Moving-Earth DECEPTION!! - The Earth is NOT Moving!! by Bernard Brauer Last Updated November 16th 2008
Tue, 11/18/2008 - 22:01 — Arthur Cristian
Moving-Earth DECEPTION!! - The Earth is NOT Moving!!
[Note: Please use above link to site numerous links embedded in this document including photos, diagrams and graphics. A reduced/edited version has been provided below and the larger original document is located further down on this page but is messy.]
Moving-Earth DECEPTION!!
By Bernard Brauer
Question: Why is it ( the stationary Earth truth ) important?
Answer: A stationary Earth = automatically means that stars orbit Earth once each Sidereal Day ( 23hrs 56min 4sec )
= no 14 billion light year radius of universe
= no 14 billion year age of universe
= destroys time needed for EVOLUTION MYTH
= entire world's "knowledge" based on "science falsely so called" is exposed as a colossal DECEPTION
= restores Bible credibility
= widespread efforts to follow Bible's rules including belief in afterlife with system of magnified rewards and punishments
= existing "crime" ( sin ) rate collapses. WAKE-UP ICR ( Institute for Creation Research ) and AiG ( Answers in Genesis )!!! More HERE.
If the Earth were going around the Sun, then the speed of the satellite would have to adjust due to the different gravitational pull of the Earth. When the satellite is behind the Earth it would have to "chase" the Earth. When in front of Earth, the Earth would chase the satellite. Since the Earth is supposedly going around the Sun with the speed of 107,534 km/hr, the speed of the satellite would have to DRASTICALLY change to account for the change of the gravity pull.
If the universe revolves around the Earth, Earth's gravitational pull on the satellite would be the same regardless of its position on the orbit. Furthermore, the Sun and Moon's gravities acting on Earth would balance. The Sun is bigger but farther. The Moon is smaller but closer.
1. The Earth doesn't have centrifugal force. Gravity is the same all over the Earth because the Earth doesn't move. If it did, the centrifugal force would make objects weigh TWICE less on Equator than for example in Vancouver, Canada.
2. Doing the same experiment with a SOUND WAVE fortunately can check this. Doppler's effect would apply.
3. Michelson-Morley experiment doesn't indicate that the light travels with the same speed independent of Earth's motion. It indicates that the Earth is stationary.
4. Microwave radiation is 2.7 all over the Earth because the Earth doesn't move.
5. Weight of objects would be affected depending on which side of the Earth they would be. The "density distribution" theory wouldn't help, because it would have to change non-stop as the Earth rotates. If the weight of objects is not changing with the location on Earth, then the centrifugal force couldn't possibly make the Earth bulge at the equator. That proves Newton wrong.
6. The Earth doesn't have its "density" distributed so exactly as to ideally match the centrifugal force. Such argument is self-serving, arbitrary and logically invalid because there is no evidence to measure it and therefore to support it.
( Note Earth's "density" for which there is no evidence other than that it "has to be this way" ).
7. The shapes of "constellations" don't change over thousands of years.
8. Earth is the only planet with millions of life forms. The Bible mentions only life on Earth.
9. Only humans are capable of having a "point of view", therefore it's OUR point of view that matters as CENTRAL.
10. Copernicus didn't provide evidence to support his theory.
11. Contrary to Copernicus, it's not mathematically possible to "calculate" if the Earth is revolving around the Sun.
12. Newton's thought experiment with a bucket of water, indicates that the Earth is not revolving. ( The water should sway if the Earth was revolving ). That's a classic example of lack of centrifugal force of supposedly rotating Earth.
Now we know that the Earth is not flattened on the top and bottom. If that was true, objects would weigh differently.
13. On time-delayed pictures of stars, the Polaris star almost doesn't move. The only way it can work is if both the Earth and Polaris don't move. The Earth is therefore the centre of the universe and Polaris is its end.
14. The circular movement of stars on time-delayed pictures cannot be created by Earth's rotation. If the Earth revolved the paths of stars would be horizontal not circular.
15. Satellites go around the Earth because the space around revolves, thus acting on satellites. You can even put a can of Coca Cola and make it a satellite.
16. The constellations don't change, year after year.
17. Heavenly bodies don't collapse together, because their attraction is perfectly balanced by equal centrifugal force resulting from revolving around the Earth.
18. The universe is found to expand AWAY from the Earth with EQUAL speed, that means that the Universe STARTED from the Earth.
19. God started to create the Universe from the Earth, why would a Perfect Being put it later somewhere else? Wouldn't he put it where it was supposed to be right away? He is perfect so why would He NOT start from the CENTER, as the center is perfectly balanced and therefore requires less effort to start there. By the way, did I mention that the Bible says that God created the sphere of the Earth and hang it on nothing? That was when no human could imagine the Earth hanging on nothing.
The Bible also says that the Earth is MOTIONLESS. Since rotation is "motion" and there is no motion, hence the Earth doesn't rotate.
The Earth's horizontal rotation would create horizontal paths of stars. ( Pic.4 )
However, what we see is this. ( Pic.5 )
Polaris Effect: On several time-delayed pictures there are shown circulating stars. Supposedly, because of the Earth's movement around its own axis. However, their circulation is in the wrong direction…
If the Earth is moving around, then the stars should "move" horizontally, with slight bent upwards on northern hemisphere and a slight bent downwards on southern hemisphere. That's because the Earth is a sphere. The stars should appear to move in the opposite direction to Earth's movement.
In fact, the stars are moving in a circle, around the star Polaris. Hence, "Polaris Effect". The stars on the outside of Polaris move faster. It is because the distance they travelled is bigger. They also move in unison, which proves that they are somehow connected.
To make it even more puzzling, the time interval of the film exposure does not match the part of the circle that the star would travel in that part of day. I mean if the time exposure is 4 hours, then if 24 hours is full circle then 4 hours should be one sixth of the full circle. However, it's only about 1/12. The direction of stars' rotation seems to be the same as Earth's… If Earth is turning from left to right, then the stars should appear to turn from right to left! If the stars move from left to right, then Earth may be stationary. The Polaris star is always stationary. The only way a point can remain stationary, is when both the observer and the point are stationary, or both move in unison. Since the other stars move in unison relative to the Earth, then both Polaris and Earth must be motionless!
Moving-Earth DECEPTION!!
By Bernard Brauer
FAKE "Virtual Reality" UNIVERSE, fabricated by Satanic-zionists* EXPOSED!!
* Evil, Anti-Christitic Club/Crime-Scheme/Secret-Society that has a Diabolical Plan for World Ownership, Control and Domination ).
There is Something about Space that THEY Don't Want You to KNOW . . .
The Earth is NOT Moving!!
It is a Cosmic Fight to the Death between two RELIGIOUS Creation Scenarios:
Lie of Creation by Satan's Evolution vs. Truth of Creation by God's Word.
Also a battle for Zionism ( World Rule )...
Satan's-zionism ( centralized State slavery/poverty ) vs. God's-zionism ( decentralized Family liberty/wealth ).
Scroll Down...... ***** Last updated: November 16, AD 2008 ****** Translate HERE
True, NON-HYPOTHETICAL Science ( observational data, our senses, physical experiments, and logic )
CONTRADICTS the assertions of Mainstream Science's existing DECEITFUL, FRAUD-RIDDEN, Unscientific,
State-funded Model of the Universe derived from the Mystical Zohar/Kabbala of the Pharisee RELIGION.
Moreover, the Intelligible Christian Bible's Voluntarily-funded Geocentric/Geostatic Model of the Universe
Proclaims: The Sun's Path Orbits the Earth Daily and The Earth is NOT Moving.
Mainstream Science Lies:
- Current Threat Level is High ( Orange ).
- The Threat Level in the Space "Exploration" Sector is High ( Orange ).
Question: Why is it ( the stationary Earth truth ) important? Answer: A stationary Earth = automatically means that stars orbit Earth once each Sidereal Day ( 23hrs 56min 4sec ) = no 14 billion light year radius of universe = no 14 billion year age of universe = destroys time needed for EVOLUTION MYTH = entire world's "knowledge" based on "science falsely so called" is exposed as a colossal DECEPTION = restores Bible credibility = widespread efforts to follow Bible's rules including belief in afterlife with system of magnified rewards and punishments = existing "crime" ( sin ) rate collapses. WAKE-UP ICR ( Institute for Creation Research ) and AiG ( Answers in Genesis )!!! More HERE.
"The Rotating/Orbiting Earth Model is very widely accepted but that is no real proof that it is true ( 'argumentum ad populum' in Latin or 'the bandwagon effect' in Modern English )."
"Science information and news used to be spoon-fed to you over the TV, radio, and newspapers, but now the internet exposes those channels as deceptive. The window of truthful Science News, which helps form the American psyche, set ideas in motion and advance industry, is TEMPORARILY open."
"Everyone interested in distinguishing Truth from Deception--scientific or otherwise--needs to understand the kind of programming that has gone into computerized telescopes and cameras to get them to send back Virtual Reality Images ( not 'real' by definition ) which are being used to indoctrinate the world with spurious information about the makeup, size and age of the universe."
"The Universe is not impersonal. It was not created by a random, meaningless evolutionary process. It reflects the loving personality of God, because every molecule was created by God, has a place in the plan of God, and is upheld by God."
*Left image (below): Earth is stationary due to perfectly balanced Interactive Electromagnetic Forces ( "EM is 10 to the 39th power stronger than gravity. How can a weak force like gravity dominate in a universe that crackles and hums with electricity?" ).
*Right image (below): The sun's path, fixed within the rotating firmament, spiral-orbits the Earth north-south and clockwise from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn in six months and then alters course laterally to spiral-orbit south-north but continues clockwise for the next six months. Seasons result from the yearly helical oscillation of the sun's path around the untilted stationary Earth.
Geocentrism ( also called Geostatic = stationary Earth, moving sun ) is the Most Exciting, the Fastest Growing and Most Significant Truth Movement on the Internet!
The Geocentric Cosmogony will Thrive Because it is True. It's Adherents are Multiplying, and are the Most Intelligent of Men and Women!
Sun's Path Diagram ( simple ) - Created by Allen Daves:
NEP = North Ecliptic Pole, SEP = South Ecliptic Pole, NCP = North Celestial Pole, SCP = South Celestial Pole
HC = Heliocentrism, GC = Geocentrism/Geostatic, AC = Acentric
Moon's Path Diagram ( simple ) - Created by Allen Daves:
"More complex" diagrams are below, scroll down.
Start of preface:
One's Belief about the Origin and Structure of the Universe is
the Foundation for All of One's Knowledge!
"Since a stationary Earth is THE foundational creation fact in the Bible, it is also the taproot of Bible credibility! Along with the creation of all biological life and mankind which followed, God's creation of an immovable, stationary Earth constitutes the basis - the taproot - for His "tree of knowledge" with its trunk ( the creation of mankind ) and all its limbs and branches. Satan knows that if he can kill this taproot - this foundational knowledge - with pseudo-science this would cause the whole "tree of knowledge" to wither and die in time. That's why he started there first!" Marshall Hall
The factless theory of heliocentricity ( stationary sun, moving Earth ) is the Foundation, the Kingpin and the most Satanically Venerated of all False-Science Government Funding Scams!
"Discarding Newton's seemingly innocuous inverse-square formula for gravity would have enormous consequences for the entire Earth, because with it goes the 'Big Bang' absurdity and the whole of secular cosmology ( which the idea of organic evolution requires in order to sanctify the notion that anything is possible given enough time ). With no publicly-perceived scientific credibility to bolster it anymore, the prevailing Western religion of naturalistic atheistic humanism must then likewise collapse."
Neville T. Jones, PhD
"If you write outside the reigning paradigm you will not get published, you will have to do it yourself. That requires a large degree of effort and dedication. You will also have to brace yourself for derision and ridicule. People will attempt to 'teach' you what you yourself are qualified to teach their teachers."
Neville T. Jones, PhD
Question: "Do you think Government funding for the Astronomical Sciences should be increased?"
Answer: "I am an amateur cosmologist but I think it would be wrong for The State
( "The Government" ) to confiscate your property and give it to me. Nothing in the Constitution gives the Federal Government authority to take MONEY from Farmer Jones and give it to Space Scientist Smith."
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