and CLA ( conjugated linoleic acid - a powerful anti - oxidant that improves the immune system generally . Prev ) - anti-cancer potential .
The total is absurd that in these studies failed to distinguish between meat of cattle fed on pasture and those who feed grains . But this is not something unusual . The whole policy of the USDA ( U.S. Department of Agriculture -US Department of Agriculture) seeks to all agricultural products are treated as equals , and to deny the existence of any differences . It is not surprising that it reflects the views and wishes of the big manufacturers who do not want competition in the form of differentiated products and that of governments seeking to outlaw the making of the difference between the products , even as prices are concerned .
When we write about " cattle that are fed grain " must razmjeti that this is an incomplete name . One technique involves feeding the fattening of cattle with grains that are contaminated chicken manure , beef blood and waste from the restaurant - this is the material that they increase the amount of nutrients . In the UK and Canada in food can be found meat , bone meal , blood meal and meat offal , which proved to be the cause of mad cow disease : the stock fell ill when eating brain and other nerve tissue , but infected animals .

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