Samstag, 22. Juli 2017

u zadnje vrijeme........

ima sve više informacija što je bilo dugo godina skriveno budemo realni počelo je sve sa 9,11 tu su se počeli ljudi informirati da razumni čovjek jednostavno nemože ignorirati fakte cak i sljepac bi progledao sa toliko informacija koliko ima na internetu sad leži na tebi
jer budeš za svoju situaciju krivio druge il budeš priznao da ti sam biraš svoj put
znanje je moč nad tebim samom
istinu lako danas možemo nači onaj koji ima odvoren vid da vidi detalje
svaka knjiga ima svoju istinu ma koliko god mala ta rećenica,legenda, bajka ima
ona ima svoj korjen vrjedi  ju potražiti
mi imamo onaj film mad max, waterworld gdje su stari gradovi točnije starije civilizacije u moru ili u pjesku
i to po tome se da zaključiti da su prijašnje civilizacije bili naprednije od nas danas ima dokaze o mašinama o struji letelicima tako da se slobodno može reči da mi samo kopiramo od prijašnjih civiliuzacija
da se vratim na holyvodske filmove oni najbolji filmovi ili poznati filomvi imaju dosta istine u sebi i kad bi izbirali nekoliko ti filmova i rasporedili ko recimo neku knjigu vidjeli bi našu istoriju
tak ljudi bolje čovjek je mi smo stvorni od svevišnjega na licu njegova
u vremenu smo buđenja ima dosta znakova da se nešto dešava po čitavom svijetu
tražite istinu vrijeme teče

There is more and more information that has been hidding from uswe should be real it started with  9.11 with the twintowers wthere people began to inform what is truth an what not
 a reasonable man can simply not ignore the facts 
even the blindfold can not ignore so much information

dont blame  blame others for your situation and you schould admit that you are responsible your own pathKnowledge is power over the hard selfThe truth can easily be found today who has a vision to see the detailsEvery book has its truth no matter how small that truht may be , legend, fairy we have to conect the dots
We have that mad max movie, waterworld where old towns are in oceans of older civilization just think about it where come their ideasAnd to conclude that the earlier civilizations were more advanced than today, there is evidence of the electric power machines so that we can freely say that we only copy from the previous civilizationsTo return to the Holywood movies, those best movies or known movies have a lot of truth in themselves and when they break out a few of these movies and distribute i a way  that like a puzzle we would maybe see the big picuture of our historyWe are creatures from elohim made in his image its time to wake up there  are plenty of signs that something is going on around the worldLook for the truth the time runs

2, 2012, 2015, 9/11, abortion, abuse, africa, african, agenda, agent provocateur, agent provocateur education, agent provocateur police, AIDS, albino, alien, Aliens, america, android, angela, animal, anime, antichrist, arabia, Ariana Grande, asia, asteroid, australia, austria, b, babylon, bahrain, Bangkok, bank, beast belive, beware, bibel, bible, biblija, Bilderberg, BlackLivesMatter, blacks, Bloodlines, bombing, brain, brainwash, breakthrough, breaktrough, bulgaria, cartoon, cattle, cern, chemtrail, chemtrails, childern, china, christian, christmas, cia, city, clinton, clones, clouds, controll, controlled, Dalai Lama, dark, darwin, debate, demon magicans, demons, depopulation, deutschland, Devil, dimensions, dinosauri, disney, djeca, do it yourself, donald, Dr. Ravi Zacharias, dynamo, earth, ebola, education, egyptian, election, elite, england, esa, eu, europa, europe, evil, f, fa, facebook, failure, faith, faith in humanity, fake, fal, fallen angels, false since, fast food, father, fear, fifa, fireball, flat earth, flood, fluchtlimge, flüchtlinge, food, france, free energy, free will, fukushima, fun, games, gate, gay, gendermainstream, genocid, georgie guidestones, gericht, german, germany, gez, gigants, global warming, gmo, god, gods word, gowerment, greek, guncontrol, Haarp, haider, haven, health, hell, hidden, hiden, hilary, hillary, history, hitler, HIV, hoa, hoax, hollogram, hollywood, holocaust, hologram, homosexuality, hrvatska, human, humanoid, hybride, iluminat, Iluminati, imigrants, india, indians, insidejob, internet, irak, iran, isis, islam, israel, iss, istambul, japan, jesuit, jesus, jew, jorg, just thinking, kanibalisam, kinder, king, kuran, lcd, lhc, like, ll, lost, love, luke, luther, luzifer, m atrix, mainstream, Manchester, mandela, mandela effect, mark, mars, martin, masakar, mason, masoni, matrix, media, Merged Reality, merkel, mesič, messages, mexico, michelle, milosevič, mind control, mindcontrol, mk, mk-ultra, moon, mosad, mosanto, movies, muslim, mythology, nasa, natives, nato, nazi, nephilim, neuschwabenland, nibiru, nimrod, NWO, obama, Occult, of, old, pakistan, pararell, pedofilija, perverse, pfahrma, photoshop, pic, picture, pizzagate, police, poor, pope, positive, pro-life, programing, putin, quote, r, race, reagon, rebel, refuges, religion, reptilians, rich, ritual, rocket, rom, ronald, rothschilds, royal, russia, satan, satanisam, saturn, schoking, school, secret society, sexualization, shooting, sience, simpsons, simulčator, since, sinkholes, sky, slave, slawen, soli, son, space, spain, spell, star wars, stargate, states, strange, strength, sugar, sun, sweden, switzerland, syrya, terror, tesla, testament, the, time, touching, transgender, transhumanisam, true music, trump, tthailand, turkei, turkey, tv, ufo, uk, ukraine, ultra, UN, Underdevelopment, universe, untold story, urgent, usa, usa russia, used, vaccine, Valentine, vatican, vatikan, vativan, vblack, vegan, vjera, wake up, war, waste, watter, weather modifikation, white, white slaves, wife, wish, world, world gowerment, worship, wow, wrestling, ww3, YAHUAH, yahusha, yeshua, zavjere, zdrastveni odgoj, zdravlje, zombie,

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