Mittwoch, 27. Februar 2013

nebojte se badata i Stevije

Hrvatska javnost, a pogotovo pobornici zdrave prehrane, šokirani su najavom da Vlada na popis zabranjenih dodataka prehrani stavlja uporabu prirodnog zaslađivača stevije, slatkog krumpira batate, te majčine dušice i gospine trave.
Tim potezom, koji mnogi smatraju skandaloznim, čelni ljudi države i praktično, hotimično ili ne, stali bi uz bok 90-ak zemalja svijeta koji podupiru moćnu farmaceutsku industriju, a prije svega američku kompaniju “Monsanto” koja već desetljećima uspijeva na “crnoj listi” držati te prirodne zaslađivače i nadomjeske hrani, protežirajući pri tome umjetni zaslađivač aspartam na kojem ubiru milijarde i milijarde dolara profita – iako je riječ o zaslađivaču za koji je dokazano da je najmoćniji otrov do sada proizveden u laboratorijima.
Uz prvotno šturo objašnjenje da navodno još nema dovoljno dokaza jesu li sastojci spomenutih biljaka i toksični, ministar zdravlja Rajko Ostojić, uz suglasnost ministra poljoprivrede Tihomira Jakovine, donio je Pravilnik o izmjenama i dopunama pravilnika o dodacima prehrani koji će stupiti na snagu već ovaj mjesec.
Na popisu 50-ak vrsta zabranjenih biljaka, većinom otrovnih ili halucinogenih poput bunike, našle su se, eto, na opće iznenađenje, i te u Hrvatskoj sve popularnije prehrambene namirnice, biljke koje se preporučuju dijabetičarima, a na stolu su i pobornika zdrave prehrane.
Javnost je ovu zabranu dočekala “na nož”. Ministarstvo zdravstva je tek naknadno pojasnilo zašto se list stevije u prirodnom obliku ne može koristiti kao hrana? Razlog za to je što je list stevije u Europi proglašen ‘novom hranom’ budući da stevija nije bila tradicionalno u uporabi kao hrana. Stoga se registracija i stavljanje na tržište moraju odobriti posebnim zakonom propisanom procedurom. Stevija za sad tu proceduru nije prošla, a steviol glikozid (dakle, na njemu mogu zarađivati samo farmaceutske tvrtke – o.a.), kao sastojak stevije, proceduru je prošao i odobren je za stavljanje na tržište kao sladilo.”
Ova zabrana iznova je otvorila staru temu, a to je zašto vlade većine zemalja, a među njima i hrvatska, uopće ne razmišljaju o zabrani aspartama za koji je nedvojbeno dokazano da je teški otrov, a koji se koristi u čak šest tisuća proizvoda? Aspartam, zaštićeno sladilo američke kompanije “Monsanto” jedna od najopasnijih supstancija kojoj su ljudi ikada bili izloženi, 200 puta je slađi od šećera – uzrokuje tumor mozga, sljepoću i čak 90 drugih bolesti.
Aspartam djeluje na proteine, neke dijelove mozga, ali i na DNK. Upravo zbog toga može utjecati na mnoge organe, a simptoma ima jako puno. Ipak, lista simptoma koju je sastavila FDA pokazuje da je većina njih neurološke prirode. Neki od simptoma su: glavobolje, vrtoglavica, promjene raspoloženja, grčevi i bolovi u trbuhu, promjene vida, napadaji i trzavice, proljev, gubitak pamćenja, slabost, umor itd.

Čitajte sitna slova

To je, dakle proizvod koji se nesmetano koristi u bezbroj prehrambenih artikala koje svakodnevno nalazimo na policama dućana u Hrvatskoj. Gotovo je nevjerojatno u kojim sve proizvodima se ne nalazi ovaj umjetni zaslađivač. Nažalost, na etiketama proizvoda ti podaci upisani su najsitnijim slovima, a o njima prosječan kupac ne zna ništa ili vrlo malo.
Vrlo se često nalazi u gaziranim pićima i sokovima, a posebice onima s oznakom ‘bez dodanih šećera’ ili ‘light’. Uzgred, u SAD-u prehrambeno – farmaceutski lobi intenzivno radi na tome da aspartam ne treba obavezno navesti na deklaracijama namirnica, što znači, u tom slučaju uopće ne bismo mogli znati, da određena namirnica sadrži prehrambeni otrov aspartam.

Što, pak, reći o steviji, batati, novijim namirnicama koje su doprle do europskih trpeza?

Najkraće, farmaceutska industrija ih želi proglasiti nepoželjnim sve dok iz njih ne izvuče ekstrakte koje može licencirati i tako zabraniti običnom puku da nesmetano koristi u liječenju i prehrani.
Stevija dolazi iz Brazila i sjeveroistočnih dijelova Paragvaja. Guarani Indijanci koriste je od pradavnih vremena za liječenje rana, visokog tlaka i šećerne bolesti. Prehrambena stevija se može nabaviti kao biljka, tj. grm u obliku sušenog lišća, praška i raznih ekstrakata. No, kako su proizvođači umjetnih zaslađivača prepoznali ovu biljku kao najvećeg protivnika svojoj zaradi, u većini je zemalja registrirana tek kao dijetetski pripravak, a ne zaslađivač.
Odličan je dijetetski proizvod zbog energetske neiskoristivosti. Možete se fino najesti slatkog bez straha od debljanja.U Brazilu stevia se umjesto sladila s aspartamon nalazi na svakom stolu u svakom kafiću i restoranu. U Europi je šećerno-aspartamski lobi još uvijek prejak…
Batat: Korijen i mlado lišće koriste se u prehrani. Sadrži mnogo škroba, vitamina A, C i B, željeza i kalcija te male količine šećera. Ima jako veliku nutricionističku vrijednost. Dobra je hrana i za dijabetičare. Potječe iz tropskih područja Južne Amerike. Ljudi ga upotrebljavaju već najmanje 5000 godina.Lako se kulinarski obrađuje. Po kemijskom sastavu batat je vrlo sličan krumpiru ali sadrži nešto više proteina.
Osim što je iznimnog okusa, veliki je izvor minerala i vitamina pa tijelo opskrbljuje važnim antioksidansima. Najveća mu je vrijednost velika količina beta-karotena: 200 g batata daje istu količinu beta-karotena kao i 5 kg brokule! Količina od samo 140 g batata osigurava dnevnu potrebu za vitaminom E koji štiti organizam od srčanih tegoba.

‘Monsanto’ patentirao ‘Neotam’ – 13 tisuća puta slađi od šećera

Monsantova licencija za aspartam uskoro istječe, što znači da će spomenuti umjetni zaslađivač biti još šire zastupljen u namirnicama. Inače, “Monsanto” je već patentirao novi proizvod – Neotam, koji je 7000 do 13 000 puta slađi od šećera .Vrlo je sličan aspartamu (E951), ali je stabilniji i koristi se u nižim koncentracijama.
Budući da se u svrhu zaslađivanja hrani dodaje u tragovima, količina nastalog metanola nakon njegove razgradnje mnogo je manja nego kod aspartama. Možda ne bi trebalo puno pisati o ovom umjetnom sladilu da nije toliko sličan aspartamu, a ideološki toksikolozi ga jako hvale.
Što je niža doza, to je i sigurnost veća. I FDA i EU komisija smatraju ga potpuno sigurnim sladilom, ali tako pišu i za aspartam. Zapravo nije jasno zbog čega Neotam još uvijek nije potisnuo aspartam s tržišta, a razlog je vjerojatno u tome što je proizvođač oba sladila ista tvrtka. Vjerojatno će sljedećih godina ipak doći do potiskivanja aspartama.

Biblija i ubijanje za hranu

Biblija i ubijanje za hranu

Andrew Linzey
Andrew Linzey raspravlja o kontradikciji između božanske zapovijedi vegetarijanstva u Knjizi Postanka 1 i obrtanju te zapovijedi u Knjizi Postanka 9. On kaže da biblijski vegetarijanci ne bi trebali tvrditi da nikada nije bilo

Dienstag, 26. Februar 2013


Are you a Truther ??

February 25, 2013 - Beautiful Day Destroyed by Chemtrails, Palmdale, California

How the Rothschilds rule USA ?

Third Reich - Operation UFO (Nazi Base In Antarctica) Complete Documentary

Its The Collapse Of Physics As We Know it (Michio Kaku)

Obama Baby Killer - Flies Love Shit

Montag, 18. Februar 2013

Milanoviću, mi nismo išli u rat nego smo se branili od agresora koji je na ćirilici ispisivao krvave parole o uništenju Hrvatske!

Naš premijer uistinu ne zna i ne želi znati, što se stvarno događalo prije više od 20 godina. On je u to vrijeme, (kada je srpski agresor žario i palio po Hrvatskoj i Vukovaru, i silom postavljao ćirilične natpise na tamošnje ustanove, pri tom rušeći one latinične),bio tamo daleko, daleko od Lijepe naše i učio latinske poslovice, koje danas u Hrvatskom saboru po oporbi sipa kao iz rukava. No, on ni danas ne zna što se događa u Hrvatskoj, kako uistinu žive građani zemlje čiji je on premijer, on ne zna, primjerice, ni tko je donio odluku o kupnji Vladinog aviona u vrijednosti od 64 milijuna kuna.
 Autor: Marko Matić Photo: Pixsell Nedjelja, 17 Veljača 2013 18:14
Predsjednik SDP-a i hrvatski premijer Zoran Milanović opet je ovih dana svojim izjavama

2013 IS STRANGE Part 2 FEB

Samstag, 16. Februar 2013

The Shining Code 2.0 (complete film)

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So Feb. 2013 part 2


SPECIJAL: Balkan pod udarom Chemtrailsa – zaprašuju nas poput komaraca a svi mediji o tome

Posljednjih dana postali smo svjedoci enormnog zaprašivanja svih većih urbanih ali i ruralnih sredina, ne samo iznad Hrvatske i cijelog područja Balkana, nego i šireg područja Europe. Unatoč dramatičnosti koja se danima odvija na nebu, problem “Chemtrails-a” i dalje je slabo poznat široj javnosti i gotovo uvijek ignoriran od strane svih relevantnih domaćih medija. Zahvaljujući našim cijenjenim čitateljima stižu nam i izvješća iz gotovo svih susjednih zemalja, a fotografije koje ste nam slali putem mail-a govore više od riječi.
Iako je ova, za mnoge kontroverzna tema završila i u Hrvatskom saboru, do

Dienstag, 12. Februar 2013

Damit der Ölpreis nicht sinkt


A MUST SEE-The Secret History of Dinosaurs

The Pope Resigns! The Biblical Implications of It! Mystery Babylon and The False Prophet.

HRVATSKI BILDERBERG: Popis 100 najmoćnijih ljudi okupljenih u Lions i Rotary klubovima February 3rd, 2013 | Add a Comment

Što povezuje hrvatske moćnike koji su inače nerijetko sukobljeni kada je riječ o političkim, ekonomskim, društvenim i medijskim problemima? Vjerujete li da u Hrvatskoj postoji jedna organizacija u kojoj vlada potpuna sloga među elitom, potpuno suprotna od razdora i neorganiziranosti kakvu već godinama imamo priliku promatrati u svim službenim institucijama, državnom aparatu i velikim poduzećima? Da postoji organizacija u kojoj su uključeni hrvatski predsjednici, premijeri, ministri, čelnici pravosuđa, mega gospodarstvenici, umjetnički autoriteti i mnogi drugi … Read entire article »

2013. BILDERBERG OKUPLJANJE: Otkriveni podaci novog sastanka grupe

Bilderberg grupa najekskluzivnija je i najtajnovitija grupa svijeta. Za postati član te grupe moralo bi se biti u posjedu velike multinacionalne, višemilijunske korporacije. Nakon prvog sastanka, davne 1954 godine, na istima su nazočili samo veliki svjetski lideri i financijski moćnici. Novinarima je oduvijek bio zabranjen pristup. Postoje veliki dokazi da će se Bilderberg i ove godine vratiti u Chantilly, Virginia (SAD) na godišnje zatovreno druženje, a hotel Westfield bit će organizator sastanka. Na istome mjestu već … Read entire article »

Masoni uz pomoć ministra Linića i guvernera Vujčića nastavljaju pljačkati Hrvatski naro

Zlato i njegov promet svuda u svijetu kontrolira Centralna banka i Ministarstvo financija, jer je to monopol države. Masoni su dali nalog MMF-u da se zlato proda, a MMF uputstvo HNB-u, a guverner Rohatinski rasprodao zlatne rezerve, na kojima smo izugubili najmanje 42,0 mlrd. $. o čemu sam pisao u kolumni ovog potrala „Masoni pljačkaju Hrvatsko narodno zlato uz pomoć guvernera HNB“ od 15.10.2012. g.
 Autor: mr. sci. Karino Hromin Sturm Photo: Marin Vajdić Četvrtak, 25 Listopad 2012 09:28
Na moj intervju sa novinarom Damirom Kramarićem pod naslovom „Linić

Der Papst – Benedikt der XVI – tritt zurück

Der Vatikan spricht von einem “Blitz aus heiterem Himmel” (!?)
Der “deutsche” Papst Benedikt XVI hat seinen Rücktritt angekündigt.
Angeblich fehle ihm die Kraft für die Aufgaben eines Papstes.
Alles fauler Zauber (fauler Vorwand) meint ein Insider. Der wahre Grund liegt drin, dass der Papst für die katholische Kirche nicht mehr tragbar ist.
So wäre dem Papst nahe gelegt worden, besser den Rücktritt anzutreten, da im Internet – in allen erdenklichen Foren und Blogs – der Papst (und damit die Kirche ) als Satan-Anbeter entlarvt worden ist.
Im Anhang die Email, die weltweit die Runde machte und den lieben, netten Onkel Benedikt XVI eindeutig als Satan-Anbeter entlarvt …

es folgt eine E-Mail von MR. Undercover (mit seltsamen Umbrüchen etc / Sorry)

Rassismus gegen Weisse sub german

Montag, 11. Februar 2013

David Wood : Was der Islam wirklich über "allah" und Jesus lehrt

Asbestos Head on Religion

  1. Showing posts with label Bible. Show all posts Wednesday, October 10, 2012 Asbestos Head on Religion Asbestos is very concerned about religion so he tries attending the local God’s Anonymous meetings every week where every weak soul sits in rows, mouth closed, listening to some guy’s interpretation of twelve guy’s interpretations of some guy’s metaphorical teachings from two thousand years ago. He finds this as useful as a hole in the head only more damaging to his brain, so he starts studying theology, philosophy, and the history of metaphysics for himself and finds that it’s this manner of introspection, this questioning of the unanswerable that expands his spiritual awareness and fills him with what some call God’s love, some call peace of mind, and others call crawling from the allegorical cave and seeing the light. For him the light manifests as a series of realizations regarding the nature of knowledge. Mainly that he knows nothing, and neither does anyone else; including priests, mathematicians, scientists, and all other people using God, Numbers or Formulas to magically boost their ideas from subjective interpretations to Objective Truths. Asbestos decides it’s his spiritual responsibility to study the thoughts and beliefs of everyone

Tatsachen, Fakten und die Wahrheit | Woher der Islam kommt

Santa Claus the Magic Mushroom

Have you ever wondered why on Christmas we cut down/carry evergreen trees inside our houses, decorate them with fancy ornaments, and place presents underneath them?

"So, why do people bring Pine trees into their houses at the Winter Solstice, placing brightly colored (Red and White) packages under their boughs, as gifts to show their love for each other and as representations of the love of God and the gift of his Sons life? It is because, underneath the Pine bough is the exact location where one would find this ‘Most Sacred’ Substance, the Amanita muscaria, in the wild. –James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (8)

The Amanita muscaria is the red and white magic mushroom that grows almost exclusively beneath Pine trees. Their main psychoactive ingredient is 'muscimol,' as well as trace amounts of DMT, an entheogen naturally produced in the brain’s pineal gland. The pinecone-shaped pine-al gland is an organ that produces the same DMT found in this pine tree fungus, and much more.

"DMT exists in all

American Presidential Bloodlines

Did you know all 44 U.S. presidents have carried European royal bloodlines into office? 34 have been genetic descendants from just one person, Charlemagne, the brutal eighth century King of the Franks. 19 of them directly descended from King Edward III of England. In fact, the presidential candidate with the most royal genes has won every single American election.

“This information comes from Burke's Peerage, which is the Bible of aristocratic

Our Holographic Brains

Independently of David Bohm’s research, Stanford neuroscientist Karl Pribram proposed a holographic model for explaining the structure and function of the human brain.   His work strongly suggests that the brain stores information, not locally in so-called “engrams,” but holographically throughout its entirety.
Interestingly, while Pribram and David Bohm began their work independently, both were using the same explanation to describe the results of their experiments.  They were each applying the holographic model to make sense of life.  Bohm, as a quantum physicist, was looking at the universe as a hologram.  Pribram, as a neuroscientist, was studying the brain as a holographic processor … When the two theories are combined, what results is nothing less than a paradigm-shattering possibility.”  -Gregg Braden, “The Divine Matrix” (113)
Individual memories were long thought to exist locally in specific areas of the brain; however, thanks to the work of Dr. Karl Pribram, Dr. Karl Lashley, Dr. Paul Pietsch and others, we now know this is not the case.  Dr. Karl Lashley and other scientists have trained rats to navigate mazes, then removed their brains piece by piece, attempting to find where “engrams” (individual memories) exist.  Strangely, however, in the experiments the rats always

Saturn, Satan, and 666

Sheriff in the ancient Egyptian was a law-giver and his badge was always a six-pointed star which is a symbol of Saturn. US Sheriffs in the wild west up to today still wear the six-pointed star. It is interesting that Saturn’s symbol is the 6-pointed star, Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun, Saturn-day is the 6th day of the week, and now NASA is receiving images of “the Saturn Hexagon” (6-sided) atmospheric formation at Saturn’s poles. The 6th chakra of the human energy system is the 3rd eye/pineal gland (6, 3 times = 666). When your 3rd eye chakra opens you develop your 6th sense of intuition and spirituality. From a consciousness perspective, the 6th sense, your intuitions/hunches, are messengers of god, your guardian angels. Isn’t it interesting that angels have haloes/rings around their heads and Saturn is the only planet with a halo/ring around it?

“That is why today, when you get married, you get married before God. And the symbol of that God is the ring that is put on each other's fingers. The ring of Saturn. In the marriage phrases, one also begins to see what that has to do with Saturn. So when you get married, you get married with a ring and the symbol of that God is the ring, the ring of Saturn. You're wearing God's ring. And the yarmulke was the round ring that you wear on your head, for Saturn your God. Even in the middle ages, in the temples, Catholic monks would shave their heads in a round circle, and the Hebrews, instead of doing that, would wear the yarmulke. But it all had to do with the round rings of Saturn.” -Jordan Maxwell, “Matrix of Power”
“The ancient name of Saturn was, as mentioned, EL. It is the reason why those that were chosen by EL, were called Elites. In fact the words, Elect, Elder, Elevated, Elohim, Temple, Circle, Gospel, Apostle, Disciple, Evangelists, etc., all derive from the Cult of EL. Angels are messengers of god. But god was EL, which is why we have the names of the Archangels bearing the ‘el,’ suffix - Raphael, Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, etc,.” -Michael Tsarion, “Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology”
“The plural term Elohim appears over 2500 times in the Old Testament but is falsely translated in most versions. This fact of plurality explains why in Genesis ‘Gods’ said, ‘Let us make man in our image.’ As stated, Elohim refers to both ‘gods’ and ‘goddesses,’ and its singular form, El, served as a prefix or suffix to names of gods, people and places, whence Emmanu-El, Gabri-El, Beth-El, etc. Even ‘Satan’ was one of the Elohim.” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (67)
The gods of EL-o-him are ang-EL-s, the messengers of god. When witches cast a spe-EL, they put the “Hex” (6) on someone, and when chefs deep fry something, they “Deep 6” it. It is the EL-ites who run the world today. El-ite comes from the “Isra-El-ites” which came from the Egyptian worship of the Moon (Isis), the Sun, (Ra), and Saturn (Elohim), hence Is-Ra-El.
In Islamic tradition, the “Rock” is where Muhammad ascended to Heaven accompanied by the ang-el Gabri-el. The Dome of the “Rock” was built in the 600 AD era and was won back by the Israelites on 06/07/67 after the “6 day war.” The Dome’s outer walls measure 60 (6x10) feet wide and 36 (6x6) feet high. The Knights Templar claimed the Dome of the Rock was the site of the Temple of Solomon and set up their “Templum Domini” adjacent to it during the 12th century.
“Saturn is an important key to understanding the long heritage this conspiracy has back to antiquity. The city of Rome was originally known as Saturnia or City of Saturn. The Roman Catholic church retains much of the Saturn worship in its ritual. Saturn also relates to Lucifer. In various occult dictionaries Saturn is associated with evil. Saturn was important to the religion of Mithra, and also the Druids.” –Fritz Springmeier, “Bloodlines of the Illuminati”
Rome was known to the “Romans” as Saturnia, not Rome, and Saturn was one of their gods. Black is both Saturn’s color and Satan’s color. The black holy bible tells us Satan is 666. Saturn is the 6th planet, its symbol is a 6-pointed star, it supposedly has hexagon weather formations, and Saturn-day, the 6th day, is Ozzy Osbourne’s “Black Sabbath.”
Is this all just divine coincidence or is our perception of Saturn and the other planets being manipulated by the Masonic magicians at NASA?


Freitag, 8. Februar 2013

Dr. Kent Hovind- Biblija i dinosauri 3/3 (Neke vrste dinosaura žive i danas)

Što Biblija kaže o dinosaurima? Postoje li dinosauri u Bibliji?

Odgovor: Tema dinosaura u Bibliji dio je šire debate u kršćanskim krugovima koja uključuje pitanja starosti zemlje, pravilne interpretacije Postanka, te interpretiratacije fizičkih dokaza oko nas. Oni koji vjeruju u veću starost zemlje slažu se da Biblija ne spominje dinosaure, jer su prema paradigmi dinosauri izumrli milijunima godina prije nego što je prvi čovjek hodao zemljom. Ljudi koji su napisali Bibliju nisu mogli vidjeti žive dinosaure.

Oni koji vjeruju da je zemlja puno mlađa slažu se da Biblija spominje dinosaure iako ne koristi zapravo riječ »dinosaur«. Umjesto toga koristi hebrejsku riječ tanniyn. Tanniyn se prevodi na nekoliko načina u hrvatskim Biblijama; ponekad kao »morsko čudovište«, ponekad je to »zmija«. Najčešće se prevodi kao »zmaj«. Tanniyn se pojavljuje kao jedna vrsta gigantskog reptila. Ta stvorenja spominju se oko trideset puta u Starom zavjetu i mogu se naći na zemlji i u moru.

Osim spomenutih gigantskih reptila koji se pojavljuju oko trideset puta u Starom zavjetu, Biblija opisuje nekoliko stvorenja za koje stručnjaci vjeruju da je riječ o dinosaurima. Behemot je najmoćnije Božje stvorenje, div čiji je rep kao cedrovo stablo (Job 40,15 i dalje). Neki su stručnjaci pokušali poistovjetiti Behemota sa slonom ili nilskim konjem. Drugi naglašavaju da slon i nilski konj imaju jako tanke repove koji se ne daju usporediti s cedrovim stablom. Dinosauri kao što su Brahiosaur i Diplodok imali su ogromne repove koji su se lako mogli usporediti sa cedrovim stablom.

Gotovo svaka drevna civilizacija ima neku vrstu umjetnosti koja prikazuje reptilska stvorenja. Petroglifi, artefakti pa i sasvim male glinene figure iz Sjeverne Amerike nalikuju modernim prikazima dinosaura. Crteži u stijenama iz Sjeverne Amerike prikazuju ljude kako jašu stvorenja nalik Diplodoku i zadivljujuće su slični Triceratopu, Pterodaktilu i Tiranosauru Rexu. Rimski mozaici, keramika Maja i babilonski gradski zidovi svjedoče o čovjekovom transkulturalnom, geografski neograničenom interesu za ova stvorenja. Trezveni podaci poput onih Marka Pola »Il milione« isprepliću se s fantastičnim pričama o zvijerima koje čuvaju blago. Postoje i suvremeni izvještaji o viđenjima koja se obično tretiraju s ogromnim skeptcizmom.

Dodatak znatnoj količini antropskih i povijesnih dokaza o suživotu dinosaura i čovjeka jesu fizički dokazi poput zajedničkih fosilnih otisaka stopala čovjeka i dinosaura nađenih u Sjevernoj Americi i sredozapadnoj Aziji.

Dakle, postoje li dinosauri u Bibliji? Pitanje nije ni izdaleka riješeno. Ono ovisi o tome kako tumačite dostupne dokaze i kako sagledavate svijet oko sebe. Ovdje u vjerujemo u tumačenje mlađe zemlje i prihvaćamo istodobno postojanje čovjeka i dinosaura. Vjerujemo da su dinosauri izumrli negdje nakon potopa kao posljedica dramatičnih promjena u atmosferi i činjenice da su ih ljudi nemilosrdno lovili do istrebljenja.

Ausweisung einer deutschen Mutter von drei Schweizer Kindern aus der Schweiz

Qwelle :

Ausweisung einer deutschen Mutter von drei Schweizer Kindern aus der Schweiz

ch city Ausweisung einer deutschen Mutter von drei Schweizer Kindern aus der Schweiz

Betrifft: Ausweisung einer deutschen Mutter von drei Schweizer Kindern aus der Schweiz

Dornach, den 30. Januar 2013
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
liebe Mitbürger,
Was sagen Sie zu folgender Geschichte, die sich gegenwärtig in der Schweiz abspielt:
Ein damals unbekannter und unbescholtener Schweizer Lehrer veröffentlicht vor zwanzig Jahren ein Büchlein, in dem er einige unbequeme, politisch unkorrekte Fragen zur Geschichte der beiden Weltkriege stellt. Radio und Zeitungen stürzen sich darauf, und der Lehrer wird wegen seines Tabubruches von seiner Privatschule fristlos entlassen. Seither ist er einer der meistgehassten Männer bei Linken und Medien, obwohl in der Öffentlichkeit wenig bekannt. Nach einiger Zeit gelingt es ihm trotzdem, wieder zu einer Anstellung zu kommen: er hat eine gute Stelle als Pädagogischer Leiter einer Institution für Erwachsenenbildung. Drei Jahre später machen ihn die Zeitungen hier wieder ausfindig, und er wird erneut fristlos entlassen – ein klarer Fall von politischer Verfolgung. Nicht lange danach lernt er eine junge Deutsche kennen, die in Dornach Malerei studiert hat. Die beiden werden ein Paar und haben bis heute drei Kinder miteinander. Weil der Mann aber unter einem faktischen Berufsverbot steht, findet er keine ihm gemässe Anstellung mehr – selbst sein RAV-Berater ist verzweifelt und offenbart ihm: nicht einmal die staatlichen Förderprogramme für Kaderleute wollen jemanden wie ihn haben. Es muss hier nochmals betont werden, dass es sich bei dem Thema des Lehrers um rein historisch-politische Fragen handelt und nicht etwa um Asozialität, Kriminalität, Trunksucht, Kindsmisshandlung oder ähnliches.
Der Mann schreibt einige weitere Broschüren zu geschichtlichen und politischen Themen und ist in bestimmten politischen Kreisen ein gefragter Vortragsredner – aber er ist gesellschaftlich geächtet und finanziell auf Dauer ruiniert. Dies hat zur Folge, dass er sich wirtschaftlich nur knapp selbst erhalten kann, während Frau und Kinder auf soziale Unterstützung angewiesen sind. Auch die Bemühungen der Mutter, in anthroposophischen Zusammenhängen – für die sie ausgebildet ist – oder auch anderswo eine Teilzeitanstellung zu finden, sind fruchtlos. Es wird ihr mehrfach bedeutet, dass die betreffenden Institutionen sich nicht mit der Partnerin eines Geächteten belasten wollen.
Obwohl sie von Anfang an eine intakte Familie bilden, verzichten er und seine Partnerin auf eine Heirat, um der Frau und den Kindern einen kleinen Spielraum gegenüber der Öffentlichkeit zu lassen, nicht ständig mit dem Verfemten in Zusammenhang gebracht werden zu müssen. Im Laufe der Zeit müssen sie allerdings feststellen, dass es kaum etwas hilft: Da beide Eltern überzeugte Anthroposophen sind, wollen sie ihre Kinder in die Obhut einer Schweizer Rudolf Steiner-Schule geben. Alle Schulen im Umkreis von Dornach lehnen dies ohne Begründung ab – obwohl es nach dem Zeugnis aller Beteiligten nicht den geringsten pädagogischen Einwand gegen die Kinder oder die Familie gibt. Nach einigen Umwegen werden die Kinder von der Waldorfschule Schopfheim (Schwarzwald) aufgenommen, weil die Identität des Vaters dort erst einmal unbekannt ist. Nach zwei Monaten wird die Schule aber von freundlichen Informanten aus dem Hintergrund aufgeklärt, und die Kinder (!) werden von der Schulleitung fristlos auf die Strasse gestellt.
Nach diesem deprimierenden Aufenthalt in der Bundesrepublik kommt die Familie zurück nach Dornach und findet hier glücklicherweise zwei pensionierte Lehrer, die bereit sind, die Kinder gegen ein kleines Entgelt privat zu schulen. Diese “Hausschule nach der Methode Rudolf Steiners” wird vom Kanton bewilligt und läuft bis heute zur Zufriedenheit aller Beteiligten, auch der kantonalen Stellen.
Die wirtschaftliche Frage ist allerdings weiterhin ungelöst. Die sozialen Dienste Dornach sind gefordert und verhalten sich korrekt. Die Gemeindeschreiberin hingegen versucht erst einmal, die Anmeldung der Mutter und der Kinder zu verhindern. Im Falle der Kinder gelingt ihr das nicht, weil es sich – wie auch beim Vater – um Schweizer Bürger handelt. Im Falle der Mutter bedarf es der Vorsprache beim Gemeindeammann persönlich, ehe endlich eine Anmeldung möglich ist. Nahezu zeitgleich verfügt aber das kantonale “Amt für Migration” in der Gestalt eines Herrn Hayoz eine Ausweisung der Mutter aus der Schweiz. Begründung: Die bilateralen Verträge zwischen der EU und der Schweiz ermöglichen zwar die freie Niederlassung der Bürger, aber unter der Bedingung, dass sie keine staatliche Unterstützung benötigen. Es ist nicht zu bestreiten, dass dies eine sinnvolle Regelung ist, allerdings kommt es natürlich auch hier auf die besonderen Umstände an. Und weil nun unsere Familie der Meinung ist, dass sie sich in besonderen Umständen befindet, erhebt sie Beschwerde gegen diese Verfügung. Das Verwaltungsgericht Solothurn weist diese Beschwerde aber ab und stellt sich voll hinter das Amt für Migration. Die Ausweisung wird auch hier einzig mit der finanziellen Abhängigkeit der Mutter begründet. Nun sehen die beiden Eltern nur noch die Möglichkeit, ihre langjährige Lebenspartnerschaft trotz der oben skizzierten Bedenken in eine Ehe umzuwandeln. Während sie mit dem Zivilstandsamt den 1. Februar als Tag der Eheschliessung verabreden, kommt die Anweisung vom Amt für Migration, die Frau habe die Schweiz bis zum 31. Januar zu verlassen. Eine Mitteilung von seiten der Familie bezüglich der Eheschliessung wird aus Solothurn folgendermassen beantwortet: Die geplante Heirat ändere nichts an der Wegweisung, sie könne aber um zwei Tage verschoben werden. Neuer Termin für die Ausweisung: 2. Februar.
Man glaubt, mitten in einem Roman von Franz Kafka oder einer Groteske von Eugène Ionesco zu stehen. In dieser Situation zu heiraten, ist nicht nur sachlich sinnlos, sondern vor allem seelisch unmöglich. Der Vater schreibt deswegen ans Zivistandsamt einen Brief, in dem er den Heiratstermin erst einmal absagt, sich aber veranlasst fühlt, die Hintergründe jener Geschichte zu schildern, die eben gerade erzählt wurde. Beim Vater handelt es sich nämlich um den sogenannten “Holocaust-Leugner” Bernhard Schaub. Er bezieht sich in dem folgenden Schreiben zunächst auf eine völlig unbekannt gebliebene – das heisst von den Medien und der Politik verschwiegene – Entscheidung der UNO-Menschenrechtskommission von 2011, in der gerade das Recht auf freie Meinungsäusserung auch für Dissidenten, zum Beispiel für Holocaust-Revisionisten, explizit festgehalten ist. Dies ist in unserem Zusammenhang entscheidend, denn die wirtschaftliche Lage der Familie ist eine direkte Folge des Klimas, das durch das sogenannte “Antirassismusgesetz” geschaffen worden ist, das unter anderem die “Leugnung von Völkermord” unter Strafe stellt – und gerade solche Gesetze werden durch die UNO in dem Entscheid von 2011 als menschenrechtswidrig bezeichnet. Wäre das Antirassismusgesetz weg, hätte die Gemeinde Dornach in kurzer Zeit einen Steuerzahler mehr und eine Sozialhilfebezügerin weniger…
Sehr geehrte Frau H.,

In der Annahme, dass Sie sich für gewisse Feinheiten politischer Gesinnungsjustiz und gesellschaftlicher Ächtung in der Schweiz interessieren, schicke ich Ihnen im Anhang unter anderem den offiziellen englischen Text der 102. Sitzung der UNO-Menschenrechtskommission vom Sommer 2011 zu, der die Freiheit der Meinungsäusserung behandelt. Die wichtigsten Sätze aus dem Kommentar zitiere ich in einem zweiten Anhang auf Deutsch. Darin ist ausdrücklich das Recht auf freie Meinungsäusserung auch für Menschen wie mich – die von den Medien mit dem schmeichelhaften Namen “Holocaust-Leugner” belegt werden – festgehalten. Es ist wichtig, dass sich dieser Text, der zum Beispiel das schweizerische “Antirassismusgesetz” (Art. 261bis StGB) als Unrecht erklärt, auch bei den Behörden verbreitet. Amtsstellen zeichnen sich ja naturgemäss durch Paragraphen- und Obrigkeitsgläubigkeit aus. Wenn nun die weltweit oberste Stelle für Menschenrechte auch einem “Holocaust-Leugner” ausdrücklich das Recht auf freie Meinungsäusserung zugesteht und seine juristische bzw. gesellschaftliche Verfolgung als mit der UNO-Menschenrechtskonvention unvereinbar erklärt, müsste das vor allem die Schweizer Staatsbediensteten und Juristen im höchsten Grade interessieren. Die Befürworter des “Antirassismusgesetzes” haben nämlich bei der Volksabstimmung 1994 geltend gemacht, die Schweiz müsse, um diese UNO-Konvention unterzeichnen zu können, die Rassismus-Strafnorm samt Strafbarkeit der “Holocaust-Leugnung” einführen. Eine glatte Lüge, wie sich jetzt herausstellt.
Natürlich werden Sie sich fragen, was denn nun diese UNO-Kommission mit der Heirat von Herrn Schaub zu tun habe. In aller Kürze: Das “Antirassismusgesetz” bildete in der Vergangenheit mehrfach den Hintergrund für Medienschlammschlachten gegen mich, wodurch ich zweimal meine Anstellung verloren habe – 1993 als Deutschlehrer an der Rudolf Steiner-Schule in Adliswil (Zürich), 1999 als Pädagogischer Leiter der Klubschule Migros in Frauenfeld (Thurgau). Medien und Internet verunmöglichten  eine erneute Anstellung und auch zweimal die Aufnahme einer selbständigen Tätigkeit. Dass ich auf Grund dieses “Antirassismusgesetzes” vom Amtsgericht Dornach vor einigen Jahren zu drei Monaten Haft auf Bewährung verurteilt worden bin, erwähne ich nur nebenher. Zusammenfassend: Ich bin vom Staat und seinen Medienhunden mittellos gemacht worden.
Der Grund der Verfolgung: Ich glaube nicht an die Erzählungen über gewisse Gaskammern des Dritten Reiches  – ebenso wie weltweit Millionen von Menschen. Die historische, juristische und naturwissenschaftliche Begründung dieses Unglaubens darf ich Ihnen allerdings nicht geben, denn sonst stehe ich wieder vor Gericht. Es handelt sich hier nämlich in einigen europäischen Ländern um eine Art moderner Staats- und ziviler Zwangsreligion . Inoffiziell – aber sehr wirksam. Der Baselbieter Lateinlehrer Jürgen Graf wurde wegen Holocaust-Leugnung nicht nur fristlos entlassen, sondern zu einer unbedingten Haftstrafe von eineinviertel Jahren verurteilt. Er lebt seit über zehn Jahren im Exil. Der Waadtländer Lehrer und Publizist Gaston Amaudruz sass trotz seines hohen Alters (damals schon über achtzig) mehrere Monate im Gefängnis. Der mittlerweile erblindete Zürcher Lehrer Andres Studer kämpft seit Jahren einen fruchtlosen Kampf um seine Rehabilitierung. Das sind keineswegs die einzigen Besipiele in der Schweiz. Als Meinungsterroristin ist die Bundesrepublik  allerdings noch schlimmer: Studienrat Günter Deckert sass 5 Jahre, der deutschkanadische Grafiker und Publizist Ernst Zündel insgesamt sieben Jahre, Rechtsanwalt Horst Mahler (vor kurzem 77 geworden) sitzt seit drei Jahren eine zwölfjährige (!) Haftstrafe ab – alles wegen Meinungsdelikten in Zusammenhang mit dem Holocaust. Den Gipfel des Zynismus bildet die Verurteilung von Rechtsanwältin Sylvia Stolz, die wegen der Verteidigung ihres Mandanten Ernst Zündel selbst zu dreieinhalb Jahren verurteilt wurde und diese Strafe auch vollumfänglich abgesessen hat.
Aber nun zurück zu unserer familiären Situation. Seit der letzten Entlassung schlage ich mich kümmerlich als Vortragsredner und Kleinverleger durch; für die Familie reicht der Verdienst leider nicht aus, so dass meine Partnerin und Mutter meiner drei Kinder (elf-, neun- und einjährig) zusätzlich Sozialhilfe benötigt. Nun hat das kantonale “Amt für Migration” in Solothurn die Niedertracht besessen, meine Partnerin als deutsche Staatsbürgerin letztes Jahr mit der Begründung aus der Schweiz auszuweisen , sie sei sozalhilfeabhängig. Unsere darauf folgende Beschwerde wurde vom Verwaltungsgericht Solothurn abgelehnt. Dass die drei Kinder alle Schweizerbürger sind, dass der Kleinste noch nicht einmal zwei Jahre alt ist, interessiert das Gericht nicht. Die Schweiz weist also eine deutsche Mutter von drei Schweizer Kindern aus und bekundet damit die klare Absicht, unsere Familie zu zerstören. (Und das notabene in einem Land, das für Drogenhändler, Kriminaltouristen und Prostituierte aus aller Welt ein beliebter und weitgehend ungestörter Tummelplatz ist). Dem Gericht fiel es nicht auf, dass die Schweiz mit ihrem menschenrechtswidrigen Maulkorbgesetz und ihren wildgewordenen Medien, denen die kriminelle Erlaubnis zu gesellschaftlicher Exekution gegeben ist, die Situation der Sozialhilfeabhängigkeit der Mutter selbst herbeigeführt hat, indem ich de facto unter einem Berufsverbot stehe und kaum Einkünfte habe. Dass der Meinungsterror in der “freien Schweiz” sich nun auf dem Rücken von Kindern austoben wird, ist das Schimmste. Diese Kinder haben weiss Gott schon genug erlebt: ich erwähne nur die fristlose Kündigung des Schulvertrages durch die Waldorfschule Schopfheim (Schwarzwald) im Jahre 2011, als unsere beiden Älteren von einem Tag auf den andern auf der Strasse standen – nur weil die Schule erfahren hatte, wer ihr Vater ist. In der Schweiz war es uns nun anschliessend immerhin möglich, die Kinder zuhause zu unterrichten, was in der BRD verboten ist.
Nachdem unsere Beschwerde gegen die Ausweisung 2012 abgelehnt war, entschlossen wir uns zur Heirat, was wir bisher nur deswegen nicht getan hatten, um der Mutter und den Kindern einen allzu engen öffentlichen Zusammenhang mit mir als einem Geächteten zu ersparen – obwohl wir von Anfang an immer als Familie zusammengelebt hatten. Wir gingen davon aus, dass durch die Eheschliessung die Ausweisung hinfällig werde. Da hatten wir aber die Rechnung ohne die Herrschaften im “Amt für Migration” gemacht. Herr Hayoz und Frau Morris (“MLaw”…) halten an der Ausweisung fest, bezeichnen sogar die Eheschliessung zwischen uns als den Eltern unserer gemeinsamen drei Kinder sage und schreibe als “missbräuchlich” und verschieben nur den Termin der erzwungenen Ausreise meiner Frau vom 31. Januar auf den 2. Februar, damit wir am 1. Februar noch ungestört heiraten können. Man glaubt, mitten in eine zynische Komödie geraten zu sein, die für unsere Familie allerdings leicht zur Tragödie werden könnte. Und dies alles unter der Schirmherrschaft des “Schweizer Rechtsstaates”…
Wir sind allerdings nicht gesonnen, uns das bieten zu lassen. Unsere Familie bleibt hier – mit der Mutter. Aber dieses dreimal verfluchte Antirassismusgesetz muss weg – und die blutsaugenden Lügenmedien gehören an die Kette gelegt. Und wenn hier jemand reif ist fürs Gefängnis, dann sind es gewisse Drahtzieher in der Politik und die zugehörigen medialen Heckenschützen, die uns – nicht nur in der Schweiz, sondern in ganz Europa -  Stück für Stück unserer Freiheit wegnehmen. Ich habe nicht umsonst vor drei Jahren die EUROPÄISCHE AKTION gegründet, deren erstes Ziel die Herstellung der freien Meinungsäusserung ist (=> Wenn uns nun inzwischen sogar die UNO recht gibt, dann möchte ich den Schweizer Polizisten sehen, der eine Mutter von ihren drei Kindern weg ins Ausland deportiert!
Bitte verbreiten Sie diesen Brief samt den angehängten Dokumenten so weit wie möglich – bei Politikern, Behörden, der Polizei, Medien und Privatpersonen . Erst wenn Öffentlichkeit hergestellt ist und sich die vernünftigen Stimmen in der Politik Gehör verschaffen können, kann den Henkern der Freiheit das Handwerk gelegt werden.
Beste Grüsse
Bernhard Schaub
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Mittwoch, 6. Februar 2013

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San Onofre nuclear power plant: Fukushima USA?

TheGroxt youtube chanel The san onofre power plant is a bomb meant for the end of the age. Set strategicaly at the 33 degree paralel and right beside the camp pendelton marine base. The freemasons and Illuminati show in thousands of places this is where the next 911 happens.And they will blame it on terrorism to start world war 3. The 33 degree paralel is where the fallen angels descended.This next 911 event will be the NWO and the Littlehorn of the bible rising. Dont take the mark of the beast.It is coming.

Sonntag, 3. Februar 2013

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The United States debt limit explained. CGPGrey T-shirts: Blog: * † Official discussion thread: Special thanks to Neil H. Buchanan ( and Kyle McMahon ( Music by: Kategorija Obrazovanje Licenca Standardna licenca usluge YouTube


HAARP — US Pacific Ocean Hydroacoustic BEHEMOTH ASSAULTS WEST COAST By admin – 3. February 2013Veröffentlicht in: Haarp, Katastrophen, Manipulation, Neue Weltordnung, Technologie, Video, Wetterkriege, Wissenschaft Veröffentlicht am 28.01.2013 ‘Like’ if you like. Feel free to subscribe to my channel. The Pacific Ocean Hydroacoustic Behemoth was seen on Mimic directing a massive frequency bombardment against the west coast of the entire Continental United States! Was it to further destablize the merging tectonic plates that we rest upon and abut? Watch for mass fish and aquatic life kills and strandings along the entire west coast of the North and South American coasts as well as the surrounding ring of fire area of the globe. New TTA‘s discovered in the undersea world in the hydroacoustic network are shown in this video. CORRECTION: There were unfortunate times in this video that I accidentally said or labeled things (like the Pacific HTTA Boot) as “Atlantic.” Part of my MJD is a kind of ‘subjectional dislexia.’ But most folks, if they see it, know what I am trying to say. Thanks. TTA = Tesla Tech Array Brought to you by the Navy, Darpa and “United States Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFTAC) is tasked with monitoring compliance of nuclear test ban treaties for the US. USAEDS is the Hydroacoustic Data Acquisition System (HDAS). The HDAS consists of underwater sensor systems linked to shore facilities with undersea data transmission cables…” Ascension Island Hydroacoustic Data System Paper No. 539 But this is merely the cover story, as Nuclear Detection is only 1 of the many complex missions and capabilities of these hydroacoustic TTA systems. Sources: Google earth Coordinates US Pacific Ocean Hydroacoustic Behemoth 34°32’23.31″N 149° 1’36.20″W Spanning Pacific US Atlantic Ocean Hydroacoustic Leviathan 55°16’54.11″S 124°38’44.04″E Spanning Atlantic Morphed Integrated Microwave Imagery at CIMSS – Total Precipitable Water (MIMIC-TPW) USGS Earthquake Monitor Videos to see also: ‘HAARP’ – Hydroacoustic PACIFIC BEHEMOTH ~ & ~ ATLANTIC LEVIATHAN ~ UNVEILED !!! My HAARP PLAY LIST MY revmichellehopkins Originals Playlist FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for entertainment purposes only. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

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Islandski predsjednik: Banke se ne razlikuju od drugih firmi, treba dopustiti da bankrotiraju
Foto: AFP
ISLAND je 2008. zbog financijske krize bio pred gospodarskim kolapsom. Od tada se zemlja nevjerojatno dobro oporavila jer - radi sve ono što ne rade države pogođene krizom u ostalom dijelu Europske unije.
Ta je država postala simbolom otpora protiv globalnih mjera rješavanja gospodarske krize i svoju je riješio - sam. Nekoliko godina nakon sloma međunarodne su institucije priznale da je Island bio pravu kada je odbio državnim novcem sanirati dugove banaka.
Deutsche Welle je objavio intervju s islandskim predsjednikom Olafurom Grimssonom koji je tijekom Foruma u Davosu vodio novinar Andreas Beker.
DW: Prije nekoliko godina je Island imao velikih gospodarskih problema. Sada je zemlji mnogo bolje. Kako je došlo do te promjene?
Olafur Grimsson: Dva su glavna razloga što sada imamo rastuće gospodarstvo i relativno nisku nezaposlenost. Prvo, rano smo primijetili da nije riječ samo o financijskoj ili gospodarskoj krizi. To je bila i duboka politička, socijalna kriza, pa čak i kriza sudstva. Zato smo u svim tim područjima proveli reforme. Htjeli smo više pravde i promjenu mehanizama odlučivanja. I drugo, nismo se pridržavali tradicionalnih recepata za suočavanje s gospodarskom krizom.
DW: Vi, na primjer, niste spasili banke.
Olafur Grimsson: Točno, dopustili smo da banke propadnu. Često sam se pitao zašto se ponašamo tako kao da su banke sveta mjesta modernoga gospodarstva? Po čemu se banke razlikuju od firmi iz drugih djelatnosti? To su privatne firme – ako prave velike greške, moraju i bankrotirati. U suprotnom se bankama signalizira da mogu poslovati s velikim rizicima - ako imaju uspjeha, nagrađuju se kraljevski, ako nemaju uspjeha, porezni obveznici plaćaju račun. Osim toga, uveli smo i kontrole za transakciju kapitala, a s obzirom na to da smo htjeli zaštititi naš socijalni sustav, nismo uveli niz mjera, na koje su se sada obavezale pojedine zemlje u Europi.
DW: Ali Island je poseban slučaj - zemlja je mala i može sama odlučivati vlastitoj valuti jer nije članica eurozone.
Olafur Grimsson: Naravno da nam je pomoglo što je kruna devalvirala - to je bilo ispravno. Ali druge aspekte - sudjelovanje građana u socijalnim i političkim reformama, ’puštanje’ banaka da bankrotiraju - sve to smo mogli činiti i da smo bili član eurozone.
DW: Bi li njemačka kancelarka Angela Merkel, šefica MMF-a Christine Lagarde i svi drugi krizni menadžeri trebali učiti na primjeru Islanda?
Olafur Grimsson: "Iskustvo Islanda bi zaista moglo biti signal za sve ostale zemlje, da ponovo razmisle o odlukama u posljednjih 30 godina. Reakcija MMF-a je vrlo interesantna. Prije godinu i pol završen je antikrizni program MMF-a za Island. Na jednoj oproštajnoj konferenciji predstavnici MMF-a su priznali da su mnogo naučili iz iskustava u Islandu.
DW: Vjerujete li da je i kancelarka Merkel promijenila pogled na stvari?
Olafur Grimsson: U osnovi ne komentiram politiku drugih zemalja. Mogu samo opisati naše iskustvo, naše poteškoće, naša rješenja i naš oporavak. Drugi onda moraju odlučiti mogu li iz toga nešto naučiti. Island jest mala zemlja, ali to ne igra nikakvu ulogu, Island je visokorazvijena zapadna zemlja s modernom demokracijom i ekonomijom. Otuda se isplati preispitati sadašnja antikrizna politika koja je u Europi prouzrokovala mnoge probleme.
DW: Hoće li Island pristupiti EU i eurozoni?
Olafur Grimsson: O tome se dugo raspravlja u mojoj zemlji, najčešće je velika većina protiv toga. Kada su naše banke bankrotirale, neko vrijeme smo mislili da bi bilo bolje da smo članica eurozone. Danas, četiri godine kasnije, znamo da to nije točno. Pogledajte Grenland, Island, Veliku Britaniju, Norvešku, Dansku i Švedsku - sve one nisu uvele euro. Većina država na sjeveru odlučila se za drugačiji put, i njima je tako

Moving-Earth DECEPTION!! - The Earth is NOT Moving!! by Bernard Brauer Last Updated November 16th 2008

Moving-Earth DECEPTION!! - The Earth is NOT Moving!!
[Note: Please use above link to site numerous links embedded in this document including photos, diagrams and graphics. A reduced/edited version has been provided below and the larger original document is located further down on this page but is messy.]
Moving-Earth DECEPTION!!
By Bernard Brauer
Question: Why is it ( the stationary Earth truth ) important?
Answer: A stationary Earth = automatically means that stars orbit Earth once each Sidereal Day ( 23hrs 56min 4sec )
= no 14 billion light year radius of universe
= no 14 billion year age of universe
= destroys time needed for EVOLUTION MYTH
= entire world's "knowledge" based on "science falsely so called" is exposed as a colossal DECEPTION
= restores Bible credibility
= widespread efforts to follow Bible's rules including belief in afterlife with system of magnified rewards and punishments
= existing "crime" ( sin ) rate collapses. WAKE-UP ICR ( Institute for Creation Research ) and AiG ( Answers in Genesis )!!! More HERE.
If the Earth were going around the Sun, then the speed of the satellite would have to adjust due to the different gravitational pull of the Earth. When the satellite is behind the Earth it would have to "chase" the Earth. When in front of Earth, the Earth would chase the satellite. Since the Earth is supposedly going around the Sun with the speed of 107,534 km/hr, the speed of the satellite would have to DRASTICALLY change to account for the change of the gravity pull.
If the universe revolves around the Earth, Earth's gravitational pull on the satellite would be the same regardless of its position on the orbit. Furthermore, the Sun and Moon's gravities acting on Earth would balance. The Sun is bigger but farther. The Moon is smaller but closer.
1. The Earth doesn't have centrifugal force. Gravity is the same all over the Earth because the Earth doesn't move. If it did, the centrifugal force would make objects weigh TWICE less on Equator than for example in Vancouver, Canada.
2. Doing the same experiment with a SOUND WAVE fortunately can check this. Doppler's effect would apply.
3. Michelson-Morley experiment doesn't indicate that the light travels with the same speed independent of Earth's motion. It indicates that the Earth is stationary.
4. Microwave radiation is 2.7 all over the Earth because the Earth doesn't move.
5. Weight of objects would be affected depending on which side of the Earth they would be. The "density distribution" theory wouldn't help, because it would have to change non-stop as the Earth rotates. If the weight of objects is not changing with the location on Earth, then the centrifugal force couldn't possibly make the Earth bulge at the equator. That proves Newton wrong.
6. The Earth doesn't have its "density" distributed so exactly as to ideally match the centrifugal force. Such argument is self-serving, arbitrary and logically invalid because there is no evidence to measure it and therefore to support it.
( Note Earth's "density" for which there is no evidence other than that it "has to be this way" ).
7. The shapes of "constellations" don't change over thousands of years.
8. Earth is the only planet with millions of life forms. The Bible mentions only life on Earth.
9. Only humans are capable of having a "point of view", therefore it's OUR point of view that matters as CENTRAL.
10. Copernicus didn't provide evidence to support his theory.
11. Contrary to Copernicus, it's not mathematically possible to "calculate" if the Earth is revolving around the Sun.
12. Newton's thought experiment with a bucket of water, indicates that the Earth is not revolving. ( The water should sway if the Earth was revolving ). That's a classic example of lack of centrifugal force of supposedly rotating Earth.
Now we know that the Earth is not flattened on the top and bottom. If that was true, objects would weigh differently.
13. On time-delayed pictures of stars, the Polaris star almost doesn't move. The only way it can work is if both the Earth and Polaris don't move. The Earth is therefore the centre of the universe and Polaris is its end.
14. The circular movement of stars on time-delayed pictures cannot be created by Earth's rotation. If the Earth revolved the paths of stars would be horizontal not circular.
15. Satellites go around the Earth because the space around revolves, thus acting on satellites. You can even put a can of Coca Cola and make it a satellite.
16. The constellations don't change, year after year.
17. Heavenly bodies don't collapse together, because their attraction is perfectly balanced by equal centrifugal force resulting from revolving around the Earth.
18. The universe is found to expand AWAY from the Earth with EQUAL speed, that means that the Universe STARTED from the Earth.
19. God started to create the Universe from the Earth, why would a Perfect Being put it later somewhere else? Wouldn't he put it where it was supposed to be right away? He is perfect so why would He NOT start from the CENTER, as the center is perfectly balanced and therefore requires less effort to start there. By the way, did I mention that the Bible says that God created the sphere of the Earth and hang it on nothing? That was when no human could imagine the Earth hanging on nothing.
The Bible also says that the Earth is MOTIONLESS. Since rotation is "motion" and there is no motion, hence the Earth doesn't rotate.
The Earth's horizontal rotation would create horizontal paths of stars. ( Pic.4 )
However, what we see is this. ( Pic.5 )
Polaris Effect: On several time-delayed pictures there are shown circulating stars. Supposedly, because of the Earth's movement around its own axis. However, their circulation is in the wrong direction…
If the Earth is moving around, then the stars should "move" horizontally, with slight bent upwards on northern hemisphere and a slight bent downwards on southern hemisphere. That's because the Earth is a sphere. The stars should appear to move in the opposite direction to Earth's movement.
In fact, the stars are moving in a circle, around the star Polaris. Hence, "Polaris Effect". The stars on the outside of Polaris move faster. It is because the distance they travelled is bigger. They also move in unison, which proves that they are somehow connected.
To make it even more puzzling, the time interval of the film exposure does not match the part of the circle that the star would travel in that part of day. I mean if the time exposure is 4 hours, then if 24 hours is full circle then 4 hours should be one sixth of the full circle. However, it's only about 1/12. The direction of stars' rotation seems to be the same as Earth's… If Earth is turning from left to right, then the stars should appear to turn from right to left! If the stars move from left to right, then Earth may be stationary. The Polaris star is always stationary. The only way a point can remain stationary, is when both the observer and the point are stationary, or both move in unison. Since the other stars move in unison relative to the Earth, then both Polaris and Earth must be motionless!
Moving-Earth DECEPTION!!
By Bernard Brauer
FAKE "Virtual Reality" UNIVERSE, fabricated by Satanic-zionists* EXPOSED!!
* Evil, Anti-Christitic Club/Crime-Scheme/Secret-Society that has a Diabolical Plan for World Ownership, Control and Domination ).
There is Something about Space that THEY Don't Want You to KNOW . . .
The Earth is NOT Moving!!
It is a Cosmic Fight to the Death between two RELIGIOUS Creation Scenarios:
Lie of Creation by Satan's Evolution vs. Truth of Creation by God's Word.
Also a battle for Zionism ( World Rule )...
Satan's-zionism ( centralized State slavery/poverty ) vs. God's-zionism ( decentralized Family liberty/wealth ).
Scroll Down...... ***** Last updated: November 16, AD 2008 ****** Translate HERE
True, NON-HYPOTHETICAL Science ( observational data, our senses, physical experiments, and logic )
CONTRADICTS the assertions of Mainstream Science's existing DECEITFUL, FRAUD-RIDDEN, Unscientific,
State-funded Model of the Universe derived from the Mystical Zohar/Kabbala of the Pharisee RELIGION.
Moreover, the Intelligible Christian Bible's Voluntarily-funded Geocentric/Geostatic Model of the Universe
Proclaims: The Sun's Path Orbits the Earth Daily and The Earth is NOT Moving.
Mainstream Science Lies:
- Current Threat Level is High ( Orange ).
- The Threat Level in the Space "Exploration" Sector is High ( Orange ).
Question: Why is it ( the stationary Earth truth ) important? Answer: A stationary Earth = automatically means that stars orbit Earth once each Sidereal Day ( 23hrs 56min 4sec ) = no 14 billion light year radius of universe = no 14 billion year age of universe = destroys time needed for EVOLUTION MYTH = entire world's "knowledge" based on "science falsely so called" is exposed as a colossal DECEPTION = restores Bible credibility = widespread efforts to follow Bible's rules including belief in afterlife with system of magnified rewards and punishments = existing "crime" ( sin ) rate collapses. WAKE-UP ICR ( Institute for Creation Research ) and AiG ( Answers in Genesis )!!! More HERE.
"The Rotating/Orbiting Earth Model is very widely accepted but that is no real proof that it is true ( 'argumentum ad populum' in Latin or 'the bandwagon effect' in Modern English )."
"Science information and news used to be spoon-fed to you over the TV, radio, and newspapers, but now the internet exposes those channels as deceptive. The window of truthful Science News, which helps form the American psyche, set ideas in motion and advance industry, is TEMPORARILY open."
"Everyone interested in distinguishing Truth from Deception--scientific or otherwise--needs to understand the kind of programming that has gone into computerized telescopes and cameras to get them to send back Virtual Reality Images ( not 'real' by definition ) which are being used to indoctrinate the world with spurious information about the makeup, size and age of the universe."
"The Universe is not impersonal. It was not created by a random, meaningless evolutionary process. It reflects the loving personality of God, because every molecule was created by God, has a place in the plan of God, and is upheld by God."
*Left image (below): Earth is stationary due to perfectly balanced Interactive Electromagnetic Forces ( "EM is 10 to the 39th power stronger than gravity. How can a weak force like gravity dominate in a universe that crackles and hums with electricity?" ).
*Right image (below): The sun's path, fixed within the rotating firmament, spiral-orbits the Earth north-south and clockwise from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn in six months and then alters course laterally to spiral-orbit south-north but continues clockwise for the next six months. Seasons result from the yearly helical oscillation of the sun's path around the untilted stationary Earth.
Geocentrism ( also called Geostatic = stationary Earth, moving sun ) is the Most Exciting, the Fastest Growing and Most Significant Truth Movement on the Internet!
The Geocentric Cosmogony will Thrive Because it is True. It's Adherents are Multiplying, and are the Most Intelligent of Men and Women!
Sun's Path Diagram ( simple ) - Created by Allen Daves:
NEP = North Ecliptic Pole, SEP = South Ecliptic Pole, NCP = North Celestial Pole, SCP = South Celestial Pole
HC = Heliocentrism, GC = Geocentrism/Geostatic, AC = Acentric
Moon's Path Diagram ( simple ) - Created by Allen Daves:
"More complex" diagrams are below, scroll down.
Start of preface:
One's Belief about the Origin and Structure of the Universe is
the Foundation for All of One's Knowledge!
"Since a stationary Earth is THE foundational creation fact in the Bible, it is also the taproot of Bible credibility! Along with the creation of all biological life and mankind which followed, God's creation of an immovable, stationary Earth constitutes the basis - the taproot - for His "tree of knowledge" with its trunk ( the creation of mankind ) and all its limbs and branches. Satan knows that if he can kill this taproot - this foundational knowledge - with pseudo-science this would cause the whole "tree of knowledge" to wither and die in time. That's why he started there first!" Marshall Hall
The factless theory of heliocentricity ( stationary sun, moving Earth ) is the Foundation, the Kingpin and the most Satanically Venerated of all False-Science Government Funding Scams!
"Discarding Newton's seemingly innocuous inverse-square formula for gravity would have enormous consequences for the entire Earth, because with it goes the 'Big Bang' absurdity and the whole of secular cosmology ( which the idea of organic evolution requires in order to sanctify the notion that anything is possible given enough time ). With no publicly-perceived scientific credibility to bolster it anymore, the prevailing Western religion of naturalistic atheistic humanism must then likewise collapse."
Neville T. Jones, PhD
"If you write outside the reigning paradigm you will not get published, you will have to do it yourself. That requires a large degree of effort and dedication. You will also have to brace yourself for derision and ridicule. People will attempt to 'teach' you what you yourself are qualified to teach their teachers."
Neville T. Jones, PhD
Question: "Do you think Government funding for the Astronomical Sciences should be increased?"
Answer: "I am an amateur cosmologist but I think it would be wrong for The State
( "The Government" ) to confiscate your property and give it to me. Nothing in the Constitution gives the Federal Government authority to take MONEY from Farmer Jones and give it to Space Scientist Smith."