Donnerstag, 20. November 2014

PEOPLE WHO DO NOT KNOW THE DISEASE: Lifetime of them 120 years old, born and 65! This is their secret

They are a true example of that way of life, approximate the ideal, really exists. Hunza swim in the icy water, even at a temperature of 15 degrees below zero, and with 65 years to have children.

In summer they eat raw fruits and vegetables, and consume during winter dried apricots, sprouted grains and sheep cheese. There is a period when the Hunza nothing to eat, and he was known as the "hungry spring." The name comes from the fact that the fruit is then still immature, and then only drink the juice of dried apricots. The period lasts from 2 to 4 months, and their history is strictly respected as highly exalted cult.

Protein entries in the smallest quantities, and entered into a daily average of 1 933 calories, of which 50 g protein, 36 g fat, and 365 g carbohydrates.

From the experience of many foreigners newcomer, who had moved into the valley of the River Hunza, they concluded that the main factor in longevity of life a healthy diet.

Scottish doctor Mek Harrison's return to England, carried out an experiment on a large number of animals. One group was fed a normal diet London working families, which had to include white bread, herring, refined sugar, canned foods and cooked vegetables. As a result of such a diet, the animals appeared various human diseases. Another group of animals was fed food Hunza and remained perfectly healthy.

A Chinese magazine in 1984 described a very interesting event. One of Hunza, named Said Adbul Mobuda, baffled all workers immigration service at London's Heathrow Airport, when he showed his passport. He was born in 1832 and had a 160 years. It was considered resident in the country of Hunza, and remembered the events back to 1850.

The book, "Hunza - people who do not know about the disease," the authors R. Birčer, outlines the basis of their diet, claiming that they are the key to a healthy life:

- Vegetarian diet vision; a large amount of raw foods; in the diet dominated by fruits and vegetables; natural products; without inserted chemistry; Foods that are saved so you can keep all its biologically valuable materials; alcohol and sweets are on the list of foods that rarely entered; observe regular fasting period.

At the International Congress on carcinogenic diseases in Paris, marked in August 1977, the experts reported that "according to information geokancerologije (Science for cancer research in different regions of the world), the complete absence of cancer occurs only among the people of Hunza."

For them to go 100 to 200 miles a day, the same thing for us to walk around the house. Hunza climbing the steep mountain was time job, and go down the cheerful and energetic.

Their constant smiling face and good humor also contribute to helping ensure better mental and physical health.

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