Montag, 31. August 2015

 Light Beam over Tianjin, China
I was just sent a picture of the explosion on August 12 in Tianjin, China. The image was originally sent anonymously to the Nevada County Scooper.
More Lightbeams still occur worldwide. Very interesting. I'll stay on the ball.

2012, 2015, 9/11, abortion, abuse, agent provocateur education, agent provocateur police, AIDS, alien, Aliens, android, animal, asia, asteroid, australia, b, babylon, bank, bibel, bible, biblija, Bilderberg, Bloodlines, brain, brainwash, bulgaria, chemtrail, chemtrails, china, christian, cia, clones, clouds, controll, Dalai Lama, darwin, demons, depopulation, Devil, dinosauri, disney, djeca, do it yourself, Dr. Ravi Zacharias, earth, ebola, education, elite, esa, eu, f, fa, facebook, faith, faith in humanity, fal, false since, fast food, fear, fifa, flat earth, flood, flüchtlinge, food, france, free energy, fukushima, fun, games, gay, genocid, georgie guidestones, gericht, german, gez, global warming, gmo, greek, Haarp, health, hidden, history, hitler, HIV, hoa, hoax, hollywood, holocaust, hologram, homosexuality, hrvatska, human, hybride, Iluminati, india, indians, insidejob, internet, irak, iran, isis, islam, israel, iss, japan, jesuit, jesus, jew, just thinking, kanibalisam, kinder, kuran, ll, luzifer, m atrix, mainstream, mars, masoni, matrix, mesič, mexico, michelle, milosevič, mindcontrol, mk, moon, mosad, mosanto, movies, mythology, nasa, natives, nato, nibiru, NWO, obama, Occult, pedofilija, pfahrma, pic, picture, police, pope, pro-life, putin, quote, r, religion, reptilians, rom, rothschilds, russia, satan, satanisam, saturn, schoking, sexualization, sience, since, sinkholes, sky, slave, slawen, space, strange, sugar, sun, syrya, tesla, transgender, true music, turkey, tv, ufo, ukraine, UN, Underdevelopment, untold story, usa, usa russia, vaccine, Valentine, vatican, vatikan, vativan, vegan, vjera, wake up, war, waste, watter, weather modifikation, white slaves, wow, ww3, zavjere, zdrastveni odgoj, zdravlje, zombie

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