Freitag, 28. November 2014

The Muslim Antichrist Has Just Given The Most Important And Shocking Speech Of The Century

In what we consider to be the most shocking video recordings of Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdoğan at two speeches in Istanbul which reveals the amazing evidence to what has been saying over a decade, the spirit, goal and aim of the Muslim Antichrist which seems to all manifest in Turkey’s star leader. Erdogan expressed his desire to catapult Turkey into an Islamic Empire stemming from Istanbul and covering the entire Muslim world in support of the Caliphate dream map of a ten-Muslim state confederacy.
In two remarkable astonishing recorded speeches one can summarize the definition of Antichrist, who is a Hitler type figure, except this arising prince is not originating from Europe’s Germany but from Turkey (1). The Turkish Sultan wanna be Caliph, Hitler-Erdogan,  who is beginning to fit the bill as he displayed his demonic tirades and hallucinations proclaiming Muslims as a special people going as far as prop

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