Sonntag, 31. März 2013

Exposing Evil - Satanic Media Exposed ( Sasha Fierce, Jay Z, Simpsons, Snoop Dogg and more )


[This is an excerpt from Brazilian TV Cultura's talk show 'Roda Viva' aired on april 9, 2007 - in English subtitled in Portuguese]

Hunter Doherty "Patch" Adams (born May 28, 1945, in Washington, D.C.) is an American physician, social activist, citizen diplomat, clown and author. He founded the 'Gesundheit Institute' in 1971. Each year he organizes a group of volunteers from around the world to travel to various countries where they dress as clowns in an effort to bring humor to orphans, patients, and other people.
He is currently based in Urbana, Illinois. In collaboration with the institute, Adams promotes an alternative health care model, not funded by insurance policies.

Rimac Concept_One vs Ferrari 458 Spider

electro car google it new generation

Chemtrail Protest San Francisco City Hall 3/27/13

Samstag, 30. März 2013

HRT i 'legalni utjerivači dugova' ukrali su mi identitet, prišili tuđe dugove i sveli na prosjački štap!

Nevjerojatna priča našeg čitatelja koji je imao tu nesreću da se zove kao i dužnik HRT-u upozorava da se ovrhe i blokade računa mogu dogoditi i onima koji sve uredno plaćaju. Kako? Zloupotrebom OIB-a do kojih 'legalni utjerivači dugova' tj., odvjetnička društva dolaze na nezakonit način, a to je, po mišljenju oštećenog iz naše priče, putem internetskog popisa birača

Teško da postoji ijedan hrvatski građanin koji nije bio stiješnjen birokratskim rašljama. Bilo da je riječ o bezazlenim komplikacijama pri vađenju dokumenata, zapošljavanju, kojekakvim prijavama i odjavama, najčešće se naleti na prepreku u obliku nedostatka pečata ili potpisa. Blokade računa i ovrhe kao svakidašnja jadikovka i noćna mora svakog Hrvata jedan su od najgorih oblika


"Only Silva could", proclaims that nerdy Q dude as he subtly shapeshifts his left eye. Silva is a guy who exposes secret agents on YouTube...So I decided to be Silva spotting this clue! The movie Skyfall has a lot of Reptilian imagery and fact A LOT of movies have increasing amounts of this stuff! Someday, they'll just start morphing into lizards in these Hollywood productions! It's like the veil is being slowly removed!

Is N Korea Provoked To Distract Us From Syria - Morris

North Korea borders both Russia and China. It has a defence treaty with China.
Meanwhile Putin orders a massive drill in the Black sea.
Turkey attempts to conclude an oil deal with the Kurdish part of North of Iraq, ignoring Bahgdad.
Erdogan is due to visit Palestine and is seen making demands on Israel. Has the grand plan been to set Turkey up as the psuedo ruler of the Middle East including Israel?
Of course our deep shadowy rulers never really relinquish power.
Syria is stopping this plan.

Warning! Iran HAS the Bomb!!!

McClatchy reports that Israel now believes Iran will not be able to produce a nuclear weapon until 2015 or 2016. That is progress of a sort; Nutanyahoo had previously been claiming that Iran would have the bomb no later than late summer 2013.

"The New Age Movement is Satanic" says The Church of Satan !!! Evil Masquerading as Good!


Reptilian Shapeshifter Matrix = FAKE REALITY

In this new and improved Will Elliott episode of REPTOIDZ RADIO, Will says that we live in a fake reality created by the Anunnaki Reptilians. Host Ian Punnet was not ready for this discussion, thinking that the topic would be schizophrenia. Throughout the interview, Punnett attempted to disrupt the flow of conversation - which is why this episode is only 12 minutes long! Punnett continually tried to evade the topic of shapeshifters and bring up the subject of Will Elliott being crazy. Punnett becomes so flustered that he ACTUALLY HISSES at one point! Coincidence? YOU DECIDE.
Elliott could not be deterred, and whenever he was occasionally allowed to speak, he was very convincing...SEE FOR YOURSELF! I've carefully edited the conversation to allow Will's viewpoint to be heard the way it was MEANT to be! And Punnett can hiss all he wants - don't change a damn thing! THAT'S THE MAGIC OF REPTOIDZ RADIO, BABY!

Fake Asteroid Impact Coming Soon!

Freitag, 29. März 2013


Education vs Conditioning - Best Unslave Humanity Speech Ever? - Breaking (Y)our Conditioning

Tražimo istragu - tko financira promociju pedofilije?
Deklarirani pedofili drže pozvana predavanja po Hrvatskoj. Kako je moguće da se novcem hrvatskih građana financiraju predavanja osobe koja izjavljuje da se zalaže za pedofiliju koja je nelegalno i kažnjivo djelo? Smatramo skandaloznim i potpuno neprihvatljivim da se iz državnog proračuna i proračuna jedinica lokalne samouprave, sufinanciraju i potiču programi u kojima se ugošćuju otvoreni promicatelji pedofilije.

'Tražimo istragu: Novcem hrvatskih građana financirano je gostovanje zagovaratelja pedofilije'


'Šutnjom o zagovaratelju pedofilije Gertu Hekmi dječja pravobraniteljica čuva poziciju'


Hekma je tvrdio kako neki šestogodišnjaci već imaju seksualni život. Izrazio je uvjerenje da se neka djeca žele seksati s odraslima te kako misli da je apsurdno da se neka djeca žele seksati samo s drugom djecom. Na primjedbu da se možda uopće ne žele seksati, slatko se nasmijao. akon što su Hrvatsku prije nekoliko godina posjetili Theo Sandfort, Vern Bullough i Erwin Haeberle, koje su razotkriveni kao deklarirani pedofili, prije nekoliko dana svojim dolaskom nas je 'počastio' i nizozemski sveučilišni profesor Gert Hekma. Ovaj put za to je zaslužna udruga 'Queer Zagreb', koja je ga je u glavni grad Hrvatske dovela da govori o povezanosti seksualne revolucije i LGBT pokreta.
'Desetogodišnjacima treba biti dozvoljen seks sa starijima'
Hekma, jedan od urednika pedofilskog časopisa Paidika, je tijekom boravka Zagrebu dao intervju za tportal u kojem je iznio nekoliko kontroverznih teza. Na pitanje što misli o 'seksu između odraslih i djece' odgovorio je:
- Moje je mišljenje da su mladi seksualna bića te da sve ranije postaju svjesni seksa zbog sveopće seksualizacije Zapada. Danas u Nizozemskoj i desetogodišnjaci znaju, ako su gej, izraziti to. Sviđa mi se taj princip samoodređenja. Ako im se sviđa imati seks s nekim svojih godina ili starijim (a mislim da mnogi preferiraju starije partnere), to im treba biti dozvoljeno. Uvjet je da znaju što čine i dobrovoljno pristaju na to.
Nakon što je ustvrdio da je seks ugodna aktivnost koju djeca trebaju naučiti prakticirati na ugodan način, umjesto da godinama čekaju da ga isprobaju, dodao je:
- Posebno sam zabrinut za queer klince koji iskorače iz ormara s deset godina, a onda moraju čekati još šest godina da bi im po zakonu bilo dozvoljeno ići vlastitim putem. U međuvremenu su isporučeni heteroseksualnim obiteljima, školama i drugim institucijama. Dobna granica za seks velika je prepreka LGBT emancipaciji - rekao je.
'Najniža dobna granica za seks: 12 godina. Zasada.'
Sa intervjuom tportalu svakako treba povezati i teze koje je Hekma iznio u intervjuu koji se može pronaći na stranicama amsterdamskog sveučilišta. Hekma je, između ostalog, govorio i o snižavanju dobne granice za seks.
- Rekao bih da se može sniziti najnižu dobnu granicu. Ne bih odmah tražio da to bude šest godina, dvanaest godina izgleda kao dobra dobna granica, zasada.
Hekma je tvrdio kako neki šestogodišnjaci već imaju seksualni život. Izrazio je uvjerenje da se neka djeca žele seksati s odraslima te kako misli da je apsurdno da se neka djeca žele seksati samo s drugom djecom. Na primjedbu da se možda uopće ne žele seksati, slatko se nasmijao. Na pitanje ne čine li pedofili zlo djeci, iako misle da je to samo zbog kulture, odgovorio je:
- Pedofilija znači ljubav prema dječacima, a ljubav je čista suprotnost zlostavljanju. Postoje  pedoseksualci koji kažu: 'u sadašnjoj situaciji nemam spolne odnose s djecom jer bi im to štetilo'. Oni već tako razmišljaju.
Ured dječje pravobraniteljice: Naš stav je poznat
Zbog svega toga udruga Vigilare tražila je reakciju nadležnih institucija - Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova da istraži 'pedofilski skandal', pravobraniteljice za djecu da stane u obranu djece, ali i Vlade, Ministarstva kulture, Grada Zagreba i Grada Rijeke da obustave financiranje udruge Queer Zagreb i Queer festivala.
Pokušali smo doznati stav dječje pravobraniteljice Mile Jelavić o posjeti Gerta Hekme Hrvatskoj. Pojasnili smo kakve stavove Hekma zastupa, posebice onaj o sniženju dobne granice za seksualne odnose između odraslih i djece.
- Naš stav je poznat. Dobna granica za seksualne odnose trebala bi biti 16 godina. U Hrvatskoj je to trenutno 15. Donedavno je bila 14, to je bilo prenisko. Povećana je na 15 i zbog našeg pritiska. Ni time još uvijek nismo zadovoljni - rečeno nam je iz njenog ureda. Potvrđeno nam je i da su dobili upite udruga vezano uz Hekmu te kako će razmotriti o čemu se radi, no kako za to treba vremena. Zanimljivo, rečeno nam je kako je naš portal jedini medij koji se raspitivao za pravobraniteljičin stav o posjeti Nizozemca.
'Jelavić čuva poziciju'
No, u udruzi Vigilare nisu zadovoljni time što dječja pravobraniteljica nije istupila u javnost.
- Kao što vam je poznato, Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova odgovorilo nam je da su zaprimili prijavu te da je proslijeđena nadležnim službama unutar MUP-a na daljnje istražne radnje. Od pravobraniteljice, kao ni dosada, nije bilo odgovora. Oni su potpuno indiferentni u vezi slučaja Gerta Hekme, ali i svih deklariranih pedofila na koje smo upozoravali i ranije, a s kojima surađuje Aleksandar Štulhofer. Ako njoj to nije ništa sumnjivo, onda ne znam što radi na toj svojoj funkciji. Zapravo znamo što radi, čuva poziciju - rekao nam je Ivan Mihanović, voditelj ureda udruge Vigilare.
Napomenimo i kako je udruga Queer Zagreb reagirala na priopćenje udruge Vigilare koju su optužili da je posjet Gerta Hekme samo povod ' za još jedan napad na uvođenje zdravstvenog odgoja u hrvatske škole'. Na našu konstataciju kako u reakciji udruge Queer Zagreb nisu komentirani Hekmini stavovi koji pozitivno govore o pedofiliji, Mihanović kaže:
- Mislim da o temi naslov na T-portalu dovoljno govori (Homoseksualnost i pedolifija su povijesni suputnici, op.a.). Ako oni to ne skrivaju, onda je jasno o čemu se radi. Bit priče nije predavanje koje je imao Hekman na Queer festivalu nego kako uopće takva osoba gostuje u Hrvatskoj pod financijskim pokroviteljstvom Grada Zagreba, Grada Rijeke, Školske knjige…
Za kraj spomenimo da je Gert Hekma u izdanju časopisa iz 1993. recenzirao pisca Francoisa Augierasa. Nakon opisa rada ovog autora, koji je tematizirao homoseksualizam, pedofiliju, incest i sl., Hekma donosi zaključak s kojim ćemo završiti članak:
'Augierasova nesreća je bila što je rođen u judeo-kršćanskom svijetu gdje samo roditelji imaju pravo voljeti djecu.'

Govor mržnje Nenada Stazića: Branitelje nazvao šovinistima, barbarima i neznalicama

 'Zašto su tako nervozni, zašto tako reagiraju, ne znam. Mi smo im stvorili državu, oni su je pokrali. U jednom dijelu njegov istup smatramo govorom mržnje prema nama kao Stožeru i većini hrvatskih branitelja koji nas podržavaju, njih 80-90 posto. Sve ih stavlja u isti koš s nama', rekao nam je Damir Maduna iz Stožera za obranu hrvatskog Vukovara.
dalje na linku :

Donnerstag, 28. März 2013

New Solar System with Planet X?

Evo zašto Srbija prestiže Hrvatsku: Dačić ne sluša MMF, dok Milanović poslušno otima od naroda

Hrvatska bilježi pad zato što provodi politiku MMF-a i Svjetske banke, te zato što je cilj Vlade preuzeti svo vlasništvo naroda i predati ga u ruke 260 obitelji koji na računima imaju 40 milijardi eura. Tim će novcem kupiti stanove, zgrade i ulice u kojima živi narod. Do 2020. će 90 posto stanovništva ostati bez krova nad glavom – tvrdi Dinko Bartulović, osivač pokreta Zajedno. dalje

Premijer Zoran Milanović jedino na izvanrednim press konferencijama doživljava ekstazu

Premijer Zoran Milanović jedino na izvanrednim press konferencijama doživljava ekstazu

dalje na

OCCUPY CROATIA predstavlja nezavisnu televizijsku emisiju "DOSTA JE!", necenzuriranu online emisiju posvećenu temama koje drugi ne smiju objaviti, o kojima mediji najčešće ne smiju pisati niti izvješćivati. DOSTA JE zabranjenih istina i dozvoljenih laži! DOSTA JE cenzure medija u Hrvatskoj! DOSTA JE zabranjenih tema i zabranjenih novinara! DOSTA JE plaćenog medijskog laganja u interesu korumpiranih političkih elita i kriminalnog tranzicijskog sistema! DOSTA JE! Jer istinu se ne može zabraniti!

Emisiju radi aktivistički kolektiv Occupy Croatia. Govorimo o temama koje nećete čuti niti vidjeti u drugim medijima.

VIDEO: I Milanović i Karamarko dio su iste korupcijske mreže Hypo banke

tekst na

something is going on world wide

they want to legelazie pedofilija Wake up is happening in our schools

SANDY HOOK - After 2 Weeks, Victim's Own Mother Does Not Know Wrong Photo Was Used

Mittwoch, 27. März 2013

MORH, MUP i DORH love lažne branitelje, Ljubičić: 'Žele oslabiti prosvjed protiv ćirilice'

Čini se da neće sve stati na pukoj objavi registra branitelja. Naime, tri mjeseca nakon što je predstavljen, nadležne su institucije odlučile ići korak

Počeo GMO rat - SAD ozakonio zaštitu Monsanta, a Mađari pale ilegalna GMO polja u Baranji

Nakon što je SAD usvojio kontroverzni 'Monsanto Protection Act', započeo je GMO rat na svim frontama. Zloglasna korporacija ušla je u otvoreni sukob, a prvi koji su joj se glasno usprotivili su Mađari.

‘Milijun prosvjednika u Parizu jamče da će i drug Jovan odgovarati zbog spolnog uznemiravanja naše djece’


Radujem se Jovanovićevoj tužbi. U intervjuu sam naglasio da on nameće odgoj koji razara obitelj, te sam postavio pitanje: ‘Je li ministar Jovanović srpske nacionalnosti?’. Moje je uvjerenje da i to može biti nešto što potiče na nasilje nad hrvatskom djecom – pojašnjava Mate Knezović, predsjednik Obiteljske stranke.
Vijest da se u glavnom gradu liberalne Francuske prije par dana okupilo

Pedofilska pošast kruži hrvatskom

27.03.2013 16:00
Kako to da se od tolikih seksologa iz bijeloga svijeta u Hrvatsku pozivaju baš oni koji zagovaraju pedofiliju? Ili su svi takvi? U Hrvatskoj su već bili Vern Bullough, Ervin Haeberle, Theo Sandfort i Gunter Schmidt… U Dubrovnik ih je doveo Aleksandar Štulhofer, autor četvrtog modula kurikuluma Zdravstvenog odgoja nasilno uvedenog u škole. Sada je udruga Queer (koja je sudjelovala u pripremi istoga, čiji su pamfleti čak bili uključeni u popratnu literaturu i koja organizira Zagreb Pride) pozvala Gerta Hekmu, poznatog zagovornika pedofilije, a jučer ga je ugostio Francuski institut (!!!) u svojoj Mediateci u Zagrebu.

Moralna panika - etiketa ili nužnost?

Još 2001. godine Aleksandar Štulhofer je sa svojim suradnicima u prilogu objavljenom u Kinseyevoj Internacionalnoj enciklopediji o seksualnosti, postavio platformu koja se danas provodi putem Jovanovićevog nametnutog splonog (tj. 4. modula zdravstvenog) odgoja u našim školama. Vjerovali ili ne, ali sve se vrti oko senzibiliziranja djece i cijelog društva za prihvaćanje pedofilije kao jednog od mnogih spolnih orijentacija. Uz široko prihvaćanje homoseksualnosti i sve većih homoseksualnih prava, uz zakon o suzbijanju diskriminacije koji štiti sve spolne orijentacije, samo je pitanje vremena kada će i pedofili tražiti "svoja prava".

Kinseyeva Međunarodna enciklopedija seksualnosti

David Wood : what the islam is teaching about allah german sub

Muslim to >> Christentum engl / deutch/ sub


Europska komisija hvali Hrvatsku zbog isplate odštete djeci srpskih žrtava

U izvješću pod člankom 'Obveze i zahtjevi koji proizlaze iz pregovora o pristupanju' u odlomku 'Nastaviti poboljšavati rješavanje domaćih sudskih predmeta ratnih zločina' istaknuli su upravo tu predudu koju je 23. siječnja 2013. godine donio Općinski sud u Kninu. - Prema presudi Hrvatska država mora isplatiti odštetu djeci srpskih žrtava ubijenih u selu Varivode nakon akcije 'Oluja' bez obzira na činjenicu što su počinitelji nepoznati.dalje Ovdje

'Dok Srbija izlazi iz krize Hrvatska sve dublje tone: Zato jer Milanovićeva Vlada i ne zna da ne zna!'

U Srbiji su napravili politiku razvoja, pa su otvorili stotinjak tvornica u kojima radi od 500 do 600 ljudi. Zamislite što bi za Hrvatsku značilo deset, a ne stotinu tvornica sa po pet stotina zaposlenih! Mi smo daleko od toga jer Hrvatska vlada još nije ni ustanovila u čemu griješi – ističe dr. Ljubo Jurčić ......dalje ovdije

Dienstag, 26. März 2013

The Flat-Earth Bible

© 1987, 1995 by Robert J. SchadewaldReprinted fromThe Bulletin of the Tychonian Society #44 (July 1987)

When I first became interested in the flat-earthers in the early 1970s, I was surprised to learn that flat-earthism in the English-speaking world is and always has been entirely based upon the Bible. I have since assembled and read an extensive collection of flat-earth literature. The Biblical arguments for flat-earthism that follow come mainly from my reading of flat-earth literature, augmented by my own reading of the Bible.

The Flat Earth

by Donald E. Simanek

Early Ideas About the Shape of the Earth.

Egyptian cosmogony.
The ancients had many novel ideas about the shape of the earth. The Babylonians thought the earth was hollow, to provide space for their underworld. The Egyptians thought the earth a square, (with four corners) with mountains at the edge supporting the vault of the sky.
Aristotle argued for a spherical earth, for these reasons:
  1. The gradual disappearance of ships

Korupcija s predstečajnim nagodbama: Pogoduje li Slavko Linić po partijskoj liniji riječkom Taxi Cammeu?

Uz ovakve uvijete bi svako poduzeće postalo likvidno - ističe Marijanović te dodaje:
- Cijeli poslovni plan je nerealno napravljen. Temelji se na pretpostavkama i zahtjevima prema državi i dobavljačima koji su u najmanju ruku sramotni. Visoko na listi Cammeovih dobavljača nalazi se i Croatia osiguranje, u većinskom vlasništvu države. Otpis duga Cammeu, prema Zakonu  o državnim potporama smatrao bi se u biti 'potporom' tom poduzeću što je apsolutno nedopustivo.  Zašto je Konstruktor morao otići u stečaj zbog duga a Cammeu će se dugovi oprostiti? Kojim se kriterijem vodi Nagodbeno vijeće? Vrijeme je da se takvom 'poslovanju' stane na kraj - zaključuje Marijanović. dalje OVDJE

I Barroso u ime izraelskog poduzetnika stisnuo Milanovića; Zelena akcija: Prvo referendum, onda odluka o Srđu!

Zbog velikog zastoja projekta golf na Srđu, iza kojeg stoji izraelski poduzetnik Aaron Frenkel, na Hrvatsku stiže i pritisak iz inozemstva. Tako je prema pisanju Novog lista  predsjednik Europske komisije José Manuel Barroso na sastanku u Bruxellesu obavijestio premijera Zorana Milanovića da su preko izraelskog predsjednika Shimona Peresa do njega doprle informacije o neshvatljivim preprekama na koje je u Hrvatskoj naišao ovaj ulagač iz Izraela.
Naime, šest dana prije tog sastanka Barroso je ugostio i izraelskog predsjednika Shimona Peresa. On ga je tada zamolio da intervenira kod hrvatskih vlasti zbog Frenkela koji ima ozbiljnih problema s realizacijom svoje investicije.
- Međutim, nikakvi pritisci iz inoze vise o tome OVDJE

Stage is set. War and economic collapse. Rapture tribulation and 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So March 2013 Part 4

Chemtrails.This is REAL.

Congressman Doug LaMalfa on DHS Ammo Purchases - March 26, 2013

Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-Calif.) joined Megyn Kelly on the Fox News channel this afternoon to discuss why he and other lawmakers, including Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), are looking for answers from DHS about the reasons for the purchases.

He said constituents continually complain to him about a shortage of ammunition for their personal firearms and wonder whether the government is contributing to that problem.

"It is a heck of a lot of rounds of ammunition, and for some very dubious-sounding reasons," LaMalfa noted. Megyn pressed him on what exactly is "dubious" about the government pointing out that the purchases are in bulk and meant to last a long time.

LaMalfa said for instance that the Social Security Administration has ordered about 200,000 rounds of hollow-point bullets, which have also been ordered by other federal agencies.

"(Hollow-point bullets) are not appropriate for target practice. They're much more costly rounds. ... And in this time of sequester, where everything is a disaster because of the sequester, do they really have that kind of money to be spending on this amount of ammunition?" he asked, pointing out that illegal immigrants have been released from detention due to the sequester.

LaMalfa said he's heard from local law enforcement officers who've told him that they've had problems purchasing ammo, and that DHS "is sending a wrong message" to the American people overall with this apparent buying spree.

As WND reported, the Department of Homeland Security has argued that it is buying in bulk to save money, explaining it uses as many as 15 million rounds a year for training law enforcement agents.

But the 1.6 billion rounds of ammo would be enough for more than 100 years of training, or, more ominously, enough to fight a war for more than 20 years. It would also be enough to shoot every American more than five times.

Forbes columnist Benko, who worked for two years in the U.S. Department of Energy's general counsel's office in its procurement and finance division, doubts the government's explanation.

"To claim that it's to 'get a low price' for a ridiculously wasteful amount is an argument that could only fool a career civil servant," he writes.

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said she believes the federal government is building an arsenal to prepare for the day the country goes bankrupt. Last month, she wrote on her Facebook page: "If we are going to wet our proverbial pants over 0.3% in annual spending cuts when we're running up trillion dollar annual deficits, then we're done.

Put a fork in us. We're finished. We're going to default eventually and that's why the feds are stockpiling bullets in case of civil unrest."

The prospect of civil unrest puts a chilling spin on an ominous remark then-candidate Barack Obama made in a Colorado campaign speech in July 2008.

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded," said then-candidate Obama.


'Cijepljenje ljudi je kao žigosanje životinja, a zakoni koji ga omogućuju zaostali su iz prošlih vremena'

33-godišnja majka ispričala nam je kroz kakve je sve probleme prošla samo zbog činjenice da nije željela cijepiti svoje dvoje djece. Slično vjerojatno prolazi i ostalih stotinjak hrvatskih obitelji koje nisu cijepile djecu, i koje samo žele da im zakon, kao i u nekim europskim zemljama, omogući pravo na izbor.
Cijepiti se ili ne – pitanje je koje je posljednjih godina sve aktualnije. Pogotovo nakon što su se u medijima pojavila istraživanja i pojedinci koji su ukazali na dotad slabo poznatu činjenicu – procurile su informacije po kojima cijepljenje, koje se u našoj zemlji uzimalo zdravo za gotovo, možda i nije toliko spasonosno. Pojavilo se nekoliko neovisnih studija, nefinanciranih od farmaceuta, koje su cijepljenje dovele u vezu s porastom autizma, iznenadne dojenačke smrti, te brojnih infekcija. S druge strane, brojni liječnici tvrde
Izvorni članak pročitajte OVDJE.

Hrvatska je postala četnička država?

Za revoluciju su potrebni vođe i vizionari, prije svega hrabri ljudi spremni na vlastitu žrtvu. Nisam siguran da takve susrećem. Nekako mi se sve više čini da susrećem ljude koji su puknuli u glavi, koji su skrenuli, prošvikali, koji se kljukaju sedativima ili alkoholom, koji nemaju više nadu u sebi.
>>> vise na

Thousands march in Paris against same-sex marriage and adoption (PHOTOS)

Tens of thousands of French families, activists and conservatives have marched in Paris protesting against a bill that if passed would allow same-sex marriage and adoption. Police fired teargas to prevent protesters from entering the Champs Elysees.
Demonstrators gathered Sunday in the center of the French capital for a final mass protest against the controversial bill that if ba
>>>>more at

Die Homo-Ehe spaltet Europa

Dürfen Schwule und Lesben heiraten? Und dann Kinder adoptieren? Die Nationalversammlung in Paris soll am Dienstag über das umstrittene Gesetzesprojekt zur Homo-Ehe abstimmen. Auch anderswo sorgt das Thema für Streit, wie eine Umfrage zeigt. weiter auf

Mediji sakrili 1.400.000 prosvjednika u Parizu

Zbog političke korektnosti, mediji su gotovo sakrili 1.400.000 ljudi koji su u nedjelju u Parizu prosvjedovali protiv usvajanja zakona o ozakonjenju istospolnih brakova koji će dovesti do mogućnosti usvajanja djece od strane takvih zajednica. Francuzi dižu glas za zaštitu prava djece da imaju mamu i tatu. Našim medijima to nije bitno. Naši mediji u ime političke korektnosti zagovaraju "pravo na dijete", kao da netko može imati pravo na dječji život. Pravo djeteta više nije bitno?
Zagovaratelji posvajanja djece od strane istospolnih zajednica ističu "argument" da je bolje da dijete bude odgajano od dva "tate" ili dvije "mame" nego da bude u domu, a prešućuju činjenicu da ima puno više obitelji sa mamom i tatom koje čekaju na usvajanje djeteta nego što uopće ima djece za usvajanje!

Chemtrails to De-Populate

Is this normal ??? the Sun and snowing

Fallout- Permafrost am 26.03.2013

Christian Family Refuses Mandatory RFID Chip at Texas School

Mandatory Microchip Implant for all Americans by March 23rd 2013, Wake Up Jacob!

It is comming Worldwide that is just a Test

Aid Raid: Fear & loathing grips Cyprus as ECB hastens debtline

Hromin Sturm: Josipović svojim mjerama maže oči javnosti! Kulić: Samo skuplja bodove kod birača!

'Građani ostaju bez posla i postaju socijalni slučajevi. Zatim traže socijalnu pomoć pa Vlada uzima kredit kod stranih banaka da im isplati pomoć i to se zove apsurd dužničkog ropstva. Tome treba stati na kraj. Čak su i robovi imali više prava nego danas radnici', zaključio je Hromin Sturm. dalje na

Illuminati ▲ Subliminal Cartoons | Walt Disney | Witchery | Pornography

Disney Porn? (Subliminal Messages)

Turn Off Your TV News, It's All Lies

Movies TV News All Lies And Propaganda

Professor Griff Exposes Will Smith Quincy Jones and More

Illuminati Gay Agenda in Hip Hop


About culture cro subs// Kultura u propadanju #4


DHS To Buy 360,000 More Rounds of Hollow Point Ammunition

Montag, 25. März 2013

Is the Quran Accurate? Ravi Zacharias explains:settled!

Različite natpise na mnogim jezicima

SKUPINA ruskih turista boravila je u Egiptu, a nakon što su razgledali kompleks piramida pričekali su da završi tura kako bi se potajno popeli na jednu od piramida. Njihov pothvat koji ih je mogao stajati zatvora rezultirao je veličanstvenim fotografijama. English Russia prenosi kako su turisti na vrhu piramide zapazili različite natpise na mnogim jezicima, a kako su se popeli, tako su se i spustili. Neopaženo.

Celebrity Twins (Almost) - "Different People" - No Doubt

Stepford Wives / Replaced Stars / Clones / Synthetic Androids

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King of all sinkholes threatens to swallow a whole neighborhood"

Scientific Discoveries Prove The Bible Is REAL History


500 Nations - Part 2 ,3 ,4


Illuminati Queen - Beyoncé's satanic baby doll

3/24/2013 -- Severe weather update

The Real Story Behind Aliens Ufos Demons Illuminati & Satanism

Retired Army Officer: DHS Must Surrender Their War Weapons to Dept. of Defense

Posted by Jim Hoft on Sunday, March 24, 2013, 10:51 AM

capt dhs

Captain Terry M. Hestilow, United States Army, Retired (Examiner)
On Saturday March 23, Terry M. Hestilow, a retired Army officer with nearly 30 years of service under his belt, posted this letter he sent to Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) this week. Hestilow wants DHS to hand over their war weapons to the Department of Defense.

The Honorable Senator John Cornyn, State of Texas
United States Senate
517 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Re: Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and that agencies preparation for war against citizens of the United States of America
Dear Senator Cornyn,
It is with gravest concern that I write to you today concerning the recent appropriation of weapons by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that can only be understood as a bold threat of war by that agency, and the Obama administration, against the citizens of the United States of America. To date, DHS has been unwilling to provide to you, the elected representatives of the People, justification for recent purchases of almost 3,000 mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) armored personnel carriers, 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition (with associated weapons), and other weapons systems, when, in fact, the DHS has no war mission or war making authority within the limits of the United States of America.
Significant is the fact that at the same time the Obama administration is arming his DHS for war within the limits of the United States against the People of the United States in accordance with his 2008 campaign speech claiming,
“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve gotta (sic) have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded [as the United States military]”–Candidate Barack Obama, 2008.
The Obama administration is deliberately defunding, overextending, and hollowing the Department of Defense; the only legitimate agency of the U.S. government with a war mission.

This act of the Obama administration stands as a glaring threat of war against our nation’s citizens!
This act of the Obama administration can only be understood as a tyrannical threat against the Constitution of the United States of America! If left unresolved, the peace loving citizens who have sworn to defend the United States Constitution “against all enemies, both foreign and domestic” are left no option except to prepare to defend themselves, and the U.S. Constitution, against this Administration’s “coup” against the People and the foundations of liberty fought for and defended for the past 238 years. We have no choice if we honor our oaths.
The only proper response to this threat against the American people is for the representatives of the People, the members of the U.S. House and Senate, to demand in clear terms that the Administration cannot ignore, that the Department of Homeland Security immediately surrender their newly appropriated weapons of war to the Department of Defense (DoD). Further, since the DHS has assumed a position in the Administration to enforce the tyrannical acts of this president against the People of the United States against the limits of the United States Constitution, it remains for the United States Congress to exercise its limiting power in the balancing of powers established by our founding fathers, to disestablish and dissolve the DHS as soon as possible. One needs only to look to the rise of Adolf Hitler, and his associated DHS organizations, the SA and the SS, of 1932-1934, to see the outcome of allowing an agency of government this kind of control over the free citizens of a nation. The people of Germany could not have imagined, until it was too late, the danger of allowing a tyrant this kind of power. We must not be so naïve as to think it will not happen to us as well if we remain passive toward this power grab by the Marxist Obama administration!
Finally, for more than two centuries the nation has lived in peace at home because of the protections of our legitimate military and the many appropriate state and federal law enforcement agencies, supported by Constitutional courts. We stand today at a cross-road. Will we allow this present Administration to overthrow our United States Constitution and its legal processes to amend injustices, or, will we honor our obligations to defend the Constitution against a “domestic” enemy? Our Constitution lays out the proper methods of resolving our differences; and it does not include its overthrow by a rogue agency of a Marxist leadership at home. You, sir, are our constitutionally elected agent to defend our Constitution at home. We are counting upon you. We remain aware, however, of this present threat and will not expose ourselves as an easy prey to the authors of the destruction of our nation.
I know that this letter demands much of you. We elected you because we, the citizens of the State of Texas, believe that you are up to the task at hand and will, against all threats, honor your oath and office. We are also writing to your fellow members of the House and Senate to stand in integrity with the Constitution and against this present threat by the Obama administration and his DHS.
We refuse to surrender our Constitution or our nation!
Captain Terry M. Hestilow
United States Army, Retired
Fort Worth, Texas
March 23, 2013

Upset American Lady Despairing With The USA - Morris Voice Over

2013-03-24 - Wetterwerte jenseits der Natürlichkeit - Weather values beyond naturalness

Left Behind // Wake UP


500 Nations

Tape # 1: "The Ancestors." Explores the creation stories of several tribes and continues with the early inhabitants, from the Anasazi of the Southwest to the glory of the Mayan cities.

Tape # 2: "Mexico." Starts in 650 A.D. and continues with "The Rise of the Aztecs," "The Invasion," "The Fall." This is the most fascinating and my favorite

The Arab Muslim Slave Trade Of The Hebrews, The Untold Story

they feed the Clouds

Michael Moore 90% Of Guns Owned By "Scared White People"

Damascus Phone Call Bashar is Ok 24/25 March 2013

Army is Winning, just Turkish generated rumours to demoralise the military. The opposition is falling apart somewhat. But the conflict is likely to spill over to a regional war.
Anonymous source
Recorded over midnight, hence the date stamp 24/25 March

Sonntag, 24. März 2013

'Ostojić i Vlada zaboravljaju da je zdravstveni sustav nacionalno nasljeđe koje pripada narodu'

'Sve radnje Ministarstva zdravlja, donošenje Zakona poklapaju se s interesima krupnog kapitala i farmaceutskog lobija, profit, manje osoblja, manja i skuplja zdravstvena usluga, zar želimo zdravstveni sustav gdje će nam za liječenje Ene Šarac biti potrebno 200 tisuća kuna, a Biljane Smolčić 30 tisuća eura. Vlada i ministar Ostojić, zaboravljaju da je zdravstveni sustav nacionalno nasljeđe koje pripada građanima Republike Hrvatske, a ne Vladi i ministru Ostojiću', kaže Dražen Vidović. dalje na

Chemtrails connected to UN 2013 Report? 'Earth is in the midst of a Mass Extinction of Life'

~study NWO Eugenics Depopulation Agenda ... and google Georgia Guidestones (for a start)


Der portugiesische Kinderschänderskandal | 24.03.2013 |

„Die Fassungslosigkeit über den Kinderschänderskandal in Belgien überschattete seinerzeit die Geschehnisse in Portugal: Dort wurde im November 2002 aufgedeckt, dass in staatlichen Kinderheimen über Jahrzehnte hinweg
Hunderte von Jungen und Mädchen sexuell missbraucht worden waren. Die

24 Facts About 9/11 That Cannot Be Debunked

Truth About illuminati Documentary-Luciferian Conspiracy

Visit my site for more information:

Some people really cant grasp the FACT the Lord's son came to be a ransom for our sins. As if it's a fairytale. Yahshua the messiah love is real, and its when you find this out you find true unconditional love. Even when you don't believe in him he loves you, think of how much more he can show you that if you open up to him...give him a chance. Not religion but a true relationship, a growing love, a captured heart of a creature for its creator. More than rules and guidelines, when true love steps in.

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Lord Save Us ALL!

Aliens Come From Hell

Real NASA footage of fallen angels in space & a look into ancient structures on the moon

Prisjetite se 'Istine o kojoj se u Hrvatskoj šuti'

 od :

Jesu li naši političari svjesni toga što čine ovom narodu? Jesu li svjesni toga da će ulaskom u EU u vrlo kratkom roku sva dobra prijeći u vlasništvo bjelosvjetske mafije i da će naš narod biti najamna radna snaga, bolje rečeno robovi.
Prije tri godine u javnost je izašao tekst pod naslovom 'Istina o kojoj se u

#GEZ #Demo mit der #PdV Partei der Vernunft #Berlin 23.03.2013

ASTONISHING MASSIVE HAARP Sonic Sculpting to Deceive the Masses HAS BEGUN!!!

Illuminati Hollywood Full Disclosure by Hollywood Insiders

Hear Microwaves - Microwellen hören - Slušaj Mikrovalove

Unsichtbare Hand: Die Agenda schreitet voran – Chodorkowski-Rothschild-Connection

 translate on the right corner
za prevest  na desnom gore čosku
 von : PravdaTv

Wir werden eine Weltregierung haben, ob wir es wollen oder nicht. Die einzige Frage ist nur, ob die Weltregierung durch Eroberung oder durch die Zustimmung erreicht werden kann.
Das war am 17. Februar 1950, als James Paul Warburg vor dem Senat der Vereinigten Staaten sprach. James Warburg war der Sohn von Paul Moritz Warburg und der Neffe von Felix Warburg und Jacob Schiff, beide von Kuhn, Loeb & Company. Max Warburg, James’ Bruder, war Vorsitzender des „Rates für Auswärtige Beziehungen“ („Council on Foreign Relations“, CFR) und schleuste durch seine deutsche Bank

Schäden und Verletzte bei Tornados in China und Australien (Videos)

“Irgendwann war alles in der Luft”, schildert ein Augenzeuge in Australien. In China verschärfte der Hagel die Situation – 24 Menschen starben und 200.000 mussten in Sicherheit gebracht werden.
Mehrere Tornados haben in Australien Verwüstungen “wie nach einem Bomben-einschlag” angerichtet. 20 Menschen wurden verletzt, zwei davon schwer, berichteten die Rettungsdienste. Angesichts der Zerstörung

This Teacher Is Murder Of Love!

Creepy eyed Golem lol

This guy was on Judge Milian look at his slit pupils! l was laughing at my son not the tv.....he always makes me laugh ; )

The Illuminati, Scientology, Hollywood, Agenda 21, Post Humanism, & The Rewilding of North America

Make viral! Please, let us move forward!!!!!

Are These Really (Legit) Airliners by Scott Stevens

Die Welle des islamischen Tsunamis wird uns überspülen German

Samstag, 23. März 2013

about Brainwash

unterschazt niemals die starke der Menschen in grossen gruppen
dont ever  underestimate power of big people in a group

SDP i HDZ bi u EU parlamentu pljeskali i majmunima; Hrvati će zato završiti u rezervatu kao Indijanci!'

Istrijani će poput Indijanaca završiti u rezervatu ispod Učke, kamo će turistički vodiči vikendom dovoditi goste da vide 'čudnovate bivše stanovnike' istarskog poluotoka – predviđa Bruno Langer, dok dr. Srećko Sladoljev kaže da bi bilo bolje da nas u Bruxellesu zastupaju iskreni sakupljači boca, nego profesionalni eurofili.  Više informcija...

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for ennglish sub youtube CC button

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'Junk food' je svjesno osmišljen za stvaranje ovisnosti

od :
Deseci milijuna ljudi svakodnevno konzumira 'junk food' iako su svjesni štetnosti aditiva i kalorija koju ova hrana krije u sebi. Čak i oni najtvrđi

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EXPOSED! G20 Toronto Police Agent Provocateurs in Video and Photos


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Demons are REAL

Be not deceived . There are many antichrists.

2013-0321 Are These Really (Legit) Airliners?

Freitag, 22. März 2013

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Iako u prvi tren nelogično, a mnogi bi rekli i licemjerno ovo kandidiranje zapravo, uz malo detaljnije promatranje donosi jednu sasvim drugačiju sliku od one osuđujuće kojoj je većina ljudi sklona. Možda bi bilo dobro da postavimo pitanje sebi i drugima: zašto bi netko tko godinama piše knjige, prosvjeduje, buni se na sve moguće načine protiv sustava, ugrožava karijeru, odjednom želio naklonost građana koji bi mu na ovaj način (izborima) trebali iskazati povjerenje? Potrebno je i upitati se što žele 'takvi' buntovnici koji zaziru od hrvatske politike i onoga u što se razvila? Bez obzira što ulazimo u EU, ka

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Water, Consciousness & Intent: Dr. Masaru Emoto

Masaru Emoto was born in Yokohama, Japan in July 1943 and a graduate of the Yokohama Municipal University's department of humanities and sciences with a focus on International Relations. In 1986 he established the IHM Corporation in Tokyo. In October of 1992 he received certification from the Open International University as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine. Subsequently he was introduced to the concept of micro cluster water in the US and Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology. The quest thus began to discover the mystery of water.

He undertook extensive research of water around the planet not so much as a scientific researcher, but more from the perspective of an original thinker. At length he realized that it was in the frozen crystal form that water showed us its true nature through. He has gained worldwide acclaim through his groundbreaking research and discovery that water is deeply connected to our individual and collective consciousness.

He is the author of the best-selling books Messages from Water, The Hidden Messages in Water, and The True Power of Water. He is a long-time advocate for peace in relation to water. He is currently the head of the I.H.M.General Research Institute and President Emeritus of the International Water for Life Foundation, a Not for Profit Organization.

Mr. Emoto has been visually documenting these molecular changes in water by means of his photographic techniques. He freezes droplets of water and then examines them under a dark field microscope that has photographic capabilities.

Some examples from his works include:

Water from clear mountain springs and streams had beautifully formed crystalline structures, while the crystals of polluted or stagnant water were deformed and distorted.

Distilled water exposed to classical music took delicate, symmetrical crystalline shapes.

When the words "thank you" were taped to a bottle of distilled water, the frozen crystals had a similar shape to the crystals formed by water that had been exposed to Bach's "Goldberg Variations"- music composed out of gratitude to the man it was named for.

When water samples were bombarded with heavy metal music or labeled with negative words, or when negative thoughts and emotions were focused intentionally upon them, such as "Adolf Hitler", the water did not form crystals at all and displayed chaotic, fragmented structures.

When water was treated with aromatic floral oils, the water crystals tended to mimic the shape of the original flower.

Sometimes, when we cannot see the immediate results of our affirmations and or prayers, we think we have failed. But, as we learn through Masaru Emoto's photographs, that thought of failure itself becomes represented in the physical objects that surround us. Now that we have seen this, perhaps we can begin to realize that even when immediate results are invisible to the unaided human eye, they are still there. When we love our own bodies, they respond. When we send our love to the Earth, she responds.

For our own bodies at birth are more than 60 percent water, and the percentage of water in our bodies remains high throughout life (depending upon weight and body type). The earth's surface is more than 60 percent water as well. And now we have seen before our eyes that water is far from inanimate, but is actually alive and responsive to our every thought and emotion. Perhaps, having seen this, we can begin to really understand the awesome power that we possess, through choosing our thoughts and intentions, to heal ourselves and the earth. If only we believe.

Whether you participate in global meditations, or simply do this inner work in the quiet of your own loving mind and heart -- we can heal the body of our earth and recreate a clear, pristine world to hand down to our children for seven generations.

Wikipedia:  Masaru Emoto