Montag, 3. März 2014

Political economist Jeffrey Sommers about the situation in Kiev: "Every government is ready to cooperate with the IMF will be declared legitimate"

Jeffrey Sommers is a professor of political economy at the American University, the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee , and also teaches at the University Stockholm School of Economics in the Latvian capital , Riga. Regularly writes columnist for the British newspaper The Guardian as his online course can also be found on the pages of the Post Globalization Initiative .
Sommers is closely monitoring the situation in Ukraine since late last year became the central theme of the signing of the EU trade pact .

The current economic situation in Ukraine speaks in an interview with RT , which convey here : RT : " Who , according to you , should be prepared to give the aforementioned 35 billion as Ukraine needs to economically survive ? "
Jeffrey Sommers : "I think that it is unrealistic to expect that the EU or the United States could give that kind of money , especially at a time when the active tendencies of budget cuts and the introduction of austerity measures in these countries . Course , the IMF would love to give Ukraine a stabilization program to Ukraine , the economy and the nation , imposed austerity measures , but the question is whether to muster political support when it comes to obtaining that kind of money , and thus also the Ukrainian economic problems would not be a long-term fix . "
RT : " many within the Ukraine believe this illegitimate government , whether international organizations such as the IMF was ready to cooperate with such a government ? "Jeffrey Sommers : " Any government , unfortunately , that will demonstrate that it is willing to cooperate with the IMF and is willing to accept their imposition of structural adjustment , will be declared legitimate and it shall be said to reflect the will of the people , regardless of whether it's true or not " .
RT : " The money would certainly come with pushing unpopular reforms . How would it affect the already explosive situation in the country ? "Jeffrey Sommers : "I think that the current government will be easy for all problems and austerity measures accuse Russia. Having the opportunity to draw attention to the IMF or the EU. This is one of the consequences of which we could see . Course , the Ukrainian economy in this moment is in a very unenviable situation . it could become competitive if they get reduced prices for energy from Russia , as Russia and offered . This would result that would be their main export product , metal , has become even more competitive . However , if the opposite happens and if Russia also increase the price of energy for them , it will be on their economy very badly . "
RT : " Bearing in mind that the East of Ukraine , which is being carried out mass pro-Russian protests , the most economically developed part of the country , it will affect the current division of the Ukrainian economy ? "Jeffrey Sommers : " Everything will depend on how the central government would be able to keep control of the east of the country . If East loses its export market in Russia , it could be very bad for them . Ukraine has an international market for the metal and outside Russia CIS ( author's note " CIS " - economic , political, and economic alliance of 11 former Soviet republics ) , but if the Russian gas prices go up , their products will be less competitive in the world market . Altogether , this is a very difficult situation for Ukraine and its economy . " 

Source (s): RT | Post Globalization Initiative

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