John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.--------------- Revelation 12:12 Verse Concepts "For this reason, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has only a short time." PLEASE : WAKE UP !!!
Sonntag, 28. Dezember 2014
Freitag, 26. Dezember 2014
j saw the movie Jurassic Park (1993)
an j saw the scene about a cinema pic writing tsunami and next scene 2 asian run so it was well telling
so it is another prof that we are all preperad or beter say programed by this people
so it is another prof that we are all preperad or beter say programed by this people
Mittwoch, 24. Dezember 2014
Dienstag, 23. Dezember 2014
Montag, 22. Dezember 2014
Yet those findings are truly astounding. The major basement rocks of our planet did not originate from the gradual cooling of molten lava, as evolutionists maintain, but came into existence in their present solid form! God created everything; the evidence clearly points to it. This is science vs. evolution—a Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia, brought to you by Creation Science Facts.
This material is excerpted from the book, ORIGIN OF THE EARTH. (See BOOKSTORE) An asterisk ( * ) by a name indicates that person is not known to be a creationist. Of over 4,000 quotations in the books this Encyclopedia is based on, only 164 statements are by creationists.
You will have a better understanding of the following statements by scientists if you will also read the web page, Origin of the Earth.
Reputable scientists have found the research work of Robert Gentry to be beyond reproach, and his conclusions unimpeachable. Here are some of the statements they have made:
PROFESSIONAL QUALITY OF HIS DATA—"Robert V. Gentry writes lucidly of his meticulous experimentation with radioactive halos in ancient minerals. Many scientists with international reputations, such as Truman P. Kohman, Edward Anders, Emilio Segre, G.N. Flerov, Paul Ramdohr, Eugene Wigner, E.H. Taylor, etc., have commented favorably in regard to Gentry's integrity and the professional quality of his data."—*W. Scott Morrow, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry, Woofford College, quoted in Creation's Tiny Mystery [CTM], p. xi.
IN THE TRADITION OF GALILEO—"Robert V. Gentry is a scientist in the tradition of Galileo. He, his work, and his Weltanschauung [overall conception of life and the world] do not deserve the premature obituary that my evolutionary colleagues are preparing for it."—*W. Scott Morrow, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry, Woofford College, quoted in CTM, p. xi.
NOT WORTH THE EFFORT—"To date there has been only one effort to dispute Gentry's identification of polonium halos. As it turned out, that effort might better never have been written; the authors, having been impelled more by the worry that polonium halos, `would cause apparently insuperable geological problems,' than by a thorough grasp of the evidence."—*Talbott 1977, quoted in CTM, p. 47 [italics his].
THE SILENCE IS DEAFENING—"I have been patiently scanning the `letters' section of Science since the publication, by you and your colleagues, of your findings on radiohalos. The silence is deafening—I think it can be interpreted as `stunned silence' . . Your results will not greatly trouble the engineer, whether he is a mining engineer, a geophysical engineer, or a ground-water engineer. But the impact on the science of geology, in possibly changing the accepted views as to the duration of geologic time, will be felt for many years.
"We are indebted to you and your colleagues for your painstaking observation, the careful wording of your paper, and the courage you have manifested in presenting evidence that contravenes the conventional wisdom of the geological profession."—*Raphael G. Kazmann, Professor of Civil Engineering, Louisiana State University, 1977 letter to R.V. Gentry, quoted in CTM, p. 60.
FUNDAMENTAL INFORMATION—"Thank you for the reprints. It is apparent that you and your coworkers are unearthing fundamental information which will be difficult, if not impossible, to include in the accepted, uniformitarian-evolutionary, scheme."—*Raphael G. Kazmann, Professor of Civil Engineering, Louisiana State University, 1977 letter to R.V. Gentry, quoted in CTM, p. 60.
THE PROBLEM WITH POLONIUM—"The polonium halos, especially those produced by Polonium 218, are the center of a mystery. The half-life of the isotope is only 3 minutes. Yet the halos have been found in granitic rocks . . in all parts of the world, including Scandinavia, India, Canada, and the United States. The difficulty arises from observation that there is no identifiable precursor to the polonium; it appears to be primordial polonium. If so, how did the surrounding rocks crystallize rapidly enough so that there were crystals available ready to be imprinted with radiohalos by alpha particles from Po? This would imply almost instantaneous cooling and crystallization of these granitic minerals, and we know of no mechanisms that will remove heat so rapidly; the rocks are supposed to have cooled over millennia, if not tens of millennia."—*R.G. Kazmann, 1979, summary of R.V. Gentry's symposium presentation at Louisiana State University, April 1978, quoted in CTM, p. 61.
THE AGES BECOME MILLENNIA—"If isotope ratios are to be used as a basis for geologic dating, then presently accepted ages may be too high by a factor of 10,000, admitting the possibility that the ages of the formation are to be measured in millennia. Thus ages of the entire stratigraphic column may contain epochs less than 0.-1% the duration of those now accepted and found in the literature."—*R.G. Kazmann, 1979, op. cit., quoted in CTM, p. 62.
GOOD AND CORRECTLY REPORTED—"I do not believe that Gentry's contentions can be regarded as of a `rather startling nature.' However, some of his experimental findings (like those of his predecessors) are quite difficult to understand, and the ultimate explanations could be interesting and even surprising. Many persons probably do not take them seriously, believing either that there is something wrong with the reported findings or that the explanations are to be found in simple phenomena which have been overlooked or discarded . . I believe it can be said that Gentry is honest and sincere, and that his scientific work is good and correctly reported. It would be very hard to believe that all, or any, of it could have been fabricated."—*Truman P. Kohman, Department of Chemistry, Carnegie-Mellon University, quoted in CTM, p. 236.
SHAKE THE VERY FOUNDATIONS—"His [Gentry's] conclusions are startling and shake the very foundations of radiochemistry and geochemistry. Yet he has been so meticulous in his experimental work, and so restrained in his interpretations, that most people take his work seriously . . I think most people believe, as I do, that some unspectacular explanation will eventually be found for the anomalous halos, and that orthodoxy will turn out to be right after all. Mean while Gentry should be encouraged to keep rattling this skeleton in our closet for all it is worth."—*Edward Anders, Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, quoted in CTM, p. 236.
DONE THOROUGHLY—"We made sure that [Gentry] carried out his investigations very thoroughly . . Therefore his data deserves serious attention."—*G.N. Flerov, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow, quoted in CTM, p. 236.
PROBABLY NO NEED TO DOUBT—"The very careful and time taking examinations of Dr. Gentry are indeed very interesting and extremely difficult to explain. But I think there is no need to doubt `currently accepted cosmological models of Earth formation' . . Anyhow, there is a very interesting and essential question and you could discuss it, perhaps with cautious restrictions against so weighty statements like the one above in quotes. It would be interesting and good if more scientists would have more knowledge of the problems."—*Paul Ramdohr, Emeritus Professor of Mineralogy, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, quoted in CTM, p. 236.
THOROUGHNESS, CARE, AND EFFORT—"I can attest to the thoroughness, care and effort which Gentry puts into his work . . In a general way these puzzling pieces of information might result from unsuspected species or phenomena in nuclear physics, from unusual geological or geochemical processes, or even from cosmological phenomena. Or they (or one of them) might arise from some unsuspected, trivial and uninteresting cause. All that one can say is that they do present a puzzle (or several puzzles) and that there is some reasonable probability that the answer will be scientifically interesting."—*E.H. Taylor, Chemistry Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, quoted in CTM, p. 236.
WORLD'S LEADING AUTHORITY—"Mr. Anderson is correct when he states in his letter that Dr. Robert Gentry is the world's leading authority on the observation and measurement of anomalous radio-active haloes. Because of his recognized capabilities, Dr. Gentry's research was funded by the Foundation during the early 1970's."—*Francis S. Johnson, Assistant Director, National Science Foundation, 1982 letter to Robert S. Walker, U.S. Representative from Tennessee, quoted in CTM, p. 255.
NEARLY 20 SCIENCE REPORTS—"Mr. Gentry has been a guest Scientist at ORNL [Oak Ridge National Laboratory] for the past 13 years. During this time, he has published nearly 20 scientific reports, some of which have received national recognition."—Jim Sasser, U.S. Senator from Tennessee, 1982 letter to W.S. Heffelfinger, Department of Energy, quoted in CTM, p. 261.
MEETING THE SCIENTISTS—"In my recent defense of Act 590 of 1981 (better known as the Creation-Science Law), I had the opportunity to become acquainted with several of the world's leading scientists who testified on behalf of both the State and the American Civil Liberties Union. Of all the scientists involved on both sides of the lawsuit, no one impressed me anymore than Robert Gentry, who for the past several years has been a guest scientist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee."—Steve Clark, Attorney General, State of Arkansas, 1982 letter to Dale Bumpers, U.S. Senator from Arkansas, quoted in CTM, pp. 172, 265. OUTSIDE MOST EXPERTISE—"Robert V. Gentry is widely regarded as one of the most conscientious and scholarly creationists. His research on radioactive halos is in a field outside the expertise of most scientists."—*Karl Fezer, Concord College, in a 1985 statement, quoted in CTM, p. 182.
Forward to the first major topic in the next series: THE AGE OF THE EARTH which will provide you with a remarkable number of evidences pointing to a young age for our planet
Sonntag, 21. Dezember 2014
so Knownlege is increasing
Jesus Christ the Messiah
Bible Proof for Quirinius
John The Baptist
The Miracles of Jesus
The Pool of Siloam
Jesus' Prophecy - "The Temple"
Jesus' Prophecy - "Jerusalem"
Annas & Caiaphas
Crucifixion Darkness
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
James the Brother of Jesus
The Book of Acts Chapter 5
The Death of Herod Agrippa
Paul's Companion - Erastus
Moses and Pharaoh
Balaam, A prophet gone Bad
Joshua and the Promised Land
King David
God and the House of David
King Jeroboam
King Ahab and Jezebel
Bible Proof for King Hoshea
King Hezekiah
King Josiah
Jeremiah's Scribe Baruch
The Book of Daniel
Daniel's Three Friends
Nebuchadnezzar's Pride
Bible Evidence for Jehoiachin
Gedaliah Governor of Judea
Belshazzar and Darius the Mede
The Archenemy of Nehemiah
Jeremiah the Prophet
Bible History Photo Links - Vol.1
Jesus Christ the Messiah
Bible Proof for Quirinius
John The Baptist
The Miracles of Jesus
The Pool of Siloam
Jesus' Prophecy - "The Temple"
Jesus' Prophecy - "Jerusalem"
Annas & Caiaphas
Crucifixion Darkness
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
James the Brother of Jesus
The Book of Acts Chapter 5
The Death of Herod Agrippa
Paul's Companion - Erastus
Moses and Pharaoh
Balaam, A prophet gone Bad
Joshua and the Promised Land
King David
God and the House of David
King Jeroboam
King Ahab and Jezebel
Bible Proof for King Hoshea
King Hezekiah
King Josiah
Jeremiah's Scribe Baruch
The Book of Daniel
Daniel's Three Friends
Nebuchadnezzar's Pride
Bible Evidence for Jehoiachin
Gedaliah Governor of Judea
Belshazzar and Darius the Mede
The Archenemy of Nehemiah
Jeremiah the Prophet
Bible History Photo Links - Vol.1
the french revolution
"Liberty, Equality, Fraternity"
True World Intelligence News (TWIN) Voice of Truth: Proclaimer of truth and defender of the faithful French Revolution Horrors: Pregnant Women Ripped Open, Fetuses Sliced to Pieces, Sex With Headless Corpses, Christians Cooked in Ovens
True World Intelligence News (TWIN)
Voice of Truth: Proclaimer of truth and defender of the faithful
French Revolution Horrors: Pregnant Women Ripped Open, Fetuses Sliced to Pieces, Sex With Headless Corpses, Christians Cooked in Ovens
with one comment
Horror Stories, so popular in modern literature and film, originated in the sexual decadence unleashed by the French Revolution.
In a compelling study of horror, from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein to
modern Hollywood, E. Michael Jones, one of America’s most original
critics, shows that the moral order, when suppressed, reasserts itself
in the form of an avenging monster. Expanded and newly reprinted.
In todays world we are taught that the French Revolution that was some courageous uprising peasants against their aristocratic oppressors. Anyone who does not conform with this view of this historical event is blacklisted as some backwards elitist. However the French Revolution was no romantic uprising as some would have you believe. It was in fact one of the most barbaric events in human history.
In 1793 there was a Royalist uprising in Vendee against the Jacobin tyrants. These men were not aristocrats but farmers who were still loyal to God,King and country. For other a year they fought on bravely. In the end however they were outnumbered and outgunned. The Revolutionaries had no intention on showing mercy to the citizens of Vendee. Revolutionary soldiers engaged in many sadistic games with innocent civilians. One of there favorite past times was to slice open pregnant women in order to chop their unborn children into pieces and then let the mothers bleed to death. Another popular practice was to throw children out of windows into a group of soldiers with bayonets. These people were filled with so much bloodlust that Commander Grignon gave the order that everyone they met was to be immediately killed, even if they were supporters of the Revolution.
Samstag, 20. Dezember 2014
an intresant comment that j must share
So Here's How ya know......
That the US. Government is the one that hacked Sony.
1- They told us North Korea did it. Which tells me....they didn't do it. If NK really did this, the US Gov. would NOT tell us about it. And since you can NEVER trust anything our Government tells us....
2- North Korea would NEVER threaten us with 911 type attacks. Theyre not that crazy. The US has gone to war with many countries, including Korea, that have never threatened us. They wouldn't give them a reason to raise tensions.
Why would the US Government want to hack Sony?
1- The main goal is to vilify HACKERS.
Up until now, hackers have been considered cool. And the State wants to change that. They can't have hackers like Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, and Anonymous become heroes.
Hackers are a real threat to the State, because their dirty secrets could be exposed. So Hackers must be demonized.
Look at the last few times we have heard about hackers.....when they stole people's credit card info from Target, stole nude pics off the cloud...and now Sony. All False Flags to brainwash/change our minds about hackers.
2- The State isn't any happier with the movie's plot, than North Korea is.
In the Interview, the CIA strongarms a couple of Journalists into a mission to MURDER a foreign dignitary.
Our Government totally controls our media, but they don't wanna go , broadcasting it....literally. the whole world.
3- The State may not have liked the scene in Pineapple Express, where the Gov. Is testing drugs on soldiers, and then kills them after the test. Cuz you know....The Gov. Has actually DONE that.
4- This will give them the excuse to pass new laws, censorships, restrictions, and reasons why the NSA needs to spy on us.
5- Its an incredible DISTRACTION.
What? Some people got murdered by the police??? Who cares? A movie got delayed!!!
6- And finally....Sony was about to buy Lionsgate Entertainment.
This sale wouldve been a huge payday for the people who own Lionsgate, and the Powers That Be can't have that.
Because.....Lionsgate produces...the HUNGER GAMES movies. The HUGELY popular film series that is all about a REVOLUTION against a cruel Dictator. ...right America.
The State doesn't like those movies. And gee whiz...they sure have been plagued with bad luck. Phillip Seymore Hoffman DIES before he can finish the movies. Then the Asst. Director's son goes on a shooting rampage in Santa Barbara. ..then those darn hackers got a bunch of nude pictures off the Cloud, of the Star of the film and threatened to release a sex tape of her to the public.
They couldn't find any nude pics of the guy who played Peeta. So they did the next best thing, They released nude pics of PEETA 's real life girlfriend. I guess they're trying to hurt them anyway they can.
So, Forget about North Korea. ..they're not the Oppressive State you need to worry about.
That the US. Government is the one that hacked Sony.
1- They told us North Korea did it. Which tells me....they didn't do it. If NK really did this, the US Gov. would NOT tell us about it. And since you can NEVER trust anything our Government tells us....
2- North Korea would NEVER threaten us with 911 type attacks. Theyre not that crazy. The US has gone to war with many countries, including Korea, that have never threatened us. They wouldn't give them a reason to raise tensions.
Why would the US Government want to hack Sony?
1- The main goal is to vilify HACKERS.
Up until now, hackers have been considered cool. And the State wants to change that. They can't have hackers like Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, and Anonymous become heroes.
Hackers are a real threat to the State, because their dirty secrets could be exposed. So Hackers must be demonized.
Look at the last few times we have heard about hackers.....when they stole people's credit card info from Target, stole nude pics off the cloud...and now Sony. All False Flags to brainwash/change our minds about hackers.
2- The State isn't any happier with the movie's plot, than North Korea is.
In the Interview, the CIA strongarms a couple of Journalists into a mission to MURDER a foreign dignitary.
Our Government totally controls our media, but they don't wanna go , broadcasting it....literally. the whole world.
3- The State may not have liked the scene in Pineapple Express, where the Gov. Is testing drugs on soldiers, and then kills them after the test. Cuz you know....The Gov. Has actually DONE that.
4- This will give them the excuse to pass new laws, censorships, restrictions, and reasons why the NSA needs to spy on us.
5- Its an incredible DISTRACTION.
What? Some people got murdered by the police??? Who cares? A movie got delayed!!!
6- And finally....Sony was about to buy Lionsgate Entertainment.
This sale wouldve been a huge payday for the people who own Lionsgate, and the Powers That Be can't have that.
Because.....Lionsgate produces...the HUNGER GAMES movies. The HUGELY popular film series that is all about a REVOLUTION against a cruel Dictator. ...right America.
The State doesn't like those movies. And gee whiz...they sure have been plagued with bad luck. Phillip Seymore Hoffman DIES before he can finish the movies. Then the Asst. Director's son goes on a shooting rampage in Santa Barbara. ..then those darn hackers got a bunch of nude pictures off the Cloud, of the Star of the film and threatened to release a sex tape of her to the public.
They couldn't find any nude pics of the guy who played Peeta. So they did the next best thing, They released nude pics of PEETA 's real life girlfriend. I guess they're trying to hurt them anyway they can.
So, Forget about North Korea. ..they're not the Oppressive State you need to worry about.
Freitag, 19. Dezember 2014
Zetetic Astronomy Earth Not a Globe by Parallax (Samuel Birley Rowbotham) [1881] it is worth to read
Samuel Birley Rowbotham, under the pseudonym 'Parallax', lectured for two decades up and down Britain promoting his unique flat earth theory. This book, in which he lays out his world system, went through three editions, starting with a 16 page pamphlet published in 1849 and a second edition of 221 pages published in 1865. The third edition of 1881 (which had inflated to 430 pages) was used as the basis of this etext.
Rowbotham was an accomplished debater who reputedly steamrollered all opponents, and his followers, who included many well-educated people, were equally tenacious. One of them, John Hampden, got involved in a bet with the famous naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace about the flat earth. An experiment which Hampden proposed didn't resolve the issue, and the two ended up in court in 1876. The judge ruled against Hampton, who started a long campaign of legal harassment of Wallace. Rowbotham hints at the incident in this book.
Rowbotham believed that the earth is flat. The contients float on an infinite ocean which somehow has a layer of fire underneath it. The lands we know are surrounded by an infinite wilderness of ice and snow, beyond the Antarctic ocean, bordered by an immense circular ice-cliff. What we call the North Pole is in the center of the earth.
The polar projection of the flat earth creates obvious discrepancies with known geography, particularly the farther south you go. Figure 54 inadvertantly illustrates this problem. The Zetetic map has a severly squashed South America and Africa, and Australia and New Zealand in the middle of the Pacific. I think that by the 19th century people would have noticed if Australia and Africa were thousands of miles further apart than expected, let alone if Africa was wider than it was long!
The Zetetic Sun, moon, planets and stars are all only a few hundred miles above the surface of the earth. The sun orbits the north pole once a day at a constant altitude. The moon is both self-illuminated and semi-transparent. Eclipses can be explained by some unknown object occulting the sun or moon. Zetetic cosmology is 'faith-based', based, that is, on a literal interpretation of selected Biblical quotes. Hell is exactly as advertised, directly below us. Heaven is not a state of mind, it is a real place, somewhere above us. He uses Ussherian Biblical chronology to mock the concept that stars could be millions of light years away. He attacks the concept of a plurality of worlds because no other world than this one is mentioned in the Bible.
Rowbotham never adequately explains his alternative astronomy. If the Copernican theory so adequately explains planetary motions, why discard it, and what would he use in its place? What is the sun orbiting around once a day and how does it work like a spotlight, not a 'point source'? If the moon is self-luminous, what creates its phases? If gravity appears to work here on earth, why doesn't it apply to the celestial objects just a few hundred miles up?
To make his system work he had to throw out a great deal of science, including the scientific method itself, using instead what he calls a 'Zetetic' method. As far as I can see this is simply a license to employ circular reasoning (e.g., the earth is flat, hence we can see distant lighthouses, hence the earth is flat).
Zetetic Astronomy is a key work of flat-earth thought, just as Donnelly's Atlantis, the Antediluvian World is still considered required reading on the subject of Atlantis. If you ever have to debate the flat earth pro or con, this book is a complete agenda of each point that you'll have to argue.
Samuel Birley Rowbotham, under the pseudonym 'Parallax', lectured for two decades up and down Britain promoting his unique flat earth theory. This book, in which he lays out his world system, went through three editions, starting with a 16 page pamphlet published in 1849 and a second edition of 221 pages published in 1865. The third edition of 1881 (which had inflated to 430 pages) was used as the basis of this etext.
Rowbotham was an accomplished debater who reputedly steamrollered all opponents, and his followers, who included many well-educated people, were equally tenacious. One of them, John Hampden, got involved in a bet with the famous naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace about the flat earth. An experiment which Hampden proposed didn't resolve the issue, and the two ended up in court in 1876. The judge ruled against Hampton, who started a long campaign of legal harassment of Wallace. Rowbotham hints at the incident in this book.
Rowbotham believed that the earth is flat. The contients float on an infinite ocean which somehow has a layer of fire underneath it. The lands we know are surrounded by an infinite wilderness of ice and snow, beyond the Antarctic ocean, bordered by an immense circular ice-cliff. What we call the North Pole is in the center of the earth.
The polar projection of the flat earth creates obvious discrepancies with known geography, particularly the farther south you go. Figure 54 inadvertantly illustrates this problem. The Zetetic map has a severly squashed South America and Africa, and Australia and New Zealand in the middle of the Pacific. I think that by the 19th century people would have noticed if Australia and Africa were thousands of miles further apart than expected, let alone if Africa was wider than it was long!
The Zetetic Sun, moon, planets and stars are all only a few hundred miles above the surface of the earth. The sun orbits the north pole once a day at a constant altitude. The moon is both self-illuminated and semi-transparent. Eclipses can be explained by some unknown object occulting the sun or moon. Zetetic cosmology is 'faith-based', based, that is, on a literal interpretation of selected Biblical quotes. Hell is exactly as advertised, directly below us. Heaven is not a state of mind, it is a real place, somewhere above us. He uses Ussherian Biblical chronology to mock the concept that stars could be millions of light years away. He attacks the concept of a plurality of worlds because no other world than this one is mentioned in the Bible.
Rowbotham never adequately explains his alternative astronomy. If the Copernican theory so adequately explains planetary motions, why discard it, and what would he use in its place? What is the sun orbiting around once a day and how does it work like a spotlight, not a 'point source'? If the moon is self-luminous, what creates its phases? If gravity appears to work here on earth, why doesn't it apply to the celestial objects just a few hundred miles up?
To make his system work he had to throw out a great deal of science, including the scientific method itself, using instead what he calls a 'Zetetic' method. As far as I can see this is simply a license to employ circular reasoning (e.g., the earth is flat, hence we can see distant lighthouses, hence the earth is flat).
Zetetic Astronomy is a key work of flat-earth thought, just as Donnelly's Atlantis, the Antediluvian World is still considered required reading on the subject of Atlantis. If you ever have to debate the flat earth pro or con, this book is a complete agenda of each point that you'll have to argue.
--John Bruno Hare, June 16th, 2005.
Olympic Games will be held in countries that restrict the spread of homosexuality
The decision of last Thursday brought the International Olympic Committee (IOC) will enable new protuobiteljski pressure on countries that are candidates to host the Olympic Games. 8th December. International Olympic Committee unanimously passed a package of comprehensive measures that consist of as many as 40 recommendations and called the Olympic Plan 2020. The measures include a reformulation of anti-discrimination provisions Principles 6, which now states that "sexual orientation" as a protected category.
EU threatens Gambia due to stricter laws against homosexuality
Publication: 17 December, 2014.
Gambian Foreign Minister said that the West African countries cut off all dialogue with the European Union rejecting attempts to block the EU countries to take advantage of the provision of financial assistance to African countries to Gambia forced to withdraw from the adoption of the new, stricter laws against homosexuality.
Foreign Minister Bala Garba Jahumpa said the Gambian President Yahya Jammeh -Ex military officer who came to power during a coup in 1994 - will not allow foreign
Gambian Foreign Minister said that the West African countries cut off all dialogue with the European Union rejecting attempts to block the EU countries to take advantage of the provision of financial assistance to African countries to Gambia forced to withdraw from the adoption of the new, stricter laws against homosexuality.
Foreign Minister Bala Garba Jahumpa said the Gambian President Yahya Jammeh -Ex military officer who came to power during a coup in 1994 - will not allow foreign
Donnerstag, 18. Dezember 2014
there are really more increased leaking out so are you the one
so are you awoken
12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, [even] to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, [even] to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
ALARMING CONSPIRACY UNITED NATIONS: The UN assigned day practice which destroys the Christian religion in the Western world!
The United Nations at the initiative of the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi decided to declare June 21 as the International Day of Yoga. But what lies behind it?
The UN General Assembly on Thursday adopted a resolution about it, calling on member nations to seize the day in order to better meet the well-being of practicing Yoga.
Prime Minister Modi after last month's cabinet reshuffle appointed Minister of yoga in order to give momentum to this ancient skill in India and abroad. Hindu leader is a vegetarian and an avid fan of yoga that is practiced daily. From the UN in September asked to consider the introduction of the World Day of Yoga.
The UN General Assembly on Thursday adopted a resolution about it, calling on member nations to seize the day in order to better meet the well-being of practicing Yoga.
Prime Minister Modi after last month's cabinet reshuffle appointed Minister of yoga in order to give momentum to this ancient skill in India and abroad. Hindu leader is a vegetarian and an avid fan of yoga that is practiced daily. From the UN in September asked to consider the introduction of the World Day of Yoga.
Mittwoch, 17. Dezember 2014
Dienstag, 16. Dezember 2014
OMG! As it turns out, the MATRIX movie (1st film) was actually recorded at 52 Martin Place in Sydney Australia !
The "government" building with Agent Smith torturing Morpheous, the scene where the "woman in red" is walking down the street.... the scene where Cypher wants to rejoin the matrix...
ALL filmed THERE where this new 'shooting' just happened in Australia! All directly in the buildings above , around, and in front of the Lindt Chocolate cafe.
Martin Place.
Full video processing on this now.. Until then, chew on this wonderful graphic I just made
http:// movies/m/ Matrix.html#.VJAhCXsYGoN
OMG! As it turns out, the MATRIX movie (1st film) was actually recorded at 52 Martin Place in Sydney Australia !
The "government" building with Agent Smith torturing Morpheous, the scene where the "woman in red" is walking down the street.... the scene where Cypher wants to rejoin the matrix...
ALL filmed THERE where this new 'shooting' just happened in Australia! All directly in the buildings above , around, and in front of the Lindt Chocolate cafe.
Martin Place.
Full video processing on this now.. Until then, chew on this wonderful graphic I just made
Montag, 15. Dezember 2014
Samstag, 13. Dezember 2014
Freitag, 12. Dezember 2014
SHOCK TO THE WEST: The Bulgarian Parliament requested a referendum on leaving the EU and NATO
The leader of the Bulgarian Ataka party Volen Siderov proposed that in the country hold a referendum on leaving the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the European Union, writes portal WUFYS.
Donnerstag, 11. Dezember 2014
just thinking
j looked in the movie Idiocracy (2006) thre thing what j saw was ebola,
black president, and this holo screen j dont now the real name j can say
watch this movie so you will now all is well planed 2006 the movie
came out and 3 years later he was inaugurated as president
Movies with black presidents in the last 25 years
- The Fifth Element (1997)
- Deep Impact (1998)
- Head of State (2003)
- Idiocracy (2006)
- 2012 (2009)
- it has the same patern as the 9-11 movies bevore it happens
- they are brainwashing us it wake up. god bless
Mittwoch, 10. Dezember 2014
Dienstag, 9. Dezember 2014
Montag, 8. Dezember 2014
Sonntag, 7. Dezember 2014
Samstag, 6. Dezember 2014
Freitag, 5. Dezember 2014
Hypersexualisation children through the media
12/05/2014 15:06
Almost all media bombarded today's children facilities in which glorifies sex and sexual behavior. It is a real invasion of the brain of our children by sexual images and innuendo. The sexualization of children occurs when a child wants to make sure that its value is based solely on sex appeal or sexualised behavior, and other characteristics of the child are ignored or excluded. Should we ever wonder what girls already at a very early age they begin to believe that their value is based on the so-called sex appeal? Watch a video that shows how pernicious influence on children have the American media like Disney that are programmed from an early age on sexual behavior and prepare
12/05/2014 15:06
Almost all media bombarded today's children facilities in which glorifies sex and sexual behavior. It is a real invasion of the brain of our children by sexual images and innuendo. The sexualization of children occurs when a child wants to make sure that its value is based solely on sex appeal or sexualised behavior, and other characteristics of the child are ignored or excluded. Should we ever wonder what girls already at a very early age they begin to believe that their value is based on the so-called sex appeal? Watch a video that shows how pernicious influence on children have the American media like Disney that are programmed from an early age on sexual behavior and prepare
will someone notice that? Look up to the sky wake up
j here i croatia 22:05 europe mez time j was going out and looked in the skay notice there are cloud there was on the day for ca 13 day and it is fog and there is this light it is to bright it must be from the hologram Moon what j want to say it is too too bright and it is pas 22 hour you will think the sun may come out
Donnerstag, 4. Dezember 2014
Mittwoch, 3. Dezember 2014
Hoaxers Are Trying to Censor "We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook" off Inte...
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--- saturn golden age cycle cube cresent baal shamash el chronos time hexagram symbol sin moon old new 1000 year aon eon rule space ne world order set satan secret sun archaic helios heliopolis ancient Stur Ninurta El Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan dragon Baphomet goddess witchcraft Artemis Cybele Sin Lucifera Diana Samael Lilith Ishtar Inanna Mary queen of heaven Zeitgeist Bible Book of Revelations 2012 Star of David Israel Judaism Jews Synagogue of Satan Saturnus Roman god pagan religions Roman Catholic Church Pope Vatican conspiracy Jesus Christ Christianity Christians xjohn xrevelator xlivescom HeroOfChristArchives 666 Cult Of Saturn Saturnalian cult revealed Saturnalian brotherhood Saturnian Brotherhood Saturnalia 666 The Mark of the Beast 666 The Number of the Beast Satan Lucifer devil satanic Luciferian Antichrist Dajjal false messiah false prophet Occult Freemasons Freemasonry Masons Masonry Illuminati symbolism hexagram pentagram all-seeing eye New World Order NWO star planet Chuin Kiyyun Kewan Kaiwan Kayawanu Sakkuth Siccuth Sikkuth Star of Remphan Remphan Rephan Rompha Moloch Molech star-gods Watchers aliens angels phoenician red heads hair tribe of dan philo yahu bible fallen purple evil nazi pit crystals inner earth titans zeus giants enoch occult witchcraft saloman demons angeles elohim eloy ilu anu anunaki sumeria pirates black planet star AMBOSS, ANVIL, STEEL/METAL, HARD, ROCK, BLACK, ADAMANTIUM, ADAMITE ADAMAS, AMANDA, ADAM, DIAMOND, CRYSTAL, CUBE, ICE, FIRE, HELL, 9, TARTARUS, ABYSS, PIT, ENTITIES, INSECTS, LOCUST, LEGION, ANTS, BEES, WOMAN, ELOHIM, FALLEN, ANCIENT ONES, BOUND, TRAPPED, FROZEN, SEALED, IMPRISONED, CONTAINED, LOCKED, TIME, DAY, NEW,like,instagood ,photooftheday,follow,instalike,instamood,igers ,all_shots,picoftheday,instadaily,bestoftheday,igdaily,followme,webstagram,tweegram, --- saturn golden age cycle cube cresent baal shamash el chronos time hexagram symbol sin moon old new 1000 year aon eon rule space ne world order set satan secret sun archaic helios heliopolis ancient Stur Ninurta El Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan dragon Baphomet goddess witchcraft Artemis Cybele Sin Lucifera Diana Samael Lilith Ishtar Inanna Mary queen of heaven Zeitgeist Bible Book of Revelations 2012 Star of David Israel Judaism Jews Synagogue of Satan Saturnus Roman god pagan religions Roman Catholic Church Pope Vatican conspiracy Jesus Christ Christianity Christians xjohn xrevelator xlivescom HeroOfChristArchives 666 Cult Of Saturn Saturnalian cult revealed Saturnalian brotherhood Saturnian Brotherhood Saturnalia 666 The Mark of the Beast 666 The Number of the Beast Satan Lucifer devil satanic Luciferian Antichrist Dajjal false messiah false prophet Occult Freemasons Freemasonry Masons Masonry Illuminati symbolism hexagram pentagram all-seeing eye New World Order NWO star planet Chuin Kiyyun Kewan Kaiwan Kayawanu Sakkuth Siccuth Sikkuth Star of Remphan Remphan Rephan Rompha Moloch Molech star-gods Watchers aliens angels phoenician red heads hair tribe of dan philo yahu bible fallen purple evil nazi pit crystals inner earth titans zeus giants enoch occult witchcraft saloman demons angeles elohim eloy ilu anu anunaki sumeria pirates black planet star AMBOSS, ANVIL, STEEL/METAL, HARD, ROCK, BLACK, ADAMANTIUM, ADAMITE ADAMAS, AMANDA, ADAM, DIAMOND, CRYSTAL, CUBE, ICE, FIRE, HELL, 9, TARTARUS, ABYSS, PIT, ENTITIES, INSECTS, LOCUST, LEGION, ANTS, BEES, WOMAN, ELOHIM, FALLEN, ANCIENT ONES, BOUND, TRAPPED, FROZEN, SEALED, IMPRISONED, CONTAINED, LOCKED, TIME, DAY, NEW,like,instagood ,photooftheday,follow,instalike,instamood,igers ,all_shots,picoftheday,instadaily,bestoftheday,igdaily,followme,webstagram,tweegram,milanovic,hrvatska,ljubav,nogomet,košarka,zagreb,bjelovar,karlovac ,dobrovnik,hoteli,jeftino,benzin,dizel,udba,korupcija,dalmacija,krk,brac, slovenia,srbia,crna,gora,brazilija,hrt,rtl,novatv,vjera,dnevnik, Sport,Nogomet,Košarka,Formula 1,Tenis,Ostali sportovi,Hrvatska,Regija,Svijet,Crna kronika,Misteriji,Bizarno,Komentari,Kultura,Pozitiva Malaysia, travel, guide,Wikitravel, malaysia bay, malaysia, time, malaysia, map, malaysia, airlines, zagreb, malaysia, wikipedija malaysia ,post tracking malaysia, airlines ,zagreb office malaysia, premier ,league, 2013
Dienstag, 2. Dezember 2014
Montag, 1. Dezember 2014
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