Montag, 3. März 2014

First baby born GMO

Hoće li uskoro genetski modificirana djeca postati standard koji se skupo plaća bez obzira na moralnu upitnost takve tehnologije?25th February this year, the U.S. FDA has held the first public meeting at which there was talk about genetically modified humans and their alleged benefits . In addition to British experiments with a combination of human and animal DNA , in addition to creating hydrated with vegetable and human genetics , the turn came and genetically modified human embryos with patented genes .  To be more precise , the FDA ( the umbrella agency for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ) discusses the genetic manipulation of human eggs and embryos
, in order to prevent inherited mitochondrial disease and infertility treatment . GM techniques that are under consideration include the manipulation of the mitochondrial level , to replace or increase the mutated rDNA , and research methods that could create a baby with three parents , which have already been discussed .  The FDA has stated that it is aware of the need to consider a number of ethical and social issues related to these experiments and despite the fact that 44 countries have banned this type of genetic manipulation , the FDA does not want to discuss whether to clinical trials on humans in general be carried out , for them the debate superfluous . Rather than debate the ethics of this procedure , they are the latest conference decided to show how GM should look like children .  Participants in the meeting will deliberate about which animals and " in vitro " studies ( tests that are performed outside of a living organism ) will be required prior to experimentation with humans , and the potential risks to research participants as well as for " the children resulting from such research ."  For now, the desired genetic results to be focused on the prevention of inherited mitochondrial diseases ( eg LHone ) or infertility , which depend on the quality and quantity of mitochondria in the female egg - although there is no scientific consensus on how important mitochondrial factors for female infertility .  Mitochondria are the source of cellular energy . They have their own DNA ( mtDNA ) , which is prone to mutation of DNA jezgrinog . Accumulation mitohondričkih mutation may contribute to faster aging , creating cancer and metabolic diseases . Some mutations in mtDNA can be a trigger for mitochondrial diseases that can be transmitted from mother to child ( but not the father of the child ) . Given the large number of factors , it is very difficult to predict how long it will be a sick child from the mother's mitochondrial mutations . They can even be asymptomatic .

One document above mentioned agencies makes it clear that the potential pitfalls of clinical research in order to create the GM people . The first is sex selection - because the female children created from mitochondrial manipulation could still carry the mutated DNA . It is very possible that because the researchers chose only male embryos . Another pitfall is the idea of a child with three parents - FDA discusses the creation of embryos with three parents , in which the mutated mtDNA from mothers no. 1 is replaced with healthy mtDNA from mothers no. 2 ( which then , through " in vitro " fertilization rates with dad's sperm ) .
This type of experiment could be the trigger for a series of major problems ( very likely through epigenetic changes ) , which may not be visible to the developing fetus . A third potential problem are just dangerous epigenetic changes . Epigenetičari study how external influences ( eg environmental factors ) could affect the genes . Studies show that techniques such as manipulation of mtDNA can cause unpredictable epigenetic changes in the embryo , which could result in birth defects .
There is also the problem that even the FDA admits , and that is that it might be impossible to detect the genetic modification affect the child until it is born . Just remember the movie " Gattaca " - it's easy to see how the concept of GM people could go out of control . In addition to sex selection , clearly concludes that this technology could be used for genetic design of children with certain desirable physical and mental health characteristics .
One thing that is not mentioned in the above document, the agency is a risk that in a near future, the research could introduce genetic material not of human origin . The mere possibility sounds scary .
The Daily Mail , on the other hand revealed that the 01.03.2014 . born first genetically modified babies in the United States , and that the expected birth of 29 more of these babies in the next few months . This news is so shocking , especially if you are known to have babies of which we speak are made with the help of three parents , which again points to all possible moral and ethical ambiguities . All babies are created at the Center for Reproductive Medicine and Science " St Barnabas ' in New Jersey , so it seems that the FDA somewhat lags behind actual events in the U.S. , although the agency would first have to create laws and regulations on the creation of GMOs children, only after that would eventually allowed to create such a baby .
If you think this is the worst that can happen , we recall the statement by Dr. Jacques Cohen, who last year created a storm terrified reaction of fellow scientists and the public because he admitted that he developed a technique with which men can have children of their own , without genetic mixing with women he is ready to start creating human clones .
We are sure that such shocking news to be more , and we doubt that anyone cares about the ethical aspects of research and in terms of earning large amounts of money and scientific prestige .

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