Freitag, 21. Juli 2017

osječaji vrsta energije

Masaru Emoto  je čovjek koji je tvrdio da čovjekova Svijest ima utjecaja na molekularnu strukturu vode tako da je radio različite eksperemente sa vodom uzeo bi kap vode ili zamrznutu pahuljicu od snjega
pahuljice isgledaju tako lijepo ispod mikroskopa
sad je uzeo tu pahuljicu i govorio sve zle riječi i onda ju je opet zamrznuo i kad je tu pahuljicu video ispod microskopa bila je gadna i izgledala bolesno. 
onda je opet tu istu pahuljicu odmrznuo pustio da se rastopi i govorio je prema tom kapu sve dobre riječi i postala je opet lijepa nakon zamrzivanja.
tako je napravio isti experiment sa biljkama
e sad ste sigurno ste čuli da su ljudi nakon transplantacije organa od drugog čovjeka promjenuli način svojeg života ima dosta informacija o tome na internetu

i sad se tu postavlja ovo pitanje kad čovjek jede životinjsko meso koliko se on mnjena ono šta dobije po osječajima od životinja ??? 

Masaru Emoto is the man who claimed that Human consciousness had an influence on the molecular structure of water so he worked differently with water he would take a drop of water or a frozen snow flake

The flakes look so beautiful beneath the microscope

Now he took that flake and spoke all the bad words and then frozen again when the flurry of the video below the microscope was awful and looked sick.

Then he flushed the same flake again to let it melt and spoke all that good word to that cap and became beautiful again after freezing.

So did the same experiment with the plants

Now you have surely heard that people after organ transplants from another man changed their way of life has plenty of information about it on the internet

And this is where the question is raised when one eats animal flesh as much as he gets what he gets by the feelings of animals ???


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