Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014

The genesis of Homo-Gestapo

Following the response to the article of the portal, Terror gya Fascists: The world-famous opera singer was fired in Australia, I would like to offer you thinking, which explains in detail a little-known origins of Homo-Gestapo:

Hitler - homofrend 1921, 1922 ... 1945

For each Prajd necessarily going choice "homophobia year" and "Homofrenda year." However, one particular homofrenda to the gay movement gladly jumped,

although he did for the German gay community as much as anyone else: Adolf Hitler.
His political party was formed by gay men, and were above average representation in leadership positions: Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Goering, Reinhard Heydrich, Rudolf Hess, Albert Speer ... very little is known Nazi names that were not gay.

His political party was formed by gay men, and were above average representation in leadership positions: Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Goering, Reinhard Heydrich, Rudolf Hess, Albert Speer ... very little is known Nazi names that were not gay. The first party meetings were held in Munich gay bar.

The party militia (SA) was formed exclusively by gay men. Hitler's personal guard was always 100% gay, his adjutant, chauffeur, private and party lawyers, financial advisers, secretaries ... all gays from the bottom tubs.

Party meetings were held in Munich gay bar. The party militia (SA) was formed exclusively by gay men. Hitler's personal guard was always 100% gay, his adjutant, chauffeur, private and party lawyers, financial advisers, secretaries ... all gays from the bottom tubs.

Today the LGBT-community unjustly conceals homofrenda such caliber. Indeed, gay activists depict gays Nazi victims at par Jews. Almost everyone who today oppose LGBT-in has a great chance to get the label to the top of homophobes and even a Nazi - as dr.Judith Reisman, for example. Who then is this crazy? On the one hand, and kapitalci Nazi partisans - gays, party militias - exclusively gay, personal guard - gay ... but then again, Nazi victims
- Gays. Book Lively and Abrams: "The Pink Swastika" reveals silenced gay roots of Nazism. [In this article, the term "gay" is used for all LGBT].

While America 1890s was still under the impression of Billy the Kid, Germany was a dream for EU homosexuals. Gaybarovi, brothels, bath, cabarets (the film "Cabaret," Liza Minelli) ... first gay publications in the world with constant publication ("Der Eigene") ... first association in the world for the gay-rights ... Then Germany was progressive and tolerant just like America today. Gays have had only one problem: not all live in harmony today as lesbians, gays, pedophiles and other advanced alphabet. They were divided into "Butch" (maskulizirane) and "Fem" (feminine) gays.


"Butch" and "Fem" gays

Those gays who placed us in movies and TV shows are "Fem": romantic comedy, the main female character has gaya neighbor or roommate with whom can share fashion details. Beautiful creatures are what we must see: cute "pals" witty, sophisticated, never bad characters.

And then we in rare situations flashed before my eyes pumped some guys in black leather pants, boots and belts, with whips, SS caps and black glasses ... But I'll be back one idyllic image of fashion

gayprijatelja conscious. What we see in a moment like an optical illusion, it's "Butch." Since these characters (and pedophiles) quite difficult to imagine as a victim, then you are in the LGBT-movement agreed that we will not bother with them in her moan. So "Butch" then despised "Femove", like everything else feminized. maskuliziranim Add gay Prussian militarism after the military defeat - and you've got a deadly combination, you are as German export product felt by millions across Europe 1940s. [it is interesting that the largest export product today superpower America just homoseksualizacija and foreign policy priority in the range of combating terrorism.]

German law at the time forbade homosexual practice. Offenders had to cooperate with the "Institute for Sexual Research" ("Institut für Sexualwissenschaft"). He led the "Femovi" and therefore had a sizable cabinet of "Femovima" and "Butch." When Hitler came to power, his first move was to take the institute. Those famous scenes of Nazi book-burning 1933rd are actually burning documents that Institute (!). [they forgot to tell us on TV]. Nazis got rid of compromising evidence of his homosexuality. (Lenz: "we know too much ... or 10% of those who took the fate of Germany 1933rd not any sexually normal ")

Nazi Party ("Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei" - NSDAP) was not right-wing, as it is a misconception. Nazism was a form of socialism ("sozialistische"). [That is why they are at the forefront of the Gay Pride politicians-leftists]. Nazism aka "National Socialism" was a narrow-minded nationalist character, unlike the communist internationalism.

Before the Nazi party changed its name from the Workers' Party ("Deutsche Arbeiterpartei"), party members have met in a gay bar "Bratwurstgloeckl" in Munich - where he had reserved a table influential "Butch" homosexual Ernst Roehm. Exactly he helped Hitler to take over the party.

Many first gay Nazis were also members of the "Society for Human Rights" ("Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte", based 1919th). Since it will be the 1924th arise and American "Society for Human Rights" for gay rights, whose work will be slightly interrupted due to the arrest of Vice society with few, regarding the sexual abuse of boys. From this advanced institutions later will head the U.S. and the world's gay visit today. German "Society for human Rights" is the membership associated with Nazism. The party militia, SA ("Sturmabteilung") was composed almost 100%
of gay men. "Brown Shirts" have beaten opponents and intimidate people, and they were very helpful.

"The night long (Gay) Blade"

By the 1934th Nazi party militia membership has expanded to 3 million, with pioneers-gays on top. The head of the SA, Roehm became a rival and the Hitler. He insisted that with only part of the German army, while retaining their ranks. SA compiled a list of hunting military officers who opposed it. Hitler was under pressure from the military and industrialists to solve Roehm (Brauchitsch: "gang of homosexuals, thugs and drunks should not be allowed to be part of German rearmament"). The "Night of the Long Knives" Hitler killed political opponents. Today's gay activists to take the first evidence of homophobic policies of Hitler. Hitler's publicly justify "cleansing of homosexuality." But actually killed quite a few gay men. And what he did, died at the hands of other gay men. Wrenched a way few vicekancelarovih secretary and Catholic leaders. From 13 commander SA, killed on 7 others were placed under the command of SS (Himmler, gay). Hitler was primarily a politician, and one stroke solve a dangerous rival, and along the way he acted resolve the issue of homosexuality in the party, which was buzzing German public.

Today's gay activists will spit on these allegations as counterpoints attach Hitler's laws. Will indicate that Hitler 1933rd banned pornography, homosexual bars and bath, as well as groups that promote gay rights. However, the law is being applied selectively only to "Femove." In practice, such a blanket condemnation of homosexual activity served as yet another way to find and destroy anti-Nazi groups and individuals. 1935th was the law removed the word "unnatural" for homosexual behavior. Since 1937th only after 4.ponavljanja caught sending someone to prison or labor camp.

 The camps - homosexuality produced Nazism
 Approximately 6,000 of the 10,000 gay men - "pink triangle" has died in labor camps. Some died of homosexual hands. Undetermined is the proportion of people falsely labeled as homosexuals. Killed less than 1% of homosexuals occupied Europe. Although the German population was only 2.2% of homosexuals, had a share of 20% among the camp guards. Kapo were homosexuals in disproportionate numbers. Towards the end of the war, many homosexuals were transferred from the camp to the regular army. The book "The Pink Swastika" crashes myth about gays as victims, and shows just the opposite: that homosexuality is produced Nazism.

Nazi philosophy

German psychiatrist of the time, H.Blueher claimed that male homosexual sex and spiritual Energizing good thing. Women should be reduced to a purely biological function, and the family as a society should be eliminated. [The man was truly ahead of his time, as we all perceive]. Samuel Game 1940s noted that homoseksualizacija become a real cult of the ruling class of Germany before the rise of Hitler. That is written today instead of 1945th, his book ("Germany's National Vice") would certainly declared hate speech. Written just after the end of homo-fascism, is an authentic "time capsule" firsthand. Inconvenient.

Homoerotizam underpinning Nazism, together with the pagan occult. Maskulizirani homosexuals were ideal, the ruling race. Did not consider themselves gay. Only effeminate homosexuals were harassed, usually by maskuliziranih homosexuals. This explains why it is less than 2% of homosexuals were prosecuted on the basis of "homophobic" anti-Nazi laws sodomijskih. 1930s in Germany said "eradicate homosexuality and fascism will disappear" (M.Gorki). "The emphasis on masculinity has produced a generation of perverts" (W.Manchester: "The Arms of Krupp").

Nazism and Christianity

Major religions condemn homosexuality. That is why today's gay activists Christianity enemy # 1, as well as the Nazis. After the Jews, the Christians would be next in line. However, it must have tactics - but here's the statement: Martin Bormann: "National Socialism and Christianity are irreconcilable." Hermann Rauschning: "Someone is either a Christian or a German. It can not be both. "1935th the Gestapo arrested 700 Protestant clergy because the altar denounced neo-paganism. Nazis confiscated Protestant seminaries and Catholic monasteries. Warthegau was declared the first region" cleansed of churches "in the Reich. The decree prohibited all Catholic magazines and newspapers. Christian holidays are replaced by a neo-pagan. Crosses are removed from hospitals and schools. Prayer in schools is suspended 1935th From 1941st catechism has been discontinued for over 14 years.

What are contemporaries spoke of Hitler

 Today's gay activists deny that Hitler was gay. I let everyone judge: Apparently Mussolini had evidence "... that Hitler was a male prostitute in Vienna in 1907-1912 and in 1912-1914 Minchen." (Seward: "Napoleon and Hitler"). From 1943rd be punished with death any mention that Hitler was homosexual. Hitler's military records as a young man in World War I: "Despite the courage of the enemy, because of his homosexual activity is lost
opportunities for advancement. "Hitler had homosexual relationship with Rudolf Hesse while they were in prison. All Nazi campaign against homosexuality was orchestrated to conceal Hitler's homosexual past. ordered the executions of people who know firsthand of his homosexuality. Hitler was koprofil (a person who is sexually aroused by human excrement). His sexual encounters with women are included, as well as forms of masochism. (Waite, "Vanguard of Nazism: the Free Corps Movement in Postwar Germany 1918-1923") and (Langer: "The Mind of Adolf Hitler: The Secret Wartime Report"). All women who have had a sexual relationship with him, tried to kill himself, two succeeded. Into Files Department vice squad in Munich is a series of young men
identify Hitler as the man who had "picked up" on the streets because of homosexual relations. Hitler was sexually abused by Wagner's grandson Wieland 1920s. While he was preadolescent. He later became Hitler's protege (Spotts, in an interview in Time). Is it enough different sources? If you do not already gay activists are not recognized as "his", deserves at least be declared homofrendom all these years.


Today's "political correctness" suppress intellectual dissent to an extent not seen since the time of the Third Reich. At the advanced West today is "verboten" all of which negatively reflects on the gay movement. That scares. Today gaypokret be compared to the Nazi version differs in style, but not in essence. It remains characteristically selfish and hedonistic, and continues to define against what is against society based on Judeo-Christian family.

People have long wondered how the German people imbued Nazism. Last year we made ​​it easier to understand than before: just as the Western public has embraced the gay movement. Manipulation, deception, lies, propaganda / marketing, briefly: hypnosis. Today people accept for normal what their parents, grandparents and all the great-great-great ... never have. They were all stupid and backward, and so 2000 years.

We live in ignorance. So far we know only what we allow gay people to know about them. I do not know that the Nazis were homosexuals in huge disproportion with respect to the share of the population. I do not know that skinheads associated with the homosexual community (France, Germany, Britain). We do not know the high prevalence of homosexuality within the white supremacist organization, the Ku Klux Klan ... I do not know a lot because we are not concerned subculture. Now that he has become "nadkulturom," now is the time to find out all the information, no matter how much it hated anyone. Increase homosexual aggression is associated with the emergence of aggressive Butch-faction in American politics ("Queer Nation" called "smeđekošuljašima" and "Lavender -fascists "), similar to what happened in Germany. And in Germany and in the U.S. gay movement launched effeminate homosexuals and later it generally assumes "Butch." Homo-fascism did not die with Hitler and Nazism. Lives in the gay culture. Perhaps the most valuable statement gay porn filmmakers LaBruce's when he says: "All the gay porn today is implicitly fascist. Fascism is in our bones, since it is
glorifying white male supremacy and the fetishization of domination, cruelty, power and monstrous authority ". [Heil Gay!]

Homosexual activists, when it comes to freedom of speech, are Nazis. When it comes to freedom of religion, they are Nazis. There is no room for dissent, there is no discussion about the disease. The gay movement has always managed to pull the victim role: even if gays are killing each other geyeve. Being a homophobe 1940s meant it literally - fear them. Homosexuality is always associated with personal and social destruction, just like with any mental disorder if he be allowed to succumb.

Potential homosexuality social destruction deterrent. With this potential, homosexuality has produced Nazism. And these are unpopular fact that today have a problem with political correctness. The worse for the facts. Today, homosexuality does not produce Nazism but because produces loss of freedom of speech, verbal delict and tort opinions, institutional educational homo-recruitment of children, parents and parents-A-B ... just do not know what it's called common name.

source: | e-lustracija/fb
dr.Judith Reisman o knjizi "Pink Swastika"

taken and translated :

 --- saturn golden age cycle cube cresent baal shamash el chronos time hexagram symbol sin moon old new 1000 year aon eon rule space ne world order set satan secret sun archaic helios heliopolis ancient Stur Ninurta El Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan dragon Baphomet goddess witchcraft Artemis Cybele Sin Lucifera Diana Samael Lilith Ishtar Inanna Mary queen of heaven Zeitgeist Bible Book of Revelations 2012 Star of David Israel Judaism Jews Synagogue of Satan Saturnus Roman god pagan religions Roman Catholic Church Pope Vatican conspiracy Jesus Christ Christianity Christians xjohn xrevelator xlivescom HeroOfChristArchives 666 Cult Of Saturn Saturnalian cult revealed Saturnalian brotherhood Saturnian Brotherhood Saturnalia 666 The Mark of the Beast 666 The Number of the Beast Satan Lucifer devil satanic Luciferian Antichrist Dajjal false messiah false prophet Occult Freemasons Freemasonry Masons Masonry Illuminati symbolism hexagram pentagram all-seeing eye New World Order NWO star planet Chuin Kiyyun Kewan Kaiwan Kayawanu Sakkuth Siccuth Sikkuth Star of Remphan Remphan Rephan Rompha Moloch Molech star-gods Watchers aliens angels phoenician red heads hair tribe of dan philo yahu bible fallen purple evil nazi pit crystals inner earth titans zeus giants enoch occult witchcraft saloman demons angeles elohim eloy ilu anu anunaki sumeria pirates black planet star AMBOSS, ANVIL, STEEL/METAL, HARD, ROCK, BLACK, ADAMANTIUM, ADAMITE ADAMAS, AMANDA, ADAM, DIAMOND, CRYSTAL, CUBE, ICE, FIRE, HELL, 9, TARTARUS, ABYSS, PIT, ENTITIES, INSECTS, LOCUST, LEGION, ANTS, BEES, WOMAN, ELOHIM, FALLEN, ANCIENT ONES, BOUND, TRAPPED, FROZEN, SEALED, IMPRISONED, CONTAINED, LOCKED, TIME, DAY, NEW,like,instagood ,photooftheday,follow,instalike,instamood,igers ,all_shots,picoftheday,instadaily,bestoftheday,igdaily,followme,webstagram,tweegram,
--- saturn golden age cycle cube cresent baal shamash el chronos time hexagram symbol sin moon old new 1000 year aon eon rule space ne world order set satan secret sun archaic helios heliopolis ancient Stur Ninurta El Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan dragon Baphomet goddess witchcraft Artemis Cybele Sin Lucifera Diana Samael Lilith Ishtar Inanna Mary queen of heaven Zeitgeist Bible Book of Revelations 2012 Star of David Israel Judaism Jews Synagogue of Satan Saturnus Roman god pagan religions Roman Catholic Church Pope Vatican conspiracy Jesus Christ Christianity Christians xjohn xrevelator xlivescom HeroOfChristArchives 666 Cult Of Saturn Saturnalian cult revealed Saturnalian brotherhood Saturnian Brotherhood Saturnalia 666 The Mark of the Beast 666 The Number of the Beast Satan Lucifer devil satanic Luciferian Antichrist Dajjal false messiah false prophet Occult Freemasons Freemasonry Masons Masonry Illuminati symbolism hexagram pentagram all-seeing eye New World Order NWO star planet Chuin Kiyyun Kewan Kaiwan Kayawanu Sakkuth Siccuth Sikkuth Star of Remphan Remphan Rephan Rompha Moloch Molech star-gods Watchers aliens angels phoenician red heads hair tribe of dan philo yahu bible fallen purple evil nazi pit crystals inner earth titans zeus giants enoch occult witchcraft saloman demons angeles elohim eloy ilu anu anunaki sumeria pirates black planet star AMBOSS, ANVIL, STEEL/METAL, HARD, ROCK, BLACK, ADAMANTIUM, ADAMITE ADAMAS, AMANDA, ADAM, DIAMOND, CRYSTAL, CUBE, ICE, FIRE, HELL, 9, TARTARUS, ABYSS, PIT, ENTITIES, INSECTS, LOCUST, LEGION, ANTS, BEES, WOMAN, ELOHIM, FALLEN, ANCIENT ONES, BOUND, TRAPPED, FROZEN, SEALED, IMPRISONED, CONTAINED, LOCKED, TIME, DAY, NEW,like,instagood ,photooftheday,follow,instalike,instamood,igers ,all_shots,picoftheday,instadaily,bestoftheday,igdaily,followme,webstagram,tweegram,milanovic,hrvatska,ljubav,nogomet,košarka,zagreb,bjelovar,karlovac
slovenia,srbia,crna,gora,brazilija,hrt,rtl,novatv,vjera,dnevnik, Sport,Nogomet,Košarka,Formula 1,Tenis,Ostali sportovi,Hrvatska,Regija,Svijet,Crna kronika,Misteriji,Bizarno,Komentari,Kultura,Pozitiva


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