Sonntag, 30. November 2014

Wolfgang Halbig ~ Sandy Hook Staged Government Community Capstone Exerci...

Military Police Caught Setting Fires In Ferguson BULL SH-T ALERT GET YOU...

Ebola Scam Exposed! Censors FreeRadioRevolution!

Italy Bans Flu Shot 9 Dead

Solar Eclipse seen From NASA ISS in space Amazing footage!

Reptilian Shapeshifting 2010... Must View!!!

Reptilian shapeshifter - Reptilian Tongues

Porn is ‘pervasive’ in our lives, sex-ed pressures us into promiscuity: teens in UK poll

A poll of 18-year-old UK teens conducted by the Institute of Public Policy Research (IPPR) found that a large majority of both boys and girls believe that easy access to online porn puts pressure on them to look and act in imitation of what porn portrays.
They also complained that sex education often presents promiscuity as normal, putting additional pressure on them to become sexually active before they might otherwise.
"This new polling data shows that pornographic images are pervasive in teenagers' lives and that young women in particular are acutely conscious of how damaging they can be," said Dalia Ben-Galim, associate director of the IPPR, in media statements.

Raped after hours of sex education

Almost two years ago in Croatia amended the criminal code in the part concerning sexual relations among minors. The age limit for sexual relations was raised from 14 to 15 years (which was against Alexander Štulhofer), but sex among peers under that age is not punishable if the difference between people is not more than three years. Apparently for that lobbied also Alexander Štulhofer. So make the case that transfer under Croatian law was characterized as rape, but there would be an aggravating circumstance that a person can not give consent unless there is 15 years of age. It is illogical that a person can not give consent for sexual intercourse in one case, and in the second case can. A person is immature to do so in either case. It is also sad that in our expert meetings at which a solution to sexual violence and pedophilia offers you more sex education in the classroom, and the supposed saviors of children are always the same people Associates Kinsey Institute. And what do they offer? Sexual education through which the promiscuity presented as something normal and thus to them puts additional pressure on students to become sexually active before they would themselves want. By scrolling the manual for the implementation of health education in his fourth module acquires only that impression.

13-year-old girl from the UK raped by classmates after school sex education


13-year-old girl from the UK raped by classmates after school sex education

Author: Thaddeus Baklinski

Publication: 27. November, 2014.


ABC Live: 16th November 2014.

Reptilian Illuminati Hybrid High Priest Jim Carrey's mocking with Satan's tongue, sheeple on their faces...!

Wake Up!

Jesus Christ is The Truth, The Life and The Way!

The Truth Will Set You Free!

They Live, Sheeple Sleep!


Demonic entities has infiltrated planet Earth.

They clone humans to fit in strategic places, while destroying real humans and mother Gaia in the process.

Their Agenda is: Earth to be their new home and bring others reptilian here to live...



Get rid of F E A R (False Evidence Appearing Real)


WAKE UP!...And see beyond the veil!!!





Though, first IT might upset you, for a little while...:)...)

~In Lak'ech Ala K'in~

I Am Another u

May you Be Blessed and FREE...

♥`*.*´¨) Infinite PEACE, JOY -WISDOM and Infinite LOVE ♥







PEOPLE WAKING UP! Message to All Ferguson Protesters: SHUT THE MEDIA DOWN!

Samstag, 29. November 2014

Look. Beyond the contrails...


Humans Do NOT Blink 100-200 Times Per Minute - But Alien Shapeshifter DO

Untold Hidden History of Jewish/Palestinian Conflict! Shocking!!

Fake Canadian News Report! Canadians Volunteering to fight ISIS! - ROFLMAO!

CNN Reporter Sarah Sidner Hit in Head by Rock in Ferguson (Redsilverj)

Must See! How The ILLUMINATI uses Television to Control Your Mind

Vrijedi pročitati
Čovjek se vratio s posla kasno, umoran i nervozan i nađe svog 5-godišnjeg sina kako ga čeka na vratima.
SIN: 'Tata, smijem li te nešto pitati?'
OTAC: Da, naravno, reci, što je?
SIN: Tata, koliko zarađuješ na sat?'
OTAC: "To se tebe ne tiče. Zašto me to pitaš?"
SIN: "Samo sam želio znati. Molim te, reci mi, koliko zarađuješ na sat?"
OTAC: "Ako već moraš znati, zarađujem 50 dolara na sat."
SIN: Oh, dječak odgovori, spuštene glave.
SIN: "Tata, molim te, možeš li mi pozajmiti 25 dolara?"
Otac je bio bijesan. "Ako je jedini razlog što me pitaš da ti pozajmim 25
dolara taj da možeš kupiti nekakvu igračku ili sličnu besmislicu, tada
se okreni i idi u sobu i razmisli zašto si tako sebičan. Ja ne
radim svaki dan za takve dječje idiotarije!"

Dječak je tiho otišao u sobu i zatvorio vrata.
Čovjek je sjeo i postao još ljući zbog dječakovog pitanja. Kako se usuđuje pitati takva pitanja samo da bi dobio novac?!
Nakon nekih sat vremena, malo se smirio pa razmislio:
Možda mu je nešto stvarno trebalo za tih 25 dolara...Stvarno ne pita često za novac...
Čovjek je otišao u njegovu sobu i otvorio vrata.
"Jesi zaspao, sine?", upitao je.
'Ne, tata, budan sam" odgovori dječak.
'Razmišljao sam, možda sam bio prestrog prema tebi maloprije. Imao sam težak dan i
iskalio sam se na tebi. Evo ti 25 dolara koje si tražio.'
Dječak se uspravio, smiješeći se.
"Oh, hvala ti, tata!", povikao je. Tada, posegnuvši ispod jastuka, izvukao je snop zgužvanih novčanica.
Kad je vidio da dječak već ima novac, opet se počeo ljutiti.
Dječak je polako izbrojao svoj novac i pogledao oca.
"Zašto si tražio još novca, ako ga već imaš?", planu otac
'Zato što nisam imao dovoljno, a sada imam.', odgovori dječak.
'Tata, sada imam 50 dolara. Mogu li kupiti sat tvoga vremena? Molim te, dođi sutra kući ranije. Želim večerati s tobom."
Otac je bio slomljen. Zagrlio je sina i molio ga za oprost.
Ovo je samo kratki podsjetnik za sve vas koji naporno radite. Ne smijemo dozvoliti da vrijeme prolazi mimo nas bez da provedemo neko vrijeme s ljudima koji nam puno znače, koji su bliski našem srcu. Sjeti se podijeliti tih 50 dolara s nekime koga voliš.

 Worth a read :) man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door. SON: 'Daddy, may I ask you something?' FATHER: Yes, of course, what it is? SON: Daddy, how much do you make an hour? 'FATHER: "It does not concern you. Why do you ask?" SON: "I just wanted to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?" FATHER: "If you must know, I make $ 50 an hour." SON: Oh, boy replied, with his head. SON: "Daddy, please, can you loan me $ 25?" The father was furious. "If the only reason you asked to lend you $ 25 that you can buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then turn around and go to your room and think about why you are being so selfish. I do not work hard everyday for such childish frivolities" The little boy quietly went to his room and closed the door. The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money ?! After about an hour, had calmed down, and started to think: Maybe there was something he really needed to buy those $ 25 ... I really do not often ask for money ... The man went into his room and opened the door. "Are you asleep, son?" He asked. 'No daddy, I'm awake, "replied the boy.' I was thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier. I had a tough day and took out my aggravation on you. Here's the $ 25 you asked for. 'The boy sat straight up, smiling. "Oh, thank you daddy!" He yelled. Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills. When he saw that the boy already had money, started to get angry. The little boy slowly counted out your money and looked at his father. "Why do you want more money if you already have some?" the father grumbled 'Because I did not have enough, but now I have.', replied the boy. 'Daddy, I have $ 50. can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you. "The father was crushed. He embraced his son and asked him for forgiveness. This is just a short reminder to all of you working so hard. We should not let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our heart. Remember to share that $ 50 with someone you love. <3 By Entertainment

worth a read

A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door.
SON: 'Daddy, may I ask you something?'
FATHER: Yes, of course, what it is?
SON: Daddy, how much do you make an hour? '
FATHER: "It does not concern you. Why do you ask?"
SON: "I just wanted to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?"
FATHER: "If you must know, I make $ 50 an hour."
SON: Oh, boy replied, with his head.
SON: "Daddy, please, can you loan me $ 25?"
The father was furious. "If the only reason you asked that you borrow 25
dollars that you could buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then
Turn around and go to your room and think about why you are being so selfish. I do not
I work hard everyday for such childish frivolities! "

The little boy quietly went to his room and closed the door.
The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money ?!
After about an hour, had calmed down, and started to think:
Maybe there was something he really needed to buy those $ 25 ... I really do not often ask for money ...

The man went into his room and opened the door.
"Are you asleep, son?" He asked.
'No daddy, I'm awake, "replied the boy.
'I was thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier. I had a tough day and
took out my aggravation on you. Here's the $ 25 you asked for. '
The boy sat straight up, smiling.
"Oh, thank you daddy!" He shouted. Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills.

When he saw that the boy already had money, started to get angry.
The little boy slowly counted out his money and looked at his father.
"Why do you want more money if you already have some?" The father grumbled
'Because I did not have enough, but now I have.', Replied the boy.
'Daddy, I have $ 50. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I want to have dinner with you. "
The father was crushed. He embraced his son and asked him for forgiveness.

This is just a short reminder to all of you working so hard. We should not let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our heart. Remember to share that $ 50 with someone you love.

 Sehenswert lesen :) Mann von der Arbeit kam spät, müde und gereizt, zu seinem 5-jährigen Sohn auf ihn wartete an der Tür zu finden. Sohn: "Papa, darf ich Sie etwas fragen?" VATER: Ja, natürlich, was es ist? Sohn: Papa, wie viel Sie pro Stunde zu machen "? Vater: "Das geht dich nichts an Warum fragst du.?" Sohn: "Ich wollte nur wissen, Bitte sagen Sie mir, wie viel Sie pro Stunde zu machen.?" Vater: "Wenn Sie wissen müssen, ich $ 50 pro Stunde." SOHN: Oh, antwortete Junge, mit dem Kopf. Sohn: "Papa, bitte, können Sie leihen mir 25 $?" Der Vater war wütend. "Wenn der einzige Grund, warum Sie aufgefordert, die Sie leihen $ 25, die Sie eine dumme Spielzeug oder eine andere Unsinn kaufen, dann umdrehen und gehen Sie zu Ihrem Zimmer und darüber nachdenken, warum Sie so egoistisch sind. Ich glaube nicht, hart zu arbeiten jeden Tag für eine solche kindischen Frivolitäten" Der kleine Junge leise ging in sein Zimmer und schloss die Tür. Der Mann setzte sich und begann noch wütender über die kleinen Jungen Fragen zu bekommen. Wie kann er es wagen solche Fragen nur, um etwas Geld zu bekommen?! Nach etwa einer Stunde, beruhigt hatte, und begann zu denken: Vielleicht gab es etwas, was er wirklich zu kaufen diese $ 25 benötigt ... Ich weiß wirklich nicht oft bitten um Geld ... Der Mann ging in sein Zimmer und öffnete die Tür. "Schläfst du, mein Sohn?" Fragte er. "Nein Papa, ich bin wach", antwortete der Junge. "Ich dachte, vielleicht zu hart auf den Sie zuvor war ich. Ich hatte einen harten Tag und nahm meinen Ärger auf Sie. Hier ist die 25 $ Sie gefragt haben." Der Junge saß gerade nach oben, lächelnd. "Oh, danke Papa!", Schrie er. Dann erreichte unter seinem Kopfkissen zog er ein paar zerknitterte Scheine. Als er sah, dass der Junge bereits Geld hatte, begann sich zu ärgern. Der kleine Junge langsam gezählt Ihr Geld und sah seinen Vater an. "Warum willst du mehr Geld möchten, wenn Sie bereits einige?" Vater brummte "Weil ich nicht genug zu haben, aber jetzt habe ich.", antwortete der Junge. "Papa, ich habe $ 50 Kann ich eine Stunde zu kaufen Ihrer Zeit? Bitte Hause kommen morgen früh. ich würde gerne Abendessen mit Ihnen. "Der Vater war am Boden zerstört. Er umarmte seinen Sohn und bat ihn um Vergebung. Dies ist nur eine kurze Erinnerung an euch alle so hart gearbeitet. Wir sollten keine Zeit Slip durch die Finger lassen, ohne etwas Zeit mit denen, die wirklich für uns keine Rolle, die uns am Herzen verbracht. Denken Sie daran, dass die Aktie 50 $ mit jemand Sie Liebe. <3 Von Unterhaltung


Ein Mann von der Arbeit kam spät, müde und gereizt, zu seinem 5-jährigen Sohn auf ihn wartete an der Tür zu finden.
Sohn: "Papa, darf ich Sie etwas fragen?"
VATER: Ja, natürlich, was es ist?
Sohn: Papa, wie viel Sie pro Stunde zu machen "?
Vater: "Das geht dich nichts an Warum fragst du.?"
Sohn: "Ich wollte nur wissen, Bitte sagen Sie mir, wie viel Sie pro Stunde zu machen.?"
Vater: "Wenn Sie wissen müssen, ich $ 50 pro Stunde."
SOHN: Oh, antwortete Junge, mit dem Kopf.
Sohn: "Papa, bitte, können Sie leihen mir 25 $?"
Der Vater war wütend. "Wenn der einzige Grund, werden Sie aufgefordert, dass Sie 25 leihen
Dollar, dass Sie eine dumme Spielzeug oder eine andere Unsinn kaufen konnte, dann
Drehen Sie sich um und gehen Sie zu Ihrem Zimmer und darüber nachdenken, warum Sie so egoistisch sind. ich nicht
Ich arbeite hart, jeden Tag für eine solche Frivolitäten kindisch! "

Der kleine Junge leise ging in sein Zimmer und schloss die Tür.
Der Mann setzte sich und begann noch wütender über die kleinen Jungen Fragen zu bekommen. Wie kann er es wagen solche Fragen nur, um etwas Geld zu bekommen?!
Nach etwa einer Stunde, beruhigt hatte, und begann zu denken:
Vielleicht gab es etwas, was er wirklich zu kaufen diese $ 25 benötigt ... Ich weiß wirklich nicht oft bitten um Geld ...

Der Mann ging in sein Zimmer und öffnete die Tür.
"Schläfst du, mein Sohn?" Fragte er.
"Nein Papa, ich bin wach", antwortete der Junge.
"Ich dachte, vielleicht war ich zu hart zu dir früher. Ich hatte einen harten Tag und
nahm meinen Ärger auf Sie. Hier ist die 25 $ Sie gefragt haben. "
Der Junge saß gerade nach oben, lächelnd.
"Oh, danke Papa!", Schrie er. Dann erreichte unter seinem Kopfkissen zog er ein paar zerknitterte Scheine.

Als er sah, dass der Junge bereits Geld hatte, begann sich zu ärgern.
Der kleine Junge langsam zählte sein Geld und sah seinen Vater an.
"Warum willst du mehr Geld möchten, wenn Sie bereits einige?" Der Vater brummte
"Weil ich nicht genug, aber jetzt habe ich.", Antwortete der Junge.
"Daddy, ich habe 50 $. Kann ich eine Stunde Ihrer Zeit zu kaufen? Bitte Hause kommen morgen früh. Ich möchte das Abendessen mit Ihnen. "
Der Vater war am Boden zerstört. Er umarmte seinen Sohn und bat ihn um Vergebung.

Dies ist nur eine kurze Erinnerung an euch alle so hart gearbeitet. Wir sollten keine Zeit Slip durch die Finger lassen, ohne etwas Zeit mit denen, die wirklich für uns keine Rolle, die uns am Herzen verbracht. Denken Sie daran, dass die Aktie 50 $ mit jemand Sie Liebe.

Weiter so - was könnte den Deutschen blühen ?

Üble Medienhetze gegen Xavier Naidoo !

Sklavenarbeiter in deutschen Warenlagern und nicht in Bangladesch

FERGUSON NY Crowd Chants "FU*K CNN!"


Freitag, 28. November 2014

Frühreife Mädchen DOKU DEUTSCH

The Muslim Antichrist Has Just Given The Most Important And Shocking Speech Of The Century

In what we consider to be the most shocking video recordings of Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdoğan at two speeches in Istanbul which reveals the amazing evidence to what has been saying over a decade, the spirit, goal and aim of the Muslim Antichrist which seems to all manifest in Turkey’s star leader. Erdogan expressed his desire to catapult Turkey into an Islamic Empire stemming from Istanbul and covering the entire Muslim world in support of the Caliphate dream map of a ten-Muslim state confederacy.
In two remarkable astonishing recorded speeches one can summarize the definition of Antichrist, who is a Hitler type figure, except this arising prince is not originating from Europe’s Germany but from Turkey (1). The Turkish Sultan wanna be Caliph, Hitler-Erdogan,  who is beginning to fit the bill as he displayed his demonic tirades and hallucinations proclaiming Muslims as a special people going as far as prop

Read more:

They Live 100% Proof | Finale

something is HAPPENING a lot latley

The media silence about inexplicable explosion over Russia
A powerful explosion near the town of Yekaterinburg turned the night into day on for 11 seconds. Although this is something you do not see every day, the Russian authorities have given up their comments. Do you remember the explosion pieces of comets over Chelyabinsk, which wounded more than 1,000 people in February 2013? It seems that history repeats itself, but this time the explosion occurred over the uninhabited part of the southern Urals, more specifically on a deserted

The truth about vaccines

The AIDS HOAX english cro subs


Demon Magician: Dynamo - REVEAL THIS

The Sun, Two Suns, Mock Sun or It's Companion - Watch Full Screen

Luke 21:25"There will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves, 26men fainting from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.…

watch it


Mike Brown Ferguson The Movie "Hands Up Don't Shoot"

False second coming of Jesus, every religion is waiting...

Japan | Magma Eruption Underway: Mt. Aso Volcano in Kyūshū [biggest eruption in 19 years]

More on the Mount Aso eruption in Japan.
Biggest eruption from this volcano in 19 years


Unmasking CASE FERGUSON - The Ferguson was murdered another young black man by police. The officer was released, causing a wave of demonstrations, accompanied by the usual plundering stores, and discussions about racism, police brutality, and quite a bit as otherwise topics in American society.

But what should be the topic, it is not.

Brisbane storm 27th November 2014

AGAIN storm that was 20 years ago? Artificially induced? HAARP? CHEMTRAILS?

Superstorm Brisbane: 83 000 households without electricity, the wind carried the rooftops! (VIDEO)
************************************************** ******************
Storm similar to this last time in Australia occurred in 1985.

Novartis flu vaccine suspended following deaths in Italy jou dont find that in the mainstream

By Dan Stanton+, 28-Nov-2014
Italy has suspended the use of Fluad despite Novartis saying no causal relationship has been established between its seasonal flu vaccine and three deaths.

Jew (word) we schould asking our KNOWNLEGE and pruve it for ourselves 

so the greek, england invented the word jew so bevore was no jew 

Nigel Farage: Stop playing wargames with Putin

open your eyes this playing war game ist just bad versus good putin and obama are for New world order so this is just distraction from something bigger they both have weather modifikation technologies both are spraying above our heads both have free energy nobody from this ia ill like cancer or aids so this is just a BIG DISTRACTION so be VIGILANT

Europe NATO concerned over Russian forces in Crimea

NATO To Deploy Tanks In Eastern Europe Shortly After VP Of Europarliament Says Ukraine-Russia War Imminent

AMERICA AND Thanksgiving

November 27, 2014 "ICH" - "Beacon Broadside" - Thanksgiving is the favorite holiday of many US Americans; unlike the rather boring or divisive holidays that honor Columbus, Presidents, Martin Luther King, Jr., Independence, veterans and war, the birth of a religion, and a new year, Thanksgiving is centered on sharing food with family and friends. Individuals and families travel long distances at great expense to be with one another. It might be surprising to learn that the cherished tradition of Thanksgiving is, in fact, the most nationalist of all holidays because it narrates the national origin myth. The traditional meal, as we know, consists of the foods cultivated by Indigenous farmers—corn, squash, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and turkey.  more 

Middle East Report: Syria army kills dozens of rebels

Was Jesus a JEW ???

Some misconceptions about the word "Jew"
The term "Jew' originated in the late eighteenth century as an abbreviation of the term Judean and refers to a resident of Judea without regard to race or religion. People now refered to as "Jews", were known as "Pharisees". "Judaism" today and "Pharisaism" in the time of Jesus are the same. Benjamin H. Freedman, Jewish Historian - Researcher - Scholar. We know that Saul was the first king of Israel and that John was the first man called Baptist, but who was the first Jew? Neither Adam, Seth or Noah are called Jew. Nor were Abraham, Isaac or Jacob. Moses was not called a Jew and neither

Most Ferguson Businesses Destroyed by Rioters Were Black Owned

The majority of stores that were damaged or completely destroyed during Monday night’s violent riots in Ferguson were minority owned. Fire Departments around the St. Louis County Area put out 25 structural fires caused by vandals and looters following the announcement from the grand jury that Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted in the death of Mike Brown.

Insider Speak Out: Reptilian Shapeshifter Are Everywhere In Los Angeles


Donnerstag, 27. November 2014

Matthew 24:37-39 37 But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. 38 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39 and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.


The draft resolution on the Rights of the Child EP: gender ideology and marginalization of families

Marijana Petir EU parliament against gender ideology

11/27/2014 15:56

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child The European Parliament adopted a resolution which uses terms such as "gender" and "sexual identity" of the child and does not support a clear right of a child to grow up in families, although it pointed out the original Convention on the rights of the Child. In this text of the draft resolution reacted Mirijana Petri, representative of HSS in europarlamentu and association Voice for Children (CLUSTER), who sent the appeal to the Croatian MEPs to vote against this motion for a resolution. Letter Marijana Petir in its entirety.

...dann richtet das Volk, dann gnade euch Gott!

Dresden 24112014 Demo PEGIDA

Jürgen Möllemann – kam, sprach und verunglückte Klagemauer TV 26.11 14

Türkei Mysteriöser Tod einer Korrespondentin Klagemauer TV 26.11 14

Reptillian Caught Hissing On Live TV

Dienstag, 25. November 2014

Die Wahrheit über die Einwanderung





Get rid of F E A R (False Evidence Appearing Real)

WAKE UP!...And see beyond the veil!!!


Though, first IT might upset you, for a little while...:)...)

~In Lak'ech Ala K'in~

I Am Another U

May you Be Blessed and FREE...

♥`*.*´¨) Infinite PEACE, JOY -WISDOM and Infinite LOVE ♥






By Marinodelfino.
London, November 2014.



Gute Nachrichten von Gabriele Kuby, auch über Russland

blu TV Dokumentation "Inside HoGeSa"

Das Geheimnis der weißen Indianer- Genozide sind nicht einfach

Wenn jemand meint, es sei möglich mittels Genoziden etwas zu erreichen,
so kann die Geschichte zeigen, daß solche Vorhaben sehr merkwürdige
Ergebnisse erzeugt, welche von den Machern von Genoziden so mit
Sicherheit nicht beabsichtigt waren.

Blackfire LIVE at UCR (am Ende des Stückes ist ein Beispiel für das Fortleben ihrer Kultur)

Links zu den Videos bezüglich




Mediale Gleichschaltung - Deutsche Medien vertuschen türkische Verschwör...

FERGUSON FAKE CNN Scene!! Crew HIt With "Tear Gas" - ROFL!

Montag, 24. November 2014

Hollywood Acting using Demonic Methods (Part 2)

Hollywood Acting using Demonic Methods (Part 1)

Large protest parents in Hanover

Facebook page „Ne dirajte djecu“ reported a large-scale demonstrations of parents and grandparents against the sexualization of children in schools and against gender theory. Pink and blue balloons in the demonstrations linked the French, Croats, Italians and Germans in a single battle for the family and child protection. "Demo für alle" the German version of "La Manif Pour Tous". It is unusual to see a peaceful family men in the role of protesters carrying placards saying "Stop gender ideology", "Stop the sexualization of our children", which indicates the kind of absurd times we live in. People protest when the competent institutions are unable or unwilling to protect what works by protesting. And that, in this case children whose rights should be protected by numerous international conventions, and respect for these conventions should their work and efforts to protect numerous experts such as educators, child psychologists, teachers and educators, and most of all offices of the Ombudsman for Children. But they seem to have succumbed to the ideological brainwashing through the institutions in which they are carefully and patiently infiltrated academic promoters of pedophilia and associates Kinsey Institute.

Protests "Demo für alle" in Hannover - parents against the sexualization of children in schools and gender theory

Dear readers,

here is nice news from Germany;

for the first time held a protest procession and the North German city of Hanover, organized by "Demo für alle", movement of parents against the sexualization of children in schools and gender ideology. On this Saturday's rally gathered parents, grandparents and children themselves, and we can say that this is a pride and joy of life! Although many do not want to believe, gathered about 1,200 protesters occurred, several speakers, and the protesters themselves have proved ready to resist the spirit of the times and the ideology that in our time, unfortunately mostly takes its toll on children. Left mainstream media and miles have not or do not want to figure out how many have moved away from the center of society when participants demonstrations for all calls "ultra-conservative" or "reactionaries". However, parents were told their - in peace and dignity, and without the necessary noise, with children and families. Although there were individual incidents by supporters of leftist and liberal worldview, and attended with their "tolerant" descriptions of which are in one instance stated, "If Mary had an abortion, now you spared us," protest was a nice, positive and serene atmosphere. We can only say: TO BE CONTINUED; bravo, Hannover!

Teaser to N68's NWO's Pill that Will Kill Freewill!

FSU Shooting Crisis Actor BUSTED!!!

Sonntag, 23. November 2014

FSU Shooting HOAX! Books Stopping Bullets - Shooter a NWO Conspiracy The...


The Pope's Role in the Antichrist System EXPOSED! (2014)

WTF? Beyonce Under Illuminati MK-Ultra TRANCE At Ball Game? ON DRUGS POS...

Illuminati Hypersexualization of Children Exposed! Disney Pedophilia and...

Exposing subliminal sexualizing content aimed at young children from Hollywood, TV shows, Movies, and the pedophile fashion industry. Disney channel and Disney movies exposed. Young girls being turned into miniature sex kittens. Illuminati brainwashing and destruction of Morality.

Die Wahrheit über HoGeSa - Böse Nazis oder böse Berichterstattung? Dokum...


PHELPS and his trans lady TAYLOR CHANDLER


Recent Comets Have You in a Coma – Time To Wake Up

Schools in Chicago taught anal sex to children in fifth grade

The introduction of so-called. comprehensive sex education seems to have a similar timing everywhere in the world, and judging by the news from abroad, sex education is becoming more

Samstag, 22. November 2014

Is THIS Ridiculously SHOCKING? Or am I Just Being a Prude?

End Times: False JEWISH Messiah (R$E)

Xavier Naidoo - Raus aus dem Reichstag

What Is Happening In Mexico Right Now?


 the flay lives

wake Up

what you see it not much but what j see is that they spraying fog every day and almost nobody say a word about it there are lines from this chemtrailplanes you can cleary see with a open mind at night it is clear you can see the stars and then there again the spraying bevore the sun comes out

The Day the Sun Stood Still

Crucifixion. 1887 Painting by Russian Painter Vasily Vereshchagin.
“From noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land. About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”). When some of those standing there heard this, they said, “He’s calling Elijah.” Immediately one of them ran and got a sponge. He filled it with wine vinegar, put it on a staff, and offered it to Jesus to drink. The rest said, “Now leave him alone. Let’s see if Elijah comes to save him.” And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit.
At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people. When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God!””….Matthew 27

more on .............

4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

If you’re a non-Bible believer, one thing that you will have to give the writers of the Bible credit for is going out on a limb about there having been “giants on the earth in those days”.
If the Bible is not inspired of God but is really just a number of uninspired authors who have


Freitag, 21. November 2014

Hidden Egyptian Pyramid Drawings of the Nephilim Hybrids Builders!! (LAN...

Aktuell: Offizielle Waffenlieferungen der USA - die Hintergrund-Agenda l...

Klare Ansage an die Nazitheoretiker

Aktuell: Russland über inszenierte Angstmache aus Deutschland [Straffrei...

ALIENS, UFOs & DEMONS: TRUTH on ALIENS, UFOs & DEMONS (30 minutes of Ali...

ANCIENT GIANTS existed - Best Full Documentary

100% PROOF the Bible is the TRUTH! // R$E

Matt Damon is Waiting... Ebola Outbreak is a HOAX!


Hybrids Aliens Disclosure is soon. The fallen angels are here.

The X-Men Movies and the Gay Agenda

Bruno Mars, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Super Bowl and Satan

The Noah Movie Deception

Our follow-up video on Noah! Joe Schimmel discusses the Gnostic themes in Noah and Aronofsky's other films.

WTF? A cooling tower making clouds at 6.30 am?

6.30 am October 3rd
I videotaped a factory's emissions that looked like steam that went straight up and formed a row of clouds. The tower kept feeding the sky forming clouds while it moved horizontally across the sky.
The colour of the pollution/steam and the clouds it formed were identical, giving me no reason to doubt what they were doing.
What do you think?
I wonder if those who make up the LGBTQ community know of those who "use" them for a grievous hidden agenda.

The Founding Fathers & Modern Day Advocates condoning threats, rape, world dominance and conversion:

 I shall fight openly for that which no living Englishman dare defend, even in secret – sodomy! … to proclaim sodomy as an aristocratic virtue, which our middle class had better imitate if they wish to be smart … Let me seduce the boys of England, and the oldsters may totter unconverted to their graves.  Then these boys, becoming men, may bring about the new heaven and the new earth. ~ Aleister Crowley (Satanist), “The World’s Tragedy.”  New Falcons Publications, 1935 p. XXV

We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies.  We shall seduce them in your schools … in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms … where men are men together.  Your sons will become our minions and do our bidding.They will be recast in our image.  They will come to crave and adore us. ~ Michael Swift, “Gay Revolutionary,” Gay Community News, Feb. 15, 1987

This night is dedicated to everyone who believes in a future of peace and freedom. You know who you are. We are unity. And we are unstoppable. (He means, we are Legion) ~ Conchita Wurst (Tom Neuwirth) Winner of Eurovision, 2014 Claims Jesus Christ is transgender.