Freitag, 13. Februar 2015

McDonalds Exposed For Using Human Meat! (Must Watch Video)

OKLAHOMA CITY – First Horse meat, then the mysterious “Pink slime”, Now Human meat? A shocking discovery has been made in an Oklahoma City McDonald’s meat factory and other McDonald’s meat factories nationwide. Meat inspectors reportedly found, what appeared to be, Human meat stored in the meat factory freezers of an Oklahoma City meat factory and human meat already in trucks right outside the factory ready to be shipped to McDonald’s restaurants. Health inspectors immediately demanded inspection in various McDonald’s meat factories across the country and horrifyingly found human meat in about 90% of the factories inspected thus far.
The USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) has seized McDonald’s production and shipping and will call for more meat factory inspections and restaurant inspections. The FBI is also investigating the factories. FBI agent Lloyd Harrison told Huzler reporters “The worst part is that it’s not only human meat, it’s child meat. the body parts that were found across the U.S. factories were deemed to small to be adult body parts, this is truly horrible”.
The situation brings up many unanswered questions. How long have they been using human meat? Where did they get the children from? Were they already dead when brought into factories? Investigators and Inspectors are currently being deployed for intensive investigations all around the U.S.

copyed comment 
Those who love fast food and are addicted to the preservatives will always stick up for it. All I got to say is there is nothing new under the sun. Research Passover and how so many white kids go missing. Blood letting and old ass rituals of the Jewish community are to blame, The blood is used of there enemy and they discard of the bodies to the public via fast food. You think that's BS then you have so much to learn about this wicked world you feel would never allow such a thing... Its been admitted, please research it. They know that 85% of the public are blind and don't care even if they were shown in person. America wake the F*%# up please...

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