Donnerstag, 6. März 2014

Why Vegan ???
Every day more studies prove that the healthiest diets are plant based, not animal based.

Check out: IN THE NEWS
The latest information related to your diet, animals,
the environment... taken from the major news sources.

One can't be a true environmentalist and still be eating animal products.
Today's "modern agriculture", egg industry and dairy industry are just as cruel as the slaughterhouses, veal, pork, beef,turkey farms etc.

All are simple facts, so can anyone justify still eating meat??
10 Main Reasons for going VEGAN.
Click on each for more information.
"I don't understand why asking people to eat a well-balanced vegetarian diet is considered drastic, while it is medically conservative to cut people open and put them on cholesterol-lowering drugs for the rest of their lives."
-Dean Ornish, MD
"The fact is that there is enough food in the world for everyone. But tragically, much of the world's food and land resources are tied up in producing beef and other livestock--food for the well off--while millions of children and adults suffer from malnutrition and starvation."
-Dr.Walden Bello
"An estimated 85 percent of all U.S agricultural land is used in the production of animal foods, which in turn is linked with deforestation, destruction of wildlife species, extinction of species, loss of soil productivity, mineral deletion and erosion, water pollution and depletion, overgrazing, and desertification."
Dr. Michael W. Fox, Agricide

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