John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.--------------- Revelation 12:12 Verse Concepts "For this reason, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has only a short time." PLEASE : WAKE UP !!!
Donnerstag, 31. Juli 2014
50 shades of gray and pedophilia
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Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2014
Whatever it is it must be alerdy here
j dont now what it is maybe you all have noticed alerdy it is here
on Tv on spots it doest matter what country englich,german,croatia, al the same on tv
there arent anymore a blue sky no more a clear sunset
there is only clouds
there are wars
all this is distraction
it seems that food will be a problem it is raining
no sun
bad for farmers and for us
but thai not so important
there is somewhat in our sky prepare yourself
it is below in the sky they have a big curtain thery are something hiding from us
there is no blue sky so whatch it every day belov you
on Tv on spots it doest matter what country englich,german,croatia, al the same on tv
there arent anymore a blue sky no more a clear sunset
there is only clouds
there are wars
all this is distraction
it seems that food will be a problem it is raining
no sun
bad for farmers and for us
but thai not so important
there is somewhat in our sky prepare yourself
it is below in the sky they have a big curtain thery are something hiding from us
there is no blue sky so whatch it every day belov you
Dienstag, 29. Juli 2014
Did you Notice
the whole world is coverd in clouds no blue skay what if al the wars are in fact a distraction what is really happening notice all clouds are mostly around the sun moon the moon is a hollogram do if you wiil your reserch.
every dead mean in wars or whatewer i a unnecessary dead man
so they are poising us with food and mental they want us to keep dumb
and they are good with this shit
j can say j would be going crazy if j wouldnt have Internet. people say to me com to me lets talk and a think whay j can not or j have nothing to say what they talk about PC-games Sport or about people the last one j do that sometimes
so when j start talkink about chemtrails ,HAARP, poisinos food whats is iportant today then they look with crazy eyes at me
so what schould can j do only stay away j dont now what j can do different
j dont give a shit what others think about me
GOD nows about me well j now j am a sinner an j doing not enough to be on the right way but j still going on
j look out my window and think whay they do not see j cant really answer this heawy question.
so j will go on with a headache and hoping that it will be lesser
and still hope and knowing that people are waking up every day so hope is still here.
if you are down so think about it. Whay are you down? Can it be that you are awake? There is nothing to be afraid of it ?
So what is FEAR? Fear is not enough information so we schould get so much information and understanding how much we can get.
Something is going on j dont now what but j can see j cant see the whole picture but j now if we dont have enough information when that whatever would thet be we will go crazy so get your information
there are this freaking clouds new stars in the night sky the now more people are that noticing aroung the north hemisfere the reason they have internet so that the a area who are the most clouds. so dont let you distract from wars a war i a bad thing but you cant anything about that think about you life and what you can do first for yourself
with GODs help it will go somewhat
turn of your TV radio to it is all about mind controll and if you dont have somone to speak just do as myself open a blog and spread the truth proven by youself we live in a Matrix so we must go out that matrix there is no superpower this is just a word there is no a-bomb if they would be there where all sand over the planet
BRICS, EU, NATO, this all are in the Wourld gowerment they just change the location and going from new we would have alerdy WW3 if the people would be asleap so people are waking up thats a good thing.
every dead mean in wars or whatewer i a unnecessary dead man
so they are poising us with food and mental they want us to keep dumb
and they are good with this shit
j can say j would be going crazy if j wouldnt have Internet. people say to me com to me lets talk and a think whay j can not or j have nothing to say what they talk about PC-games Sport or about people the last one j do that sometimes
so when j start talkink about chemtrails ,HAARP, poisinos food whats is iportant today then they look with crazy eyes at me
so what schould can j do only stay away j dont now what j can do different
j dont give a shit what others think about me
GOD nows about me well j now j am a sinner an j doing not enough to be on the right way but j still going on
j look out my window and think whay they do not see j cant really answer this heawy question.
so j will go on with a headache and hoping that it will be lesser
and still hope and knowing that people are waking up every day so hope is still here.
if you are down so think about it. Whay are you down? Can it be that you are awake? There is nothing to be afraid of it ?
So what is FEAR? Fear is not enough information so we schould get so much information and understanding how much we can get.
Something is going on j dont now what but j can see j cant see the whole picture but j now if we dont have enough information when that whatever would thet be we will go crazy so get your information
there are this freaking clouds new stars in the night sky the now more people are that noticing aroung the north hemisfere the reason they have internet so that the a area who are the most clouds. so dont let you distract from wars a war i a bad thing but you cant anything about that think about you life and what you can do first for yourself
with GODs help it will go somewhat
turn of your TV radio to it is all about mind controll and if you dont have somone to speak just do as myself open a blog and spread the truth proven by youself we live in a Matrix so we must go out that matrix there is no superpower this is just a word there is no a-bomb if they would be there where all sand over the planet
BRICS, EU, NATO, this all are in the Wourld gowerment they just change the location and going from new we would have alerdy WW3 if the people would be asleap so people are waking up thats a good thing.
Sonntag, 27. Juli 2014
Freitag, 25. Juli 2014
The nature of Human being
Latley there is a lot things hapening (ukraine,gaza,syria,afganistan,irak) so that is whay j begin to thing that this all is just distraction from what j dont now.
if we look at the kids, or how to j say the best if you look al beings with souls human Childern or animal pupys/babys it dosent mater much it is a tiger or humans there is love without fear so we all in our first steps of our live are peaceful so that we dont se the colur of skin or belifs
so as j was young j hated the germans j was looking the old war movies so that was coming from that
later j hated muslims, arabs without even speaking with them and then j grow older and learned a job, and worked with all kinds of nationalites, an came to the conculsion we are all from the same blood
it is red so from where had j my hate j would say from false information the most on the tv and the second in newspaper
whats is happening now, with all this things there is many things thats going
on we schould now the most of us that we alerdy have world guverment
my opinion is that they make Putin a Hero and that the alternative media is helping them without nowing that.
we are alerdy awake and they now it
america is making to much mistakes so that we see the lies easier they now we now about the iluminati,bilderberg,bloodlines,reptilians, and so go on,
the demonstrations against Israel are all organized they dont demonstrate against politicans, bankers, poison food, chemtrails.
we now about israel and what is ti doing.
Humans are not evil they want us to belive that look on tv the same movies kill, sex, violence 24 ours so that our kids will be well taught that this is normal
Israel founded Hamas, so they work they togefer?? where becomes hamas his weapons ??
whay nobody asks this questions
whay nobody asks for sanktions on Hamas just like for sirya or russia
they called and done saktions on russia today but in space they are frends and flaying together to iss russians europa, america and america Nasa has given them milions and will give them more milions for the flight
so be aware there is something coming so maybe a big Hollogram like blue beam projekt or a big UN army
nothing will come from the space it wil come from the earth do you recerch
if we look at the kids, or how to j say the best if you look al beings with souls human Childern or animal pupys/babys it dosent mater much it is a tiger or humans there is love without fear so we all in our first steps of our live are peaceful so that we dont se the colur of skin or belifs
so as j was young j hated the germans j was looking the old war movies so that was coming from that
later j hated muslims, arabs without even speaking with them and then j grow older and learned a job, and worked with all kinds of nationalites, an came to the conculsion we are all from the same blood
it is red so from where had j my hate j would say from false information the most on the tv and the second in newspaper
whats is happening now, with all this things there is many things thats going
on we schould now the most of us that we alerdy have world guverment
my opinion is that they make Putin a Hero and that the alternative media is helping them without nowing that.
we are alerdy awake and they now it
america is making to much mistakes so that we see the lies easier they now we now about the iluminati,bilderberg,bloodlines,reptilians, and so go on,
the demonstrations against Israel are all organized they dont demonstrate against politicans, bankers, poison food, chemtrails.
we now about israel and what is ti doing.
Humans are not evil they want us to belive that look on tv the same movies kill, sex, violence 24 ours so that our kids will be well taught that this is normal
Israel founded Hamas, so they work they togefer?? where becomes hamas his weapons ??
whay nobody asks this questions
whay nobody asks for sanktions on Hamas just like for sirya or russia
they called and done saktions on russia today but in space they are frends and flaying together to iss russians europa, america and america Nasa has given them milions and will give them more milions for the flight
so be aware there is something coming so maybe a big Hollogram like blue beam projekt or a big UN army
nothing will come from the space it wil come from the earth do you recerch
Donnerstag, 24. Juli 2014
Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2014
This is a one world government since the united nations was created in 1945, the cold war was a hoax, the nukes are a hoax and both sides knew it, all that money spent in the nuclear arms race was just to fill a few pockets, how convenient the mass production of bombs that can't go off because of the mutual assured destruction, and no way to verify them because of the radiation. The space race was also another hoax on both sides to fill pockets. So yes Putin is another puppet of the cabal and the next appointed boogeyman to start World War 3, how convenient Putin being portrayed on the media as an orthodox christian, after the war crimes against humanity will be discovered, and Christians will be compared to Nazis, and demonized/banned forever.
Montag, 21. Juli 2014
About Faith
One man went to the hairdresser for a haircut and shave. As the barber began to work, they began to talk. They talked about a lot of topics that would eventually touched on the subject of God.
Hairdresser says: "I do not believe that God exists."
"Why do you say that?" Said shopper.
"You know, it is enough to go out on the street and realize that God does not exist. Tell me, if God exists, would there have been so many sick people? Would there be so many abandoned children? If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can not imagine a God who would allow all of these things, "he said to the barber.
Hairdresser says: "I do not believe that God exists."
"Why do you say that?" Said shopper.
"You know, it is enough to go out on the street and realize that God does not exist. Tell me, if God exists, would there have been so many sick people? Would there be so many abandoned children? If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can not imagine a God who would allow all of these things, "he said to the barber.
Sonntag, 20. Juli 2014
Released so many amazing photo that half the internet suspected Photoshop
JOE Zuniga, a musician from Florida, recorded last Tuesday while driving down the road of Interstate 75 incredible sight.
He was on the phone with her sister when she simply had to abruptly end a conversation to record what is in front of him was: The storm clouds in the sky parted and create a "pass" in the nicer weather.
He was on the phone with her sister when she simply had to abruptly end a conversation to record what is in front of him was: The storm clouds in the sky parted and create a "pass" in the nicer weather.
Dr. Ravi Zacharias,
fast food,
flat earth,
free energy,
global warming,
Downed Malaysian plane was the one who disappeared in March
malaysia-ukraine - MH17-plane
The latest conspiracy theory related to the downed plane Malaysia Airlines is startling in its setting - namely, a Russian journalist anonymous claims to have discovered a connection between the downed plane on the Ukrainian border and aircraft of the same parent company, who disappeared without trace in March this year.
Let's look at his arguments and the evidence supplied.
The latest conspiracy theory related to the downed plane Malaysia Airlines is startling in its setting - namely, a Russian journalist anonymous claims to have discovered a connection between the downed plane on the Ukrainian border and aircraft of the same parent company, who disappeared without trace in March this year.
Let's look at his arguments and the evidence supplied.
agent provocateur education,
agent provocateur police,
Dr. Ravi Zacharias,
faith in humanity,
The Lie Of Evolution
What does the Bible really teach about evolution? From Genesis and on, the Biblical record is always clear and exact — God created Adam and Eve and from them mankind began. Mankind did NOT evolve from a monkey, nor were we put here by aliens from another planet or anything else. God created Adam from the dust of the earth (Gen. 2:7) and Eve was created from Adam’s rib (Gen. 2:21,22). The Lord Jesus confirmed their creation (Mk. 10:6). Because Jesus is the ultimate authority, being God in the flesh, he verified man’s creation! That should settle it forever. Man did NOT evolve and evolution is a lie, just like eternal security.
Samstag, 19. Juli 2014
A Massive and Illegal Geoengineering Project Has Been Detected Off Canada’s West Coast
A private company backed by a controversial U.S. businessman has
unilaterally conducted the world’s most significant geoengineering
project to date. Russ George, in conjunction with a First Nations
village on Haida Gwaii, has dumped around 100 tonnes of iron sulphate
into the Pacific Ocean in a technique known as ocean fertilization. The experiment, which is in violation of two United Nations moratoria, has outraged environmental, legal, and civic groups.
Russia Asks Kiev 10 Simple Questions About MH17
Activist Post
Russia has denied involvement in the downing of flight MH17. Now they're demanding answers to some very basic questions about Kiev's actions related to the crash and their immediate, unsubstantiated claims that Russia was to blame.
Russia's Deputy Defense Minister was interviewed by RT who made these questions public. Yes, RT is clearly biased, but who wouldn't like to know the answers to these questions?
Russia has denied involvement in the downing of flight MH17. Now they're demanding answers to some very basic questions about Kiev's actions related to the crash and their immediate, unsubstantiated claims that Russia was to blame.
Russia's Deputy Defense Minister was interviewed by RT who made these questions public. Yes, RT is clearly biased, but who wouldn't like to know the answers to these questions?
TOPIC: Čovjek, Fizička Osoba, Pravna Osoba, Sud I Zakon
Onaj tko postavi pitanje je budala pet minuta, onaj tko ne postavi pitanje ostaje budala zauvijek.
Da li se rodni list smatra za ugovor između pojedinca i države?
Da li je suglasnost postignuta pod prisilom ili bez vašeg znanja?
Možete li vratiti taj certifikat isto onako kao što ste to učinili s vozačkom dozovolom?
Tko bi nekad rekao da će se dobar stari "To Serve & Protect - Služiti I Štititi" pretvoriti u "To Serve & Collect - Služiti I Prikupljati"?

Što se dešava kad se na sudu sretnu slobodan suveren Čovjek od krvi i mesa, i pravne izmišljotine FIZIČKA i PRAVNA OSOBA?
Da li se rodni list smatra za ugovor između pojedinca i države?
Da li je suglasnost postignuta pod prisilom ili bez vašeg znanja?
Možete li vratiti taj certifikat isto onako kao što ste to učinili s vozačkom dozovolom?
Tko bi nekad rekao da će se dobar stari "To Serve & Protect - Služiti I Štititi" pretvoriti u "To Serve & Collect - Služiti I Prikupljati"?

Što se dešava kad se na sudu sretnu slobodan suveren Čovjek od krvi i mesa, i pravne izmišljotine FIZIČKA i PRAVNA OSOBA?
They Have Problem with the Moon
j noticed lately that every time when we have NEW MOON its raining every month so whay they do that it may be that their LCD sky with chemtrails is not enough so they tray that the MOON is a Hologram the blue sky is grey blue and j noticed when it is rainig the sky is more blue than when is not raining so that can be doe lack of Chemtrails ingredients so the MOON is bigger and Biger jear on jear sorry for my bad english so if ve look at the sky you will notice that the clouds are nearer than usual and when you look at the planes you can calculate that is about 3-4 km wide so that would explain whay the MOON is bigger.
j now we have that we have that thing in Syria in Irak , nobady is talking about ISIS whay they did they atack Syria an then Irak, but not Israel. They hate JEW or j am at false. Now that malaysia airplaine is shot down an Israel is atacking Gaza.
So it mus be a big distraction the dont need oil or al these resurses Diamonds, Gold, Money they can do that all so it seems they are scared the Elite you can call them whatever you want iluminati, masons, bilderberg they work all for the same guy j supose.
so that there are latly too many distractions dont let you distract you and search for yourself whats the truth iti is not bad of Knowing whats is going on but dont let distrub your life with fear .
Fear is the lack information and or lack how to use
information Edit so that we can use information
We need information that will be knowlege and fear will not be
So today we have Internet and people with fear to say what they think of thinkng to loose frends or to be called crayzi they go to the internet and spreed they message and cominucate with like-minded so now there are more people of knownloge and less and lesser fear every day so go on be Love
so dont let distract you be aware and look around you they are sighns alerdy in the Havens, on the earth, around us so
so be aware and be yourself to be yourself you need to now yourself and that is a long way to go all what you now question everthing and prove it for yourself think about it so
God bles
--- saturn golden age cycle cube cresent baal shamash el chronos time hexagram symbol sin moon old new 1000 year aon eon rule space ne world order set satan secret sun archaic helios heliopolis ancient Stur Ninurta El Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan dragon Baphomet goddess witchcraft Artemis Cybele Sin Lucifera Diana Samael Lilith Ishtar Inanna Mary queen of heaven Zeitgeist Bible Book of Revelations 2012 Star of David Israel Judaism Jews Synagogue of Satan Saturnus Roman god pagan religions Roman Catholic Church Pope Vatican conspiracy Jesus Christ Christianity Christians xjohn xrevelator xlivescom HeroOfChristArchives 666 Cult Of Saturn Saturnalian cult revealed Saturnalian brotherhood Saturnian Brotherhood Saturnalia 666 The Mark of the Beast 666 The Number of the Beast Satan Lucifer devil satanic Luciferian Antichrist Dajjal false messiah false prophet Occult Freemasons Freemasonry Masons Masonry Illuminati symbolism hexagram pentagram all-seeing eye New World Order NWO star planet Chuin Kiyyun Kewan Kaiwan Kayawanu Sakkuth Siccuth Sikkuth Star of Remphan Remphan Rephan Rompha Moloch Molech star-gods Watchers aliens angels phoenician red heads hair tribe of dan philo yahu bible fallen purple evil nazi pit crystals inner earth titans zeus giants enoch occult witchcraft saloman demons angeles elohim eloy ilu anu anunaki sumeria pirates black planet star AMBOSS, ANVIL, STEEL/METAL, HARD, ROCK, BLACK, ADAMANTIUM, ADAMITE ADAMAS, AMANDA, ADAM, DIAMOND, CRYSTAL, CUBE, ICE, FIRE, HELL, 9, TARTARUS, ABYSS, PIT, ENTITIES, INSECTS, LOCUST, LEGION, ANTS, BEES, WOMAN, ELOHIM, FALLEN, ANCIENT ONES, BOUND, TRAPPED, FROZEN, SEALED, IMPRISONED, CONTAINED, LOCKED, TIME, DAY, NEW,like,instagood ,photooftheday,follow,instalike,instamood,igers ,all_shots,picoftheday,instadaily,bestoftheday,igdaily,followme,webstagram,tweegram,
--- saturn golden age cycle cube cresent baal shamash el chronos time hexagram symbol sin moon old new 1000 year aon eon rule space ne world order set satan secret sun archaic helios heliopolis ancient Stur Ninurta El Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan dragon Baphomet goddess witchcraft Artemis Cybele Sin Lucifera Diana Samael Lilith Ishtar Inanna Mary queen of heaven Zeitgeist Bible Book of Revelations 2012 Star of David Israel Judaism Jews Synagogue of Satan Saturnus Roman god pagan religions Roman Catholic Church Pope Vatican conspiracy Jesus Christ Christianity Christians xjohn xrevelator xlivescom HeroOfChristArchives 666 Cult Of Saturn Saturnalian cult revealed Saturnalian brotherhood Saturnian Brotherhood Saturnalia 666 The Mark of the Beast 666 The Number of the Beast Satan Lucifer devil satanic Luciferian Antichrist Dajjal false messiah false prophet Occult Freemasons Freemasonry Masons Masonry Illuminati symbolism hexagram pentagram all-seeing eye New World Order NWO star planet Chuin Kiyyun Kewan Kaiwan Kayawanu Sakkuth Siccuth Sikkuth Star of Remphan Remphan Rephan Rompha Moloch Molech star-gods Watchers aliens angels phoenician red heads hair tribe of dan philo yahu bible fallen purple evil nazi pit crystals inner earth titans zeus giants enoch occult witchcraft saloman demons angeles elohim eloy ilu anu anunaki sumeria pirates black planet star AMBOSS, ANVIL, STEEL/METAL, HARD, ROCK, BLACK, ADAMANTIUM, ADAMITE ADAMAS, AMANDA, ADAM, DIAMOND, CRYSTAL, CUBE, ICE, FIRE, HELL, 9, TARTARUS, ABYSS, PIT, ENTITIES, INSECTS, LOCUST, LEGION, ANTS, BEES, WOMAN, ELOHIM, FALLEN, ANCIENT ONES, BOUND, TRAPPED, FROZEN, SEALED, IMPRISONED, CONTAINED, LOCKED, TIME, DAY, NEW,like,instagood ,photooftheday,follow,instalike,instamood,igers ,all_shots,picoftheday,instadaily,bestoftheday,igdaily,followme,webstagram,tweegram,milanovic,hrvatska,ljubav,nogomet,košarka,zagreb,bjelovar,karlovac
slovenia,srbia,crna,gora,brazilija,hrt,rtl,novatv,vjera,dnevnik, Sport,Nogomet,Košarka,Formula 1,Tenis,Ostali sportovi,Hrvatska,Regija,Svijet,Crna kronika,Misteriji,Bizarno,Komentari,Kultura,Pozitiva
Malaysia, travel, guide,Wikitravel,
malaysia bay,
malaysia, time,
malaysia, map,
malaysia, airlines, zagreb,
malaysia, wikipedija
malaysia ,post tracking
malaysia, airlines ,zagreb office
malaysia, premier ,league, 2013
j now we have that we have that thing in Syria in Irak , nobady is talking about ISIS whay they did they atack Syria an then Irak, but not Israel. They hate JEW or j am at false. Now that malaysia airplaine is shot down an Israel is atacking Gaza.
So it mus be a big distraction the dont need oil or al these resurses Diamonds, Gold, Money they can do that all so it seems they are scared the Elite you can call them whatever you want iluminati, masons, bilderberg they work all for the same guy j supose.
so that there are latly too many distractions dont let you distract you and search for yourself whats the truth iti is not bad of Knowing whats is going on but dont let distrub your life with fear .
Fear is the lack information and or lack how to use
information Edit so that we can use information
We need information that will be knowlege and fear will not be
So today we have Internet and people with fear to say what they think of thinkng to loose frends or to be called crayzi they go to the internet and spreed they message and cominucate with like-minded so now there are more people of knownloge and less and lesser fear every day so go on be Love
so dont let distract you be aware and look around you they are sighns alerdy in the Havens, on the earth, around us so
so be aware and be yourself to be yourself you need to now yourself and that is a long way to go all what you now question everthing and prove it for yourself think about it so
God bles
--- saturn golden age cycle cube cresent baal shamash el chronos time hexagram symbol sin moon old new 1000 year aon eon rule space ne world order set satan secret sun archaic helios heliopolis ancient Stur Ninurta El Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan dragon Baphomet goddess witchcraft Artemis Cybele Sin Lucifera Diana Samael Lilith Ishtar Inanna Mary queen of heaven Zeitgeist Bible Book of Revelations 2012 Star of David Israel Judaism Jews Synagogue of Satan Saturnus Roman god pagan religions Roman Catholic Church Pope Vatican conspiracy Jesus Christ Christianity Christians xjohn xrevelator xlivescom HeroOfChristArchives 666 Cult Of Saturn Saturnalian cult revealed Saturnalian brotherhood Saturnian Brotherhood Saturnalia 666 The Mark of the Beast 666 The Number of the Beast Satan Lucifer devil satanic Luciferian Antichrist Dajjal false messiah false prophet Occult Freemasons Freemasonry Masons Masonry Illuminati symbolism hexagram pentagram all-seeing eye New World Order NWO star planet Chuin Kiyyun Kewan Kaiwan Kayawanu Sakkuth Siccuth Sikkuth Star of Remphan Remphan Rephan Rompha Moloch Molech star-gods Watchers aliens angels phoenician red heads hair tribe of dan philo yahu bible fallen purple evil nazi pit crystals inner earth titans zeus giants enoch occult witchcraft saloman demons angeles elohim eloy ilu anu anunaki sumeria pirates black planet star AMBOSS, ANVIL, STEEL/METAL, HARD, ROCK, BLACK, ADAMANTIUM, ADAMITE ADAMAS, AMANDA, ADAM, DIAMOND, CRYSTAL, CUBE, ICE, FIRE, HELL, 9, TARTARUS, ABYSS, PIT, ENTITIES, INSECTS, LOCUST, LEGION, ANTS, BEES, WOMAN, ELOHIM, FALLEN, ANCIENT ONES, BOUND, TRAPPED, FROZEN, SEALED, IMPRISONED, CONTAINED, LOCKED, TIME, DAY, NEW,like,instagood ,photooftheday,follow,instalike,instamood,igers ,all_shots,picoftheday,instadaily,bestoftheday,igdaily,followme,webstagram,tweegram,
--- saturn golden age cycle cube cresent baal shamash el chronos time hexagram symbol sin moon old new 1000 year aon eon rule space ne world order set satan secret sun archaic helios heliopolis ancient Stur Ninurta El Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan dragon Baphomet goddess witchcraft Artemis Cybele Sin Lucifera Diana Samael Lilith Ishtar Inanna Mary queen of heaven Zeitgeist Bible Book of Revelations 2012 Star of David Israel Judaism Jews Synagogue of Satan Saturnus Roman god pagan religions Roman Catholic Church Pope Vatican conspiracy Jesus Christ Christianity Christians xjohn xrevelator xlivescom HeroOfChristArchives 666 Cult Of Saturn Saturnalian cult revealed Saturnalian brotherhood Saturnian Brotherhood Saturnalia 666 The Mark of the Beast 666 The Number of the Beast Satan Lucifer devil satanic Luciferian Antichrist Dajjal false messiah false prophet Occult Freemasons Freemasonry Masons Masonry Illuminati symbolism hexagram pentagram all-seeing eye New World Order NWO star planet Chuin Kiyyun Kewan Kaiwan Kayawanu Sakkuth Siccuth Sikkuth Star of Remphan Remphan Rephan Rompha Moloch Molech star-gods Watchers aliens angels phoenician red heads hair tribe of dan philo yahu bible fallen purple evil nazi pit crystals inner earth titans zeus giants enoch occult witchcraft saloman demons angeles elohim eloy ilu anu anunaki sumeria pirates black planet star AMBOSS, ANVIL, STEEL/METAL, HARD, ROCK, BLACK, ADAMANTIUM, ADAMITE ADAMAS, AMANDA, ADAM, DIAMOND, CRYSTAL, CUBE, ICE, FIRE, HELL, 9, TARTARUS, ABYSS, PIT, ENTITIES, INSECTS, LOCUST, LEGION, ANTS, BEES, WOMAN, ELOHIM, FALLEN, ANCIENT ONES, BOUND, TRAPPED, FROZEN, SEALED, IMPRISONED, CONTAINED, LOCKED, TIME, DAY, NEW,like,instagood ,photooftheday,follow,instalike,instamood,igers ,all_shots,picoftheday,instadaily,bestoftheday,igdaily,followme,webstagram,tweegram,milanovic,hrvatska,ljubav,nogomet,košarka,zagreb,bjelovar,karlovac
slovenia,srbia,crna,gora,brazilija,hrt,rtl,novatv,vjera,dnevnik, Sport,Nogomet,Košarka,Formula 1,Tenis,Ostali sportovi,Hrvatska,Regija,Svijet,Crna kronika,Misteriji,Bizarno,Komentari,Kultura,Pozitiva
Malaysia, travel, guide,Wikitravel,
malaysia bay,
malaysia, time,
malaysia, map,
malaysia, airlines, zagreb,
malaysia, wikipedija
malaysia ,post tracking
malaysia, airlines ,zagreb office
malaysia, premier ,league, 2013
Freitag, 18. Juli 2014
Link to proof below! Passports shown on tv, and in the media ..... are
CANCELLED AND HOLE PUNCHED /CLIPPED! Also in mint condition...
I.e.. fake.
I.e.. fake.
Media saying these ARE legit passports of the victims.... fakery busted
Smoking gun? Intercepted calls point finger at Russian separatists in jet downing | Tat's Revolution
/* @package WordPress @subpackage Desire */ ?> 2 MIN NEWS TO ABOLISH...
fast food,
free energy,
global warming,
van der Meer ... the little girl shown in the stack of brand new FAKE
passports which came from the back of a truck, IS LISTED ON THE
PASSENGERS LIST!!!!!!! .... meaning the fake passports are supposed to
match the FAKE passengers list.
The fact we caught the fake passports makes this whole house of cards fall....
Also, lol, they've got the little girl listed as a MRS... others named 'miss'.... little sophie is now a mrs. van der meer
The fact we caught the fake passports makes this whole house of cards fall....
Also, lol, they've got the little girl listed as a MRS... others named 'miss'.... little sophie is now a mrs. van der meer
Full post on the FAKE mint condition passports, how several are HOLE PUNCHED, and the little girl.... "Mrs" Sophie van der Meer ....
Full post on the FAKE mint condition passports, how several are HOLE PUNCHED, and the little girl.... "Mrs" Sophie van der Meer ....
m atrix,
Iron Sky
j looked today the movie Iron Sky not full but it was enough to se 2 things that Aliens or the fake alien invasion will be humens or hybrids an the second it will be fake asteroid
ah and the third was New World order
a man has stayded :
ah and the third was New World order
a man has stayded :
Jokes are a serious matter otherwise would not be funny
they are prepairing a world army
so now eyes wide open and search for knowlege
Dr. Ravi Zacharias,
faith in humanity,
fast food,
free energy
UN Building a World Army to Usher in NWO and Disarm Citizens Everywhere! High Treason is Being Committed Right Under Our Noses!!
The United Nations has set the world on
fire! They are building an army of soldiers ready to disarm citizens at
the verbal command of their leader. Their goal is to take over the world
and implement their tyrannical rule and it is only a matter of time
before it happens. They are recruiting soldiers from countries all
across the globe and are building up their military arsenal; from MRAPS
to machine guns. If you are still a skeptic on the New World Order, you
won’t be after this…. more....
fast food,
He traveled to the conference: The Malaysian plane killed the world's leading expert on AIDS
************************************************** ************
Among the passengers Malaysian aircraft downed over Ukraine was also influential Dutch scientist and expert on AIDS Joep Lange, and together with him at the 20th International Conference on AIDS traveled and many other scientists who were in the same plane, reported in Friday Lange Australian colleague David Cooper.
Researchers, led by the Dutch pioneer in the study of AIDS Joep Lange were on their way to Melbourne, Australia, where the weekend begins International AIDS Conference. On the plane to Melbourne should have been spoiled in Kuala Lumpur, but Malaysia Airlines flight from Amsterdam to their final destination is never reached.
Life to the fight against AIDS
Lange, a professor at the Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam and a former president of the International Association for the treatment of AIDS, life is devoted to the study of HIV. From the 1983rd year, when he started researching viruses and developing different treatments, made a significant contribution in this area.
He spent more than 30 years in research and combating the spread of HIV and prevention of this incurable disease, and was known for advocating the cheaper access to treatment in poor countries.
The first is inspired work on developing the first affordable combination therapy in the treatment of HIV and the use of simple antiretroviral drugs to prevent HIV transmission from mothers to their newborn babies in poor countries.
"Joep was totally dedicated to the treatment of AIDS and caring for people in Asia and Africa," said Professor Kirby Institute at the University of New South Wales David Cooper who worked closely with Lange on a project on the treatment of HIV in Bangkok.
Australian Foreign Minister said that the number of scientists in the aircraft to Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 traveled to the 20th International Conference on AIDS in Melbourne which should start on Sunday. Fairfax Media reported that they were about a hundred aircraft.
And in a terrorist attack on Pan Am aircraft killed a leading expert on HIV
Bizarre coincidence that the 1988th year also one great scientist and explorer HIV killed in an attack on an aircraft. Irving Sigal, a molecular biologist who helped develop drugs to mitigate the effects of HIV infection, was injured in a bomb explosion on Pan Am aircraft was shot down in Lockerbie as retaliation for the American destruction of an Iranian airliner in the Persian Gulf.
Ten years later and reputable researchers Jonathan Mann and Mary Lou Clements-Mann died in a plane crash - fall Swissairovog aircraft off the coast of Nova Scotia.
source--- saturn golden age cycle cube cresent baal shamash el chronos time hexagram symbol sin moon old new 1000 year aon eon rule space ne world order set satan secret sun archaic helios heliopolis ancient Stur Ninurta El Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan dragon Baphomet goddess witchcraft Artemis Cybele Sin Lucifera Diana Samael Lilith Ishtar Inanna Mary queen of heaven Zeitgeist Bible Book of Revelations 2012 Star of David Israel Judaism Jews Synagogue of Satan Saturnus Roman god pagan religions Roman Catholic Church Pope Vatican conspiracy Jesus Christ Christianity Christians xjohn xrevelator xlivescom HeroOfChristArchives 666 Cult Of Saturn Saturnalian cult revealed Saturnalian brotherhood Saturnian Brotherhood Saturnalia 666 The Mark of the Beast 666 The Number of the Beast Satan Lucifer devil satanic Luciferian Antichrist Dajjal false messiah false prophet Occult Freemasons Freemasonry Masons Masonry Illuminati symbolism hexagram pentagram all-seeing eye New World Order NWO star planet Chuin Kiyyun Kewan Kaiwan Kayawanu Sakkuth Siccuth Sikkuth Star of Remphan Remphan Rephan Rompha Moloch Molech star-gods Watchers aliens angels phoenician red heads hair tribe of dan philo yahu bible fallen purple evil nazi pit crystals inner earth titans zeus giants enoch occult witchcraft saloman demons angeles elohim eloy ilu anu anunaki sumeria pirates black planet star AMBOSS, ANVIL, STEEL/METAL, HARD, ROCK, BLACK, ADAMANTIUM, ADAMITE ADAMAS, AMANDA, ADAM, DIAMOND, CRYSTAL, CUBE, ICE, FIRE, HELL, 9, TARTARUS, ABYSS, PIT, ENTITIES, INSECTS, LOCUST, LEGION, ANTS, BEES, WOMAN, ELOHIM, FALLEN, ANCIENT ONES, BOUND, TRAPPED, FROZEN, SEALED, IMPRISONED, CONTAINED, LOCKED, TIME, DAY, NEW,like,instagood ,photooftheday,follow,instalike,instamood,igers ,all_shots,picoftheday,instadaily,bestoftheday,igdaily,followme,webstagram,tweegram,
--- saturn golden age cycle cube cresent baal shamash el chronos time hexagram symbol sin moon old new 1000 year aon eon rule space ne world order set satan secret sun archaic helios heliopolis ancient Stur Ninurta El Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan dragon Baphomet goddess witchcraft Artemis Cybele Sin Lucifera Diana Samael Lilith Ishtar Inanna Mary queen of heaven Zeitgeist Bible Book of Revelations 2012 Star of David Israel Judaism Jews Synagogue of Satan Saturnus Roman god pagan religions Roman Catholic Church Pope Vatican conspiracy Jesus Christ Christianity Christians xjohn xrevelator xlivescom HeroOfChristArchives 666 Cult Of Saturn Saturnalian cult revealed Saturnalian brotherhood Saturnian Brotherhood Saturnalia 666 The Mark of the Beast 666 The Number of the Beast Satan Lucifer devil satanic Luciferian Antichrist Dajjal false messiah false prophet Occult Freemasons Freemasonry Masons Masonry Illuminati symbolism hexagram pentagram all-seeing eye New World Order NWO star planet Chuin Kiyyun Kewan Kaiwan Kayawanu Sakkuth Siccuth Sikkuth Star of Remphan Remphan Rephan Rompha Moloch Molech star-gods Watchers aliens angels phoenician red heads hair tribe of dan philo yahu bible fallen purple evil nazi pit crystals inner earth titans zeus giants enoch occult witchcraft saloman demons angeles elohim eloy ilu anu anunaki sumeria pirates black planet star AMBOSS, ANVIL, STEEL/METAL, HARD, ROCK, BLACK, ADAMANTIUM, ADAMITE ADAMAS, AMANDA, ADAM, DIAMOND, CRYSTAL, CUBE, ICE, FIRE, HELL, 9, TARTARUS, ABYSS, PIT, ENTITIES, INSECTS, LOCUST, LEGION, ANTS, BEES, WOMAN, ELOHIM, FALLEN, ANCIENT ONES, BOUND, TRAPPED, FROZEN, SEALED, IMPRISONED, CONTAINED, LOCKED, TIME, DAY, NEW,like,instagood ,photooftheday,follow,instalike,instamood,igers ,all_shots,picoftheday,instadaily,bestoftheday,igdaily,followme,webstagram,tweegram,milanovic,hrvatska,ljubav,nogomet,košarka,zagreb,bjelovar,karlovac
slovenia,srbia,crna,gora,brazilija,hrt,rtl,novatv,vjera,dnevnik, Sport,Nogomet,Košarka,Formula 1,Tenis,Ostali sportovi,Hrvatska,Regija,Svijet,Crna kronika,Misteriji,Bizarno,Komentari,Kultura,Pozitiva
************************************************** ************
Among the passengers Malaysian aircraft downed over Ukraine was also influential Dutch scientist and expert on AIDS Joep Lange, and together with him at the 20th International Conference on AIDS traveled and many other scientists who were in the same plane, reported in Friday Lange Australian colleague David Cooper.
Researchers, led by the Dutch pioneer in the study of AIDS Joep Lange were on their way to Melbourne, Australia, where the weekend begins International AIDS Conference. On the plane to Melbourne should have been spoiled in Kuala Lumpur, but Malaysia Airlines flight from Amsterdam to their final destination is never reached.
Life to the fight against AIDS
Lange, a professor at the Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam and a former president of the International Association for the treatment of AIDS, life is devoted to the study of HIV. From the 1983rd year, when he started researching viruses and developing different treatments, made a significant contribution in this area.
He spent more than 30 years in research and combating the spread of HIV and prevention of this incurable disease, and was known for advocating the cheaper access to treatment in poor countries.
The first is inspired work on developing the first affordable combination therapy in the treatment of HIV and the use of simple antiretroviral drugs to prevent HIV transmission from mothers to their newborn babies in poor countries.
"Joep was totally dedicated to the treatment of AIDS and caring for people in Asia and Africa," said Professor Kirby Institute at the University of New South Wales David Cooper who worked closely with Lange on a project on the treatment of HIV in Bangkok.
Australian Foreign Minister said that the number of scientists in the aircraft to Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 traveled to the 20th International Conference on AIDS in Melbourne which should start on Sunday. Fairfax Media reported that they were about a hundred aircraft.
And in a terrorist attack on Pan Am aircraft killed a leading expert on HIV
Bizarre coincidence that the 1988th year also one great scientist and explorer HIV killed in an attack on an aircraft. Irving Sigal, a molecular biologist who helped develop drugs to mitigate the effects of HIV infection, was injured in a bomb explosion on Pan Am aircraft was shot down in Lockerbie as retaliation for the American destruction of an Iranian airliner in the Persian Gulf.
Ten years later and reputable researchers Jonathan Mann and Mary Lou Clements-Mann died in a plane crash - fall Swissairovog aircraft off the coast of Nova Scotia.
source--- saturn golden age cycle cube cresent baal shamash el chronos time hexagram symbol sin moon old new 1000 year aon eon rule space ne world order set satan secret sun archaic helios heliopolis ancient Stur Ninurta El Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan dragon Baphomet goddess witchcraft Artemis Cybele Sin Lucifera Diana Samael Lilith Ishtar Inanna Mary queen of heaven Zeitgeist Bible Book of Revelations 2012 Star of David Israel Judaism Jews Synagogue of Satan Saturnus Roman god pagan religions Roman Catholic Church Pope Vatican conspiracy Jesus Christ Christianity Christians xjohn xrevelator xlivescom HeroOfChristArchives 666 Cult Of Saturn Saturnalian cult revealed Saturnalian brotherhood Saturnian Brotherhood Saturnalia 666 The Mark of the Beast 666 The Number of the Beast Satan Lucifer devil satanic Luciferian Antichrist Dajjal false messiah false prophet Occult Freemasons Freemasonry Masons Masonry Illuminati symbolism hexagram pentagram all-seeing eye New World Order NWO star planet Chuin Kiyyun Kewan Kaiwan Kayawanu Sakkuth Siccuth Sikkuth Star of Remphan Remphan Rephan Rompha Moloch Molech star-gods Watchers aliens angels phoenician red heads hair tribe of dan philo yahu bible fallen purple evil nazi pit crystals inner earth titans zeus giants enoch occult witchcraft saloman demons angeles elohim eloy ilu anu anunaki sumeria pirates black planet star AMBOSS, ANVIL, STEEL/METAL, HARD, ROCK, BLACK, ADAMANTIUM, ADAMITE ADAMAS, AMANDA, ADAM, DIAMOND, CRYSTAL, CUBE, ICE, FIRE, HELL, 9, TARTARUS, ABYSS, PIT, ENTITIES, INSECTS, LOCUST, LEGION, ANTS, BEES, WOMAN, ELOHIM, FALLEN, ANCIENT ONES, BOUND, TRAPPED, FROZEN, SEALED, IMPRISONED, CONTAINED, LOCKED, TIME, DAY, NEW,like,instagood ,photooftheday,follow,instalike,instamood,igers ,all_shots,picoftheday,instadaily,bestoftheday,igdaily,followme,webstagram,tweegram,
--- saturn golden age cycle cube cresent baal shamash el chronos time hexagram symbol sin moon old new 1000 year aon eon rule space ne world order set satan secret sun archaic helios heliopolis ancient Stur Ninurta El Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan dragon Baphomet goddess witchcraft Artemis Cybele Sin Lucifera Diana Samael Lilith Ishtar Inanna Mary queen of heaven Zeitgeist Bible Book of Revelations 2012 Star of David Israel Judaism Jews Synagogue of Satan Saturnus Roman god pagan religions Roman Catholic Church Pope Vatican conspiracy Jesus Christ Christianity Christians xjohn xrevelator xlivescom HeroOfChristArchives 666 Cult Of Saturn Saturnalian cult revealed Saturnalian brotherhood Saturnian Brotherhood Saturnalia 666 The Mark of the Beast 666 The Number of the Beast Satan Lucifer devil satanic Luciferian Antichrist Dajjal false messiah false prophet Occult Freemasons Freemasonry Masons Masonry Illuminati symbolism hexagram pentagram all-seeing eye New World Order NWO star planet Chuin Kiyyun Kewan Kaiwan Kayawanu Sakkuth Siccuth Sikkuth Star of Remphan Remphan Rephan Rompha Moloch Molech star-gods Watchers aliens angels phoenician red heads hair tribe of dan philo yahu bible fallen purple evil nazi pit crystals inner earth titans zeus giants enoch occult witchcraft saloman demons angeles elohim eloy ilu anu anunaki sumeria pirates black planet star AMBOSS, ANVIL, STEEL/METAL, HARD, ROCK, BLACK, ADAMANTIUM, ADAMITE ADAMAS, AMANDA, ADAM, DIAMOND, CRYSTAL, CUBE, ICE, FIRE, HELL, 9, TARTARUS, ABYSS, PIT, ENTITIES, INSECTS, LOCUST, LEGION, ANTS, BEES, WOMAN, ELOHIM, FALLEN, ANCIENT ONES, BOUND, TRAPPED, FROZEN, SEALED, IMPRISONED, CONTAINED, LOCKED, TIME, DAY, NEW,like,instagood ,photooftheday,follow,instalike,instamood,igers ,all_shots,picoftheday,instadaily,bestoftheday,igdaily,followme,webstagram,tweegram,milanovic,hrvatska,ljubav,nogomet,košarka,zagreb,bjelovar,karlovac
slovenia,srbia,crna,gora,brazilija,hrt,rtl,novatv,vjera,dnevnik, Sport,Nogomet,Košarka,Formula 1,Tenis,Ostali sportovi,Hrvatska,Regija,Svijet,Crna kronika,Misteriji,Bizarno,Komentari,Kultura,Pozitiva
To develop a complete mind
Study the science of art
Study the art of science
Find out how to watch
Understand how to watch
Understand that everything builds on all sides
Leonardo da Vinci
Dr. Ravi Zacharias,
flat earth,
global warming,
Today, July 17 is the 18th anniversary of TWA flight 800 being supposedly shot down in 1996
17 years 365th day... not yet the actual time until this pm.... 3+6+5=14.
Hmm.. CNN just ran a story on flight 800 a couple days ago!
17 years 365th day... not yet the actual time until this pm.... 3+6+5=14.
Hmm.. CNN just ran a story on flight 800 a couple days ago!
free energy,
true music,
untold story,
Maiden flight of MH17, Boeing 777 was on July 17 1997. 17 years to the day it gets shot down
TWA flight 800 shot down by missile on July 17 1996..
MH 17 Shot down on 7/17/14 by missile on the 18th anniversary of twa 800... actually 17th year 365th day... just hours from the exact time ..
TWA flight 800 shot down by missile on July 17 1996..
MH 17 Shot down on 7/17/14 by missile on the 18th anniversary of twa 800... actually 17th year 365th day... just hours from the exact time ..
As the world searches for an explanation for the crash of MH17, coincidences...
flat earth,
Get the word out!!!!! Video link below!!!
Stack of brand new Passports came from the trunk of a car, from a guy in digitized camouflage.
He spreads them out ON THE GROUND. Then shows names...
Stack of brand new Passports came from the trunk of a car, from a guy in digitized camouflage.
He spreads them out ON THE GROUND. Then shows names...
Video here..from the MH17 Boeing 777 shootdown on 7/17,
agent provocateur education,
agent provocateur police,
free energy,
Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014
Malaysian passenger plane crashes in Ukraine
295 persons dead 2+9+5 = 16 1+6 = 7 just saying
viewer just sent this to me. The flight path of the MH17 jet that was
shot down....... was diverted to pass directly over the war zone. Was
originally supposed to pass around the area...
Thanks to Peter Dimitriev for sharing..
Full post here:
http:// 07/17/ malaysian-passenger-plane-c rashes-in-ukraine-near-rus sian-border-ifax/
Also, update
"Peter Dmitriyev said: btw dutch that screencap can be confirmed for yourself here: data/flights/mh17#3d6095b thats where i got it"
Thanks to Peter Dimitriev for sharing..
Full post here:
Also, update
"Peter Dmitriyev said: btw dutch that screencap can be confirmed for yourself here:
MH17 Boeing 777 shot down on 7/17..... 23 americans on board...
Hmm.. a pile of brand new passports being shown on tv?
LikeHmm.. a pile of brand new passports being shown on tv?
MH17 Boeing 777 shot down on 7/17..... 23 americans on board...
Hmm.. a pile of brand new passports being shown on tv?
LikeHmm.. a pile of brand new passports being shown on tv?
do it yourself,
Dr. Ravi Zacharias,
faith in humanity,
false since,
free energy,
The genesis of Homo-Gestapo
Following the response to the article of the portal, Terror gya Fascists: The world-famous opera singer was fired in Australia, I would like to offer you thinking, which explains in detail a little-known origins of Homo-Gestapo:
Hitler - homofrend 1921, 1922 ... 1945
For each Prajd necessarily going choice "homophobia year" and "Homofrenda year." However, one particular homofrenda to the gay movement gladly jumped,
Hitler - homofrend 1921, 1922 ... 1945
For each Prajd necessarily going choice "homophobia year" and "Homofrenda year." However, one particular homofrenda to the gay movement gladly jumped,
Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014
A Science Icon Died 17 Years Ago. In His Last Interview, He Made A Warning That Gives Me Goosebumps.

free energy,
global warming,
Montag, 14. Juli 2014
Dr. Ravi Zacharias,
faith in humanity,
free energy,
global warming,
Flat Earth from a plane on a plain
faith in humanity,
flat earth,
free energy,
global warming,
Sonntag, 13. Juli 2014
Wildebeest from Birdbox Studio
--- saturn golden age cycle cube cresent baal shamash el chronos time hexagram symbol sin moon old new 1000 year aon eon rule space ne world order set satan secret sun archaic helios heliopolis ancient Stur Ninurta El Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan dragon Baphomet goddess witchcraft Artemis Cybele Sin Lucifera Diana Samael Lilith Ishtar Inanna Mary queen of heaven Zeitgeist Bible Book of Revelations 2012 Star of David Israel Judaism Jews Synagogue of Satan Saturnus Roman god pagan religions Roman Catholic Church Pope Vatican conspiracy Jesus Christ Christianity Christians xjohn xrevelator xlivescom HeroOfChristArchives 666 Cult Of Saturn Saturnalian cult revealed Saturnalian brotherhood Saturnian Brotherhood Saturnalia 666 The Mark of the Beast 666 The Number of the Beast Satan Lucifer devil satanic Luciferian Antichrist Dajjal false messiah false prophet Occult Freemasons Freemasonry Masons Masonry Illuminati symbolism hexagram pentagram all-seeing eye New World Order NWO star planet Chuin Kiyyun Kewan Kaiwan Kayawanu Sakkuth Siccuth Sikkuth Star of Remphan Remphan Rephan Rompha Moloch Molech star-gods Watchers aliens angels phoenician red heads hair tribe of dan philo yahu bible fallen purple evil nazi pit crystals inner earth titans zeus giants enoch occult witchcraft saloman demons angeles elohim eloy ilu anu anunaki sumeria pirates black planet star AMBOSS, ANVIL, STEEL/METAL, HARD, ROCK, BLACK, ADAMANTIUM, ADAMITE ADAMAS, AMANDA, ADAM, DIAMOND, CRYSTAL, CUBE, ICE, FIRE, HELL, 9, TARTARUS, ABYSS, PIT, ENTITIES, INSECTS, LOCUST, LEGION, ANTS, BEES, WOMAN, ELOHIM, FALLEN, ANCIENT ONES, BOUND, TRAPPED, FROZEN, SEALED, IMPRISONED, CONTAINED, LOCKED, TIME, DAY, NEW,like,instagood ,photooftheday,follow,instalike,instamood,igers ,all_shots,picoftheday,instadaily,bestoftheday,igdaily,followme,webstagram,tweegram,
--- saturn golden age cycle cube cresent baal shamash el chronos time hexagram symbol sin moon old new 1000 year aon eon rule space ne world order set satan secret sun archaic helios heliopolis ancient Stur Ninurta El Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan dragon Baphomet goddess witchcraft Artemis Cybele Sin Lucifera Diana Samael Lilith Ishtar Inanna Mary queen of heaven Zeitgeist Bible Book of Revelations 2012 Star of David Israel Judaism Jews Synagogue of Satan Saturnus Roman god pagan religions Roman Catholic Church Pope Vatican conspiracy Jesus Christ Christianity Christians xjohn xrevelator xlivescom HeroOfChristArchives 666 Cult Of Saturn Saturnalian cult revealed Saturnalian brotherhood Saturnian Brotherhood Saturnalia 666 The Mark of the Beast 666 The Number of the Beast Satan Lucifer devil satanic Luciferian Antichrist Dajjal false messiah false prophet Occult Freemasons Freemasonry Masons Masonry Illuminati symbolism hexagram pentagram all-seeing eye New World Order NWO star planet Chuin Kiyyun Kewan Kaiwan Kayawanu Sakkuth Siccuth Sikkuth Star of Remphan Remphan Rephan Rompha Moloch Molech star-gods Watchers aliens angels phoenician red heads hair tribe of dan philo yahu bible fallen purple evil nazi pit crystals inner earth titans zeus giants enoch occult witchcraft saloman demons angeles elohim eloy ilu anu anunaki sumeria pirates black planet star AMBOSS, ANVIL, STEEL/METAL, HARD, ROCK, BLACK, ADAMANTIUM, ADAMITE ADAMAS, AMANDA, ADAM, DIAMOND, CRYSTAL, CUBE, ICE, FIRE, HELL, 9, TARTARUS, ABYSS, PIT, ENTITIES, INSECTS, LOCUST, LEGION, ANTS, BEES, WOMAN, ELOHIM, FALLEN, ANCIENT ONES, BOUND, TRAPPED, FROZEN, SEALED, IMPRISONED, CONTAINED, LOCKED, TIME, DAY, NEW,like,instagood ,photooftheday,follow,instalike,instamood,igers ,all_shots,picoftheday,instadaily,bestoftheday,igdaily,followme,webstagram,tweegram,milanovic,hrvatska,ljubav,nogomet,košarka,zagreb,bjelovar,karlovac
slovenia,srbia,crna,gora,brazilija,hrt,rtl,novatv,vjera,dnevnik, Sport,Nogomet,Košarka,Formula 1,Tenis,Ostali sportovi,Hrvatska,Regija,Svijet,Crna kronika,Misteriji,Bizarno,Komentari,Kultura,Pozitiva
FREE ENERGY MOTOR !!!!! How to build it.
--- saturn golden age cycle cube cresent baal shamash el chronos time hexagram symbol sin moon old new 1000 year aon eon rule space ne world order set satan secret sun archaic helios heliopolis ancient Stur Ninurta El Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan dragon Baphomet goddess witchcraft Artemis Cybele Sin Lucifera Diana Samael Lilith Ishtar Inanna Mary queen of heaven Zeitgeist Bible Book of Revelations 2012 Star of David Israel Judaism Jews Synagogue of Satan Saturnus Roman god pagan religions Roman Catholic Church Pope Vatican conspiracy Jesus Christ Christianity Christians xjohn xrevelator xlivescom HeroOfChristArchives 666 Cult Of Saturn Saturnalian cult revealed Saturnalian brotherhood Saturnian Brotherhood Saturnalia 666 The Mark of the Beast 666 The Number of the Beast Satan Lucifer devil satanic Luciferian Antichrist Dajjal false messiah false prophet Occult Freemasons Freemasonry Masons Masonry Illuminati symbolism hexagram pentagram all-seeing eye New World Order NWO star planet Chuin Kiyyun Kewan Kaiwan Kayawanu Sakkuth Siccuth Sikkuth Star of Remphan Remphan Rephan Rompha Moloch Molech star-gods Watchers aliens angels phoenician red heads hair tribe of dan philo yahu bible fallen purple evil nazi pit crystals inner earth titans zeus giants enoch occult witchcraft saloman demons angeles elohim eloy ilu anu anunaki sumeria pirates black planet star AMBOSS, ANVIL, STEEL/METAL, HARD, ROCK, BLACK, ADAMANTIUM, ADAMITE ADAMAS, AMANDA, ADAM, DIAMOND, CRYSTAL, CUBE, ICE, FIRE, HELL, 9, TARTARUS, ABYSS, PIT, ENTITIES, INSECTS, LOCUST, LEGION, ANTS, BEES, WOMAN, ELOHIM, FALLEN, ANCIENT ONES, BOUND, TRAPPED, FROZEN, SEALED, IMPRISONED, CONTAINED, LOCKED, TIME, DAY, NEW,like,instagood ,photooftheday,follow,instalike,instamood,igers ,all_shots,picoftheday,instadaily,bestoftheday,igdaily,followme,webstagram,tweegram,
--- saturn golden age cycle cube cresent baal shamash el chronos time hexagram symbol sin moon old new 1000 year aon eon rule space ne world order set satan secret sun archaic helios heliopolis ancient Stur Ninurta El Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan dragon Baphomet goddess witchcraft Artemis Cybele Sin Lucifera Diana Samael Lilith Ishtar Inanna Mary queen of heaven Zeitgeist Bible Book of Revelations 2012 Star of David Israel Judaism Jews Synagogue of Satan Saturnus Roman god pagan religions Roman Catholic Church Pope Vatican conspiracy Jesus Christ Christianity Christians xjohn xrevelator xlivescom HeroOfChristArchives 666 Cult Of Saturn Saturnalian cult revealed Saturnalian brotherhood Saturnian Brotherhood Saturnalia 666 The Mark of the Beast 666 The Number of the Beast Satan Lucifer devil satanic Luciferian Antichrist Dajjal false messiah false prophet Occult Freemasons Freemasonry Masons Masonry Illuminati symbolism hexagram pentagram all-seeing eye New World Order NWO star planet Chuin Kiyyun Kewan Kaiwan Kayawanu Sakkuth Siccuth Sikkuth Star of Remphan Remphan Rephan Rompha Moloch Molech star-gods Watchers aliens angels phoenician red heads hair tribe of dan philo yahu bible fallen purple evil nazi pit crystals inner earth titans zeus giants enoch occult witchcraft saloman demons angeles elohim eloy ilu anu anunaki sumeria pirates black planet star AMBOSS, ANVIL, STEEL/METAL, HARD, ROCK, BLACK, ADAMANTIUM, ADAMITE ADAMAS, AMANDA, ADAM, DIAMOND, CRYSTAL, CUBE, ICE, FIRE, HELL, 9, TARTARUS, ABYSS, PIT, ENTITIES, INSECTS, LOCUST, LEGION, ANTS, BEES, WOMAN, ELOHIM, FALLEN, ANCIENT ONES, BOUND, TRAPPED, FROZEN, SEALED, IMPRISONED, CONTAINED, LOCKED, TIME, DAY, NEW,like,instagood ,photooftheday,follow,instalike,instamood,igers ,all_shots,picoftheday,instadaily,bestoftheday,igdaily,followme,webstagram,tweegram,milanovic,hrvatska,ljubav,nogomet,košarka,zagreb,bjelovar,karlovac
slovenia,srbia,crna,gora,brazilija,hrt,rtl,novatv,vjera,dnevnik, Sport,Nogomet,Košarka,Formula 1,Tenis,Ostali sportovi,Hrvatska,Regija,Svijet,Crna kronika,Misteriji,Bizarno,Komentari,Kultura,Pozitiva
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