Donnerstag, 24. September 2015

Why are aliens afraid of Jesus Christ? Real life story of a mother prote...

Asylanten löschen 300-Seelen-Dorf aus ...

WOW! One Family One World Satanic Pope Francis Illuminati New World Orde...


Media high gejubelter Syrian football coach Asylant turns out to be an Islamic terrorist.Medien hoch gejubelter syrischer Fußballtrainer Asylant entpuppt sich al...

Saudi-Arabien = ISIS?!...und jetzt Vorsitz im UN-Menschenrechtsrat!!!


Dienstag, 22. September 2015

Asylantenflut: „Zwangsenteignung“ führt zu Massenaustritt beim THW-Wetzlar

Proof Aliens Are Demons / Fallen Angels! Jesus Stops Alien Abductions!

Demons posing as aliens and UFOs will manifest on this earth in mass

Bundeswehr räumt Kaserne für Flüchtlinge

Flüchtlinge: SOS Abendland - MUSIK VIDEO

Sarah (O.) "Urie" Is A CLONED TRANNY; NO TRUE Females in the Entertainme...


Montag, 21. September 2015

China Killing Babies to Make New Vaccines WALVAX

NASA's FAKE Mission To Mars - Here We Go Again!


Men In Hollywood married to transvestites

Male. Celebrities who are women part9

UNDENIABLE PROOF the reason R$E Round SaturnsEye was created was to INTE...

Chemtrails in Russia China Iran North Korea

Proteste in Erfurt: Tausende Bürger vor Thüringer Staatskanzlei



Trump Does Not Want to Be President - What is That Illuminati Hand Sign?

Sonntag, 20. September 2015

Again warning. Or coincidence? You be the judge (19 September 2015)

The Planned EU Immigration Crisis - Morris

European Refugee Crisis: Camps Were Set Up Before The Conflict Even Began

Isn't it interesting that Turkey and Jordan were setting up refugee camps even before the conflict had begun in Syria? That is a very strong indication that this entire event is premeditated and was planned. The Syrians now being shipped to Europe are composed of people who are almost entirely against Assad, very rich, and sometimes connected to the military.

When watching the videos of the refugees showing up in Greece, I noticed that they were mostly wearing similar types of life jackets, with insignia on them, and in some boats they were orange, and in others purple.

The refugees did not appear tired, many were completely dry and smiling, and none of their equipment appeared to have ever been used before..

Turkey is a key player in this staged "refugee crisis" a "crisis" which was planned long before the first signs of conflict in Syria, and a "crisis" which is meant to create a rift in Europe, making out those who do not want the endless immigration out to be racists, and focusing the population on the "other" to distract from growing unemployment and economic strife all over Europe

Blinking Chem-Plane Billows Aerosol Trails (Contrails=Red Herring)

Birth of the Abyss - They Came From the Ether (R$E)

Schoolboy gets Detention for saying "God Bless You"

Portals opening in skies? What is this object!? Sept 2015 (R$E)

Full House is a Gateway into Hell: Olsens-Saget-Stamos-Beelzebub

EXPOSED!!!the (females) of Real Housewives of Atlanta are MEN!!! (Shocking)

The Lifestyle of a Demon (EXPOSED)

Huge crowd of Migrant Muslims attack police in Germany -Please wake up


Flüchtlinge: "Fakten statt Furcht", "welcome refugees" "Pro- Asyl" "Off...

THE MARTIAN: CNN NASA Propaganda Mind Control

Samstag, 19. September 2015

Jasinna darf es, ein Deutscher dagegen nicht - die Wahrheit über Migrant...

Famozni 23. rujan (2015?) 14. dio

Is this a warning? 23.9 in CROATIA, NEWSPAPERS


USA Visit: Pope Francis to appoint "Man of Genocide" as a Saint (2015)

One of the best anime that I missed when I was young... Never thought the story was very deep and I regret not watching this anime... One of the underrated anime that will give inspiration to everyone...

Welcome to the NHK

copied comment:

Satou Tatsuhiro, a 22 year old young man, is a NEET (Not in Employment, Education, or Training) and a hikikomori (meaning acute social withdrawal). He believes everything around him is a conspiracy, including the reason why many people, himself included, become hikikomori. Due to this, Satou creates a strange conspiracy theory which includes the Nihon Hikikomori Ky?kai (NHK), a secret organization with the intention of producing a hikikomori filled world. Satou intends to break free from the NHK’s clutches, but cannot, since he finds it too frightening to go outdoors by himself; that is, until he meets Misaki Nakahara, who selects Satou for her “project” that she claims will cure him of his hikikomori ways.

Berichterstatter als Stimmungsmacher

Wer gegen den Euro oder Kindesmißbrauch kämpft ist ein Nazi? Wie der grassierende Bekenntnisjournalismus deutscher Medien aus der Flüchtlingskrise einen Kampf gegen Rechts inszeniert und seine eigentlichen Aufgaben vergisst.

1 Anonymous SPD »Wir können die öffentliche Sicherheit nicht mehr

Hidden Egyptian Pyramid Drawings of the Nephilim Hybrids Builders!! ~ St...


+++ Staatsfunk RBB feiert den digitalen Denunziant: Anti-Trolle auf »digitaler Nazi-Jagd« +++

Polizei beschuldigt Opfer nach Sexattacke durch Asylanten

20 Asylwerber traten in Hungerstreik: Sie fordern 2.000 Euro netto Taschengeld

Wechselt Deutschland die Seiten?

Eine gruselige Theorie über den Aufstieg des Illuminati-Rappers Cro

Mittwoch, 16. September 2015

Light Under Clouds - Debunking the Globe

Diana's children smiling after burial mother...???

Absolute proove, Keira Knightly and Winona Ryder the same person or iden...

The Dutch royals shapeshifting

Famous people threatened and destroyed or killed by the industry

Western intelligence behind IS

Scott Stapp of Creed "The CIA ia trying to Kill Me !!!" Wife says he is ...

Celebrities being replaced by synthetic lifeforms and clones..

Why you should be Vegan ?!

Freitag, 11. September 2015

Animationsfilm „Minions“ – Instrumentalisierung unserer Kinder | 11. Sep...

Die Wahrheit über ISIS, USA, Taliban, Russland, Ukraine, Flüchtlinge


China's WW3 Mysterious Message & The Fallen Angels (2015)

Human Hybrids are Real! Secret Agenda Revealed

Refugees Refusing Aid Because It Has A Red Cross On It

Italy: Illegal immigrants complain and riot over ''poor living conditions''

Muslim refugees chant 'Fuck You' and ' Allahu Akbar' in Budapest

Container full of help for Muslim “refugees” arrived in Greece and guess what was in there? It was full of weapon. Why isn’t media reporting about this?

Demons!! The REAL DANGERS of "Charlie, Charlie" (R$E)

End Times! Lightning Strikes ONE WTC in NY!! (R$E)

Illuminati Clones - Was Miley Cyrus Replaced?

Donnerstag, 10. September 2015

September 23, 2015 Symbolism (R$E)

100,000 evacuated Houses violently swept away in raging floodwaters, Jap...

Epic flood drags cars and vans down Spain street YouTube

Babies Bring Bizarre & Beautiful Messages (2015)

NATO war propaganda on! Syrian refugees speak ! Nato-Kriegspropaganda fliegt auf! Syrische Flüchtlinge packen aus!


What Opens the Door to Demons, and How Do I Close That Door!!

Nibiru Second Sun?Update Aug-Sept 2015

The Simpsons S24E09 points to September 24th Blackout and Comet Impact

Dienstag, 8. September 2015

reece: Everyday Terror! Desperate residents! Refugees in war Griechenland: Alltäglicher Terror! Verzweifelte Einwohner! Flüchtlinge i...


ATTACK ON TITAN: Nephilim Giants on Earth (R$E)

Ramelow will Soli für Flüchtlinge einsetzen

EVIDENCE: Syrian boy drowned because his father wanted new teeth! BEWEIS: Syrischer Junge ertrank, weil sein Vater neue Zähne wollte!

His family had been for 3 years in Turkey and thus in a safe country. They had a safe place to stay and got food. His father wanted but to Europe, because he wanted new teeth! Therefore, the father took his family to the life-threatening (and, unfortunately, fatal) trip to Europe. Again: His father has therefore responsible for his brother's death and his mother because of new teeth! Disgusting!

Die Hälfte aller Syrer sind Flüchtlinge - Wo aber sind sie? (antikriegTV)

Who Killed Muhammad?


Mysterious fireball caught on dashcam blazing across Thailand sky YouTube

Sonntag, 6. September 2015

Der weg nach Hause // The way home // Put kući

about went to the 20 years of the questions and or crushed me 
what is the purpose of the life
I cried on my work place and didint know what to do so was  I  got fired not  because of the cry 

I did not want to go back to the nuclear plant  to work

so j can say that my lack of knownloge about God was big I believed in God but Jesus but it was not with the heartj asked questions j got not that answers that j wanted or searched in my life j got my opinion not so much love I thought about suicide after j got  fired there was no time to think about suicide j got to search a Job  

so my niece was born and am grateful for Diess child for this gift otherwise I can not interpret it this child gave me the love and respect due to the time at which it was growing because respect and love that I always wantedin my life I Rifi God when I was in the workplace crying because I was fired for the first time which was good because you come to other thoughtsthe second time I thought again about suicide after I called again God and comb because my niece to ungefer 2 or 3 years old with a laugh at me, I was in front of the window, because I said to myself if I live dan I Live For theeand troztem I left God or ICG veriet himbut the words of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer Messiah of our healthy, forgive them they know not what they do, verlisen me igrendwie neverI dreamed of demonsthe came in my room and I cried myself to  God sometimes Jesus, sometimes I cant speak their not speak well because my faith was not so strong 
By the time I became Vegan 
here the story this in one night, I felt a hunger I went to the fridge took the sausage in the hand and held some  minutes in hand and was not able to eat  the sausage  a force stopped me from I think today it was  God's gift to me otherwise I can not explain itI eated instead of sausage  bread with cheaseso 2 weeks later I let the combined reduction of cheese on the Internet so no more cheese for me

J becameV eganand  it came unto me How can j love the animals more than Godabout a year and a half  later in the fabled night I was on the internetand somehow it came in my mind to search
"God is Vegan" was on that time not a frend of reading so gave God my opinion a second sighn to me with Jesus is Vegan an  J found it with
Gennesis 1:29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat because it give more that is only one verseI cried happy and thanked God that he did not leave meand I truthful testify God exists and Jesus Christ is His Son of God in flesh that diead for our sins and resurrected on the 3 day so repent your sins and keep his commandments to you and be saved you dont have the Bieble to memorize you schould understand learn and live healthyGod our havently Father and his son Jesus Christ fight for us is the only way for salvation Jesus Christ "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.Begin to believe will incarnated in Christ, the time is short

O otišao u 20 godina na pitanja i ili erdrucktem me mnogo višegrijeh života koji jePlakala sam u svom radu i ne znam što da radim pa nisam dobila otkaz zbog Weinem ali zbog nuklearne elektrane, jer nisam htio vratiti zbog radioaktiwitat
tako da mi mogu reći da nisam znao mnogo o slikama ovaj putDanas znam malo više, tako da ne vjerujem u Boga i Isusa, ali s herzem više što je auss Won standardiziran moždajer čovjek stelt pitajte svoje roditelje jedno rijetko dobiva odgovor zufridende imao malo ljubavi efahrenRazmišljao sam o samoubojstvu nakon te postao grgljanja otkaz nema vremena razmišljati o samoubojstvu kao traženje poslapa moja nećakinja je rođen i sam zahvalan za Diess dijete za ovaj dar inače ja ne mogu protumačiti ovo dijete mi je dao ljubav i poštovanje, zbog vremena u kojem je rastao, jer poštovanje i ljubav koju sam oduvijek željelau životu sam ref Boga kad sam plakala u Werkstat jer sam dobio otkazprvi put da je dobro, jer ste došli na druge misli
drugi put opet sam mislio o samoubojstvu nakon što sam nazvao opet Boga i češalj, jer moja nećakinja se ungefer 2 ili 3 godine uz smijeh na mene, bio sam ispred prozora, jer sam rekao da ja osobno, ako ja živim Dan Ja živim za tebe
i troztem sam napustio Boga ili ICG veriet njega
ali riječi Isusa Krista, našeg Otkupitelja Krista našeg zdravi, oprosti im, ne znaju što im je činiti, verlisen nikad mi igrendwie
Sanjao sam demonen
su kammen u mojoj sobi, a ja sam plakala quellten Boga ponekad Isusa, ponekad nisam mogla izgovoriti svoje Nammen vjerojatno zato što moja vjera nije bila toliko jaka
Kad sam bio veganovdje geschithe to u jednoj noći, osjetio sam heise glad Otišao sam do frižidera uzeo kobasicu u ruku i držao ga Parr minuta u ruci i bio je u mogućnosti da kobasici ne jesti silu zaustavio me iz mislim danas čini je Božji dar za mene inače ne mogu to objasnitiI kao što je umjesto kobasica s kruhom kessepa 2 tjedna kasnije sam neka kombinirani smanjenje sira na internetu, tako keinn sir Više sam postao vegan, tako
a od Stelte mi kako ja mogu pitati životinje nego ljubitelji Boga
negdije oko godinu i pol kasnije u legendarnim noći sam bio na internetu i nekak mi je došlo čudesna snaga neznam kako drugačije opisati da na internetu tražim  "God is Vegan"  

al u ono vrijeme nisam bi nešto baš za čitanje tako da mi je je Otac nebeski Bog poslao drugi znak po mom mišljenu
sa "Isus je Vegan" i našao sam video i otvorio sam ga i pročitao sam :
Gennesis 1:29 I reče Bog: Evo, dajem vam sve bilje se sjemeni, koja je na licu svoj zemlji, i sva stabla, u koji je plod stabla što se sjemeni, neka vam budu za hranujer daju više da je samo jedan stihPlakao sam od sreče i zahvalio Bogu da
me on nije  ostavioi doista mogu svjedočiti da je Bog  stvaran i Isus Krist je Sin Božji postao čovjekom i da je Isus riječ Božija     Ivan 3: 3-53 Isus odgovori i reče mu: Zaista, zaista, kažem ti, ako se tko ne rodi, ne može vidjeti kraljevstva Božjega! 4 Nikodem mu reče: Kako se čovjek može roditi kad je star? On ne može ići po drugi put u utrobu majke svoje i roditi se?5 Odgovori Isus: Zaista, zaista, kažem ti, ako se tko ne rodi iz vode i Duha, ne može ući u kraljevstvo Božje!
držati njegove zapovijedi da se vi spasio sve joj ne smije Biebel pamtiti shvatiti da ste trebali naučiti
Bog je naš Otac himlicher bori za nas i njegova sina Isusa Krista da se bore nasIsus Krist "Ja sam put, istina i život. Nitko ne dolazi k Ocu osim po meni.Počnite vjerovati utjelovljena volja u Kristu, vrijeme je kratko

Europe The Land of Free Speech ?

source : EU Wants to Be Rid of Pakistani Refugee for Criticizing Islam

Red Ice Creations
In a time when European countries are throwing open their doors to refugees and asylum seekers, what is it about Imran Firasat that is so dangerous that he�s not allowed in, and is thrown in jail? - He speaks out against Islam.

source :     Spain to Deport Pakistani Refugee for Criticizing Islam

  • "Okay, you Muslims, use violence, but we will continue to make films. One day, one of us will lose." — Imran Firasat.
  • Firasat argued that the expression of his views about Islam fall within the constitutional rights of free speech.
  • Two dissenting judges signed a statement in which they ask whether the source of the danger to national security is in the actions of Firasat or in the reactions of Islamic fundamentalists.

Proof From Quran, Allah Said Jesus Christ Is Only God Almighty !!!

Europa has a proglem !!

Images that do not show the German media: The situation on the Greek island of Lesbos is escalating increasingly, locals and "refugees" delivered mass brawls, the police had to use stun grenades. Daily the same messages from the illegals, the rampage when they do not get what they want
 Bilder, die die deutschen Medien nicht zeigen: Die Lage auf der griechischen Insel Lesbos eskaliert zunehmend, Einheimische und „Flüchtlinge“ liefern sich Massenschlägereien, die Polizei musste Blendgranaten einsetzen. Täglich die gleichen Meldungen von den Illegalen die randalieren, wenn sie nicht bekommen was sie wollen

Two Israeli Jews explain the gospel in Jerusalem like you've never heard...

WOW! This Jewish professor saw Jesus in a vision yet decided to run away...

Millions of Muslims turn to Jesus / Yeshua in just one night. You wont b...

Incredible story of how 2 Iranian Muslim women found Jesus

Donnerstag, 3. September 2015

Shia LaBeouf 'Became a Christian Man' While Filming 'Fury' Says Co-Star ...

Final Warning:Shia LaBeouf Illuminati?Shia Labeouf MK Ultra!

Shia La Beouf SPEAKS OUT!! UPDATED 2015 April 16th 2014 Illuminati W...

Trip to Heaven and Hell - Dead For 13 Hours



Reagan Warned Us About Obama

Mittwoch, 2. September 2015

Apollyon Rising : Satan Statue unveiled during Largest Public Ceremony o...

The 144,000 Jews are here now - Wake Up !!!!!


Princess Diana, Gaddafi, Micheal Jackson, Smokers, Prostitues & Pastors ...

Hell pictures_ A Trip To Hell (Full version) / 지옥그림_지옥을 견학하다 (Full version)

Pictures of HELL, an artist draws what she saw in Hell

Bruce Lee: I saw great and mighty men burning in Hell

Christians Kicked out of Starbucks: not allowed to use bathroom

WHY FLAT EARTH NOW? + Atheist confirms Biblical flat earth

Flat Earth, The Dome and Our Truman Reality

Dienstag, 1. September 2015

An Unusual History Of Illuminati Public Rituals (2015)

Virginia Shooting Hoax: Corporate Media Attacks "Conspiracy Theorists"

Virginia Shooting Hoax Father 100% Confirmed Actor Sellout (Redsilverj)

REAL? Mad As Hell-CNN Andy Parker Interview-Is it "real"? Network News

The Simpsons "PREDICTED" a Donald Trump presidency !!! Illuminati Predic...

9/23 - A New Age Deception (R$E)

Nibiru; Planet X & It's Moons August 16, 2015


Invisible Orb (UFO) - Telescopic Chemplane & Saturn in Full Spectrum

noicon | nv298 "Signal an Europa"

Verwicklung der hohen Politik in Kindersexpartys | 31. August 2015 | www...