Donnerstag, 10. Juli 2014

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY "chipping started: The survey found that one in three people in the body already has implanted RFID chip! Chipping started: The survey found that one in three people in the body already has implanted RFID chip!

In an article published this week, will be detailed study of nearly 3,000 individuals, which have identified nearly 1,000 people, which were implanted RFID chips

The U.S. Institute of Technology entitled "Wyoming Institute of Technology" conducted a study in which it came to a whopping data or truth that is well hidden from the large public. That survey they conducted randomly showed that already at this point, every third man in America in his body has a RFID microchip. Best of all is that these people do not know anything about it. They did not know that in their body embedded microchip which is completely terrifying.

In an article published this week, describe a detailed study conducted on nearly 3000 individuals, which have identified nearly 1,000 people, which were implanted RFID chips.

Leading scientist studies John Brug, Ph.D. said the following:

     "We decided to do this study, because of the public interest for implanting RFID and the fear that it might be normal. It turns out, however, that it is already common. We found that a shockingly large number of Americans carrying RFID implants in your body. The vast majority of these people are completely unaware that they had been implanted chip. I hope that this study will lead to a society stop and truly consider the consequences and effect of implantation of RFID in humans. "

The study looked at the incidence of implantation of RFID, as well as implanting the already usual places on the body. In addition to the general well-known sites for implanting, such as the back of the hand, they also found many RFID chips, which were embedded in dental fillings. Function chips varied, but the study authors suggest that in many discover personal identity, including social security number, as well as medical records.

The best way to determine if you had been implanted RFID chip, is to consult with a qualified physician to professionally scan your entire body with the RFID reader. Concerned citizens can also try to scan it yourself, but civil scanners are not always sensitive enough to detect embedded RFID chips.

This research proves that the fears of mankind chipping fully grounded but also denounced the criminals who do secretly. They secretly mikročipiraju population, according to the survey in collaboration with physicians, dentists and other professionals where people are left to their absolute trust and that is brutally betrayed.

If one in three Americans secretly has an embedded microchip, this means that in the U.S. alone there are approximately 100 million people mikročipiranih. But it is not certain that microchipping stops at the borders of the United States. Nothing can isključliti no secret microchipping rest of the world because this study was completely by accident and the results extremely shocking and surprising are the scientists who did not expect. Following the publication of this article does not even have to mention the rights of panic gripped because people wear "the mark of the beast" in it and that it does not even know!

RFID Revelation 14:9 states: "For them, And the third angel who cried out with a loud voice:" If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or hand, will drink of the wine of God's wrath, poured out without mixture into the cup of wrath his! I will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the holy angels and before the Lamb. The smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever. Day and night they have no rest, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. "

Due to the fact that in Revelation as emphatically that the "mark of the beast" installed by the free will and free choice, unconsciously stamping people is nothing but forcible seizure free will to mankind but also propaganda that proves that microchipping, stamping people is no science fiction. This is no conspiracy theory or fabrication but brutal reality and truth.

Around us but walking microchipped beings more or can not be called humans because they are just by being microchipped in government whoever controls the chip and not the power of God as it should be will be.

By all accounts, want to plan their enslavement of God's creatures working for many years in secret. So over secret chipping they already tomorrow may include the fatal "click" and do what they want. People are like seeing brutally deceived and enslaved, and overnight them seized power over himself and the government is committed to the hands of Lucifer, the prince of this world which is so easily left to "reptiles" that the leaders of this global system. Are you also microchipped? You can not exclude that you are not.

(, day / edited: NSP)

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