Montag, 24. Februar 2014

Shocking confession doctor who left the corrupt medical system: "Vaccination is the most dangerous medical practices in the history of classical medicine '

" Ask the doctor who gives a child a vaccine to sign a statement that he accepts criminal and material responsibility for any negative consequences of vaccination . 'll See that , from the doctor to the ministry , no one will be allowed to sign the statement . During the procurement of vaccines , manufacturers disclaim responsibility for negative consequences . If the manufacturer is not responsible , then who is responsible ? responsibility for the lives of our children is always ours. "
We bring you the shocking confession physician Dr. Sladjana Velkov which has long realized outrageousness corrupt medical system and left him , thereby renounced reputation and financial security that goes with the title of doctor .
Dr. Sladjana Velkov was born in Skopje , grew up in Serbia . She studied Medicine in Nis and Skopje , where she graduated . She worked for the United Nations in Macedonia , as a general practitioner in the Emergency Department in Vranje in Kuwait as a doctor and manager for the development of medicine . In the last few years dealing with free education on self-healing proper diet and lifestyle . She has over a hundred lectures , radio and TV appearances in Saudi Arabia , India , Serbia , Macedonia , Kuwait , Spain, Bulgaria and Australia.
Below are shocking confession Dr. Sladjana Velkov in full :
" While I was working as a doctor in Kuwait , I have noticed that patients who prescribe some medication come in a few weeks with other symptoms - those who were listed as the negative effects of this drug . When you get a new medicine for these symptoms , were returning from a third symptoms - which were a consequence of the other drug . as more drugs are used , they are sicker . I wondered whether the treatment that we doctors really apply the correct and only ? are somewhere along the way medicine astray and whether instead to treat , are even more damaging sick people ? When my mother in law received the flu vaccine and soon became ill and unfortunately died a year and a half later received the vaccine , I went to explore the natural ways of treating and came to stunning discoveries . to my mother in law is , unfortunately , too late , but these findings were completely changed my understanding of medicine . This simple and easily applicable knowledge many people are helped to heal many , even from so-called incurable diseases . I first mentioned the fake swine flu epidemic . While all media published news of an alleged pandemic and the ministry bought a huge number of vaccines our money , thanks to an Austrian journalist Jane Burgermeister learn that the swine flu vaccine in European laboratories discovered - the deadly bird flu virus . The consequences of having the vaccine are catastrophic , with many deaths and severe illness , which has been raised and the indictment against the World Health Organization and others who were involved in proclaiming false pandemic . This same organization promotes and other vaccines . Do we still believe someone who is trying to deceive us , to attack or kill ? The answer is no. Trust is lost!
Vaccination leads to sterilization and serious illnesses
Bill Gates , publicly , without hesitation , says that using vaccines to reduce the number of people is 15% , and on that basis can make a conclusion that in countries where vaccination is mandatory to get a reduction in the number of people , sterilization and vaccines to severe illnesses including autism .
More and more young children suffering from cancer , diabetes , rheumatoid arthritis , ulcerative colitis , allergies , asthma and many other diseases a strong link between vaccines and these diseases is increasingly apparent .
Pharmaceutical companies are interested in only money , and disclaim liability
The companies that produce the vaccines are not interested health but only business . But for us it is not a business, but the precious health of our children and that is why we have to take responsibility . Responsibility for the health of our children have only my parents and not organizations , hospitals and doctors .
It is striking that the vaccine manufacturer disclaims responsibility for all possible consequences of the vaccine ! When your child is seriously ill or lose his life , who will be damaged if they sue the manufacturer denied responsibility ? When you buy a refrigerator , which we will pay if we spoil if we do not have a guarantee ? Responsibility is , in the end , the doctor who gives the vaccine and it must be signed to guarantee that the child no harm if they receive the vaccine .
The law is on the side of patients
According to the Croatian Constitution , Article 23 , no person shall be subjected to any form of abuse or without their consent, to medical or scientific experiments and we know that vaccination is one of the medical experiment because there is no clinical study that confirms efikanost and safety of vaccines .
Accordingly , forced vaccination is unconstitutional . It is also unconstitutional conditioning vaccination for entry to school or nursery.
Croatia is a signatory to the International Kasifikacije Diseases , Revision 10 , Book 1 , Section Z 28 - Points 0:01 , which says : " Vaccination can be rejected not only for health reasons but also because of personal or religious beliefs . " This book was published by the World Health Organization and the Republic of Croatia is a member of the WHO and accepted the obligations arising from the membership.
Most of the developed European countries, there is no mandatory vaccinations
Also , it is important to note that vaccination is not mandatory everywhere , so we have European countries where vaccination is not mandatory : Germany , Netherlands , Luxembourg , Great Britain , Denmark , Ireland , Greece , Spain , Portugal , Austria , Finland , Sweden , Norway , Cyprus , Estonia , Latvia , Lithuania , Switzerland . And European countries where vaccination is compulsory are : Serbia , Macedonia , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Montenegro , Croatia , Slovenia , Czech Republic , Slovakia , Hungary , Poland , Romania . In the countries of Slovenia , and " down " threatens to refusing to school , fines and confiscation of children for vaccination (which is legally unfounded ) , while people in Western Europe, no one is forcing on it , even though vaccines are very aggressively promoted .
Historical data show inefficiency and absurdity of vaccination
We have the data, charts and studies of many world's top experts who undoubtedly show that vaccination is not rout a single disease , but they are implemented only when more than 90 percent of the disease had already been cut off. Infectious diseases have been eradicated by better hygiene , better nutrition , better living conditions , the introduction of refrigerators etc.
Historical data show that in epidemics mainly suffered vaccinated people .
So between in 1871. and 1872nd we have an epidemic of smallpox immediately after mass vaccination against smallpox . Died 45,000 people .
In Germany , between the 1940s. and 1945th Nice diphtheria epidemic after mass vaccination against diphtheria .
In 1972. in Ghana , one of the worst epidemics of smallpox among the vaccinated population .
In the UK between the 1970s. and in 1990. over 200,000 people affected by whooping cough in children who are vaccinated against whooping cough .
In India in the 70s of last century , 260,000 cases of tuberculosis among the vaccinated population .
In 1977. , Dr. Jonas Salk , who developed the first polio vaccine , testified in Congress together with colleagues that mass vaccination against polio is responsible for most cases of polio in the U.S. since in 1961. year .
1979th in Sweden is due to the inefficiency of the vaccine dropped from vaccination against whooping cough because pertussis answer just in vaccinated populations .
In Oman between 1988th and in 1989. The outbreak of polio among vaccinated children .
1994 - year , the New England Journal of Medicine published research that over 80 % of children under 5 suffering from whooping cough even though they are vaccinated .
In 1990. The Journal of the American Medical Association published an article in which he says that the mass occurrence of smallpox occurs in schools was among vaccinated children .
Autism associated with vaccination
It is known that the number of autistic children has drastically increased in recent years . Autism is spreading like an epidemic . The number of autistic children has risen from 1 : 10 000 ( one child per 10,000 children) , which was in 1980. year - at 1 : 50 ( one child in 50 ) in the 2013th , which is disastrous . Data are from the territory of the United States , however , no European statistics do not differ much . Please see a short video on Youtube : " Important! U.S. Congress about autism ," which exposes many behind the scenes action when the vaccine and hiding the truth about autism in question ( ? v = RvcSktD9o3c )
More and more studies showing that the cause of autism in vaccines . Dr. Laura Hevitson and her colleagues have made a study on primates at the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania ( USA ) . Receiving the received standard vaccine doses corresponding to their weight and age and vaccinated monkeys received autism , in contrast to non-vaccinated .
Italian court 2012th ruled in the case of Valentino Boka that autism is caused by vaccines . The government has paid 174,000 in damages and hundreds of other autism cases awaiting trial .
Natural immunity and immunization are two completely different things
When the vaccine is injected into the body increases the number of antibodies , because the body defend itself against attackers who enters into an unnatural organism . These antibodies attack the recipient's organs wherever it finds the contents of the vaccine . How brain tissue has an affinity for aluminum and mercury from vaccines , and these two elements are very powerful neurotoxins and accumulate in the brain , the antibodies will attack the very brain tissue .
Meningioma the membranes covering the brain and when there is inflammation of the meninges, the condition is called meningitis . When the mercury penetrates deep into the brain and antibodies attack the brain itself , this condition is called encephalitis . Meningitis can be viral , bacterial or, perhaps , some toxins can cause inflammation of the meninges . And that means that any vaccine can cause meningitis and encephalitis , a mild form of inflammation of the brain and meninges have every child who receives any vaccine . The more thoroughly professor Dr. Russell Blaylock , neurosurgeon famous American children . His lectures can be found on Youtube .
The appearance of antibodies in the blood after injection of the vaccine has nothing to do with the immune response . Number of antibodies will be increased if inject , say , some oil into the muscle , because it is not a natural way of penetration of microbes ( or other material ) and body automatically attack intruders .
Vaccination is based on an increase in the number of antibodies , which has nothing to do with immunity
Vaccination is based on an increase in the number of antibodies , which has nothing to do with immunity . Immunization and immunity are two different things . Immunization is an artificial method used to artificially inserted synthetic virus created in a laboratory , while the immunity of the immune response to natural microbes that enter in a natural way . One has nothing to do with the other .
Genuine immune response occurs when a microbe or any substance that enters the body through the respiratory or digestive tract , ears or eyes - which is a natural way in which the internal organs come into contact with the External Waterbar mid and where the mucous membranes of the body to recognize and eliminate or absorb . The immune response is not a fight , but striking a balance elimination - cough , stool , fever or - acceptance - if it is a useful substances .
When it comes to vaccination say that the presence of antibodies means that the body is protected, and when it comes to AIDS - say that the presence of antibodies in the blood means the disease . This apparent contradiction leads the whole concept of vaccination and its objectives in great doubt .
Vaccination had killed and mutilated countless children
Apparently it is completely inaccurate medieval postulates underlying vaccination - the most dangerous medical practices in the history of classical medicine , which killed and maimed countless children . Many doctors and scientists believe that at least 70 percent of today's diseases - a result of vaccination .
Children's diseases are natural diseases that strengthens us . I am not vaccinated and I got over all childhood diseases without any problems. Vaccinated children had the same disease at the same time as me. You do not need to defend ourselves from anything , but to raise the immunity of raw food and the sun , and will give us each a "disease " to be only mild discomfort . In classical medicine is constantly " declare war " : talk about illnesses , operations , forecasts ... instead of dealing with health and prevention.
The safety and efficacy of the HPV vaccine against cervical cancer , which is so heavily promoted - not sufficiently tested . HPV vaccines containing genetically modified viruses , aluminum double dosage than other vaccines , polysorbate 80, - a preservative in which experiments on mice induces sterility in women and testicular atrophy in male mice ( as documented in the medical literature ) . Even the Dr. Diana Harper , who made the HPV vaccine , the vaccine conference in Virginia in the United States said that the HPV vaccine is not sufficiently tested , it is very dangerous and it is not efficient .
Thousands of registered cases of adverse effects of vaccination
Since 2006th to 2013th was registered on 30 674 cases reported illnesses and deaths , of which 140 deaths , 963 permanent disabilities , 6085 was not recovered , 534 pathological changes on a Pap smear , cervical dysplasia 216 (which is a premalignant changes ) , 65 cases of cervical cancer ... And so is known to be registered only a small percentage of the consequences of vaccination . Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System VAERS collects information about adverse effects of HPV vaccines in all countries of the world . ( source : )
Some of the consequences are : death , paralysis , convulsions , neurological disorders , stroke , heart irregularities , kidney failure , damage and loss of vision , autoimmune disease , cervical cancer , genital warts , infertility , miscarriages , arthritis , asthma .
India's 2010th suspended clinical trials of HPV vaccines after the death of four girls who received the vaccine and filed a request for withdrawal of the license for this vaccine .
Ask the doctor to sign the acceptance of responsibility for the consequences of vaccination
Ask the doctor who gives a child a vaccine to sign a statement that he accepts criminal and material responsibility for any negative consequences of vaccination . You will see that , from the doctor to the ministry , no one will be allowed to sign the statement . When purchasing vaccines , manufacturers disclaim responsibility for negative consequences . If the manufacturer is not responsible , then who is responsible ? Responsibility for the lives of our children is always ours.
This is about life and death , and the victims of the vaccination itself is organized and hired attorneys to represent their rights and create political groups seeking changes in laws and stricter controls. Only in America , a dozen law firms is specialized to represent cases of vaccine- damaged . I recommend everyone to be well informed before making any decision.
Numerous studies prove the allegations Dr. Sladjana Velkov
Composition of HPV vaccines can be found on the Website famous U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( ) , and you can read about the effects one of the ingredients , polysorbate 80 in the reproductive organs of mice ( ) .
Child mortality of polyvalent vaccines has increased by 50 % ! Data U.S. government agencies Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System ( VAERS - The system of reporting on adverse effects of vaccination ) , show that 145,000 children died during 20 years - as a result of just these combined vaccines .
Chief of Pediatrics Dr. Jacob Puliyel ( St. Stephens Hospital , New Delhi , India ) , in the journal Indian Journal of Medical Ethics ( IJME ) accused the WHO ( World Health Organization ) to promote the pentavalent vaccine , claiming incorrectly that there are no negative effects from these vaccines as per Dr. Puliyel - in fact quite the opposite . Due to the excessive mortality and adverse reactions of polyvalent vaccines in Pakistan , Vietnam , Sri Lanka and Bhutan , to vaccination is prohibited . Give one such vaccine baby of three pounds is approximately 30 vaccines given to an adult human of 80 pounds !
" Each of the vaccine is an attack , polyvalent vaccines are more attacks at the same time . Shoot your kid Uzi instead of a gun ! " Dr. Rebecca Carley
In a study published in the journal Human & Experimental Toxicology , authored by Dr. Gary Goldman and Neil Z. Miller , stated that the percentage of dead and severely damaged children higher in cases where the child receives multiple vaccines at once . "


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