Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2018


invented the wars and carried it in every country so the cantry fought with themselfes to Unite the country
then the invented some enemies and the wars were going on
then they invented religion
then they invented race war
then they invented the womens rights
then the women had  the right tho wote work
then they destroyed the family
they told women that women bikini it is not the same as underwear
for men are told it is normal to see women as meat
women are mostly dressed too opently
with the mainstream media manipulating in our sub minds with nazi experiments like mk ultra to make us like cattle
with the help of the education system to not speak freealy our mind

the man became pussys the women want that they dont want

hidden transvestites hollywod celebrityes are manipulating women
they are easier to manipulate
an in the world is incaresing the number of people that want to change their gender

the earth is flat, most of comunication is on cabels 99procent other are wifi
if there would be something above our heads like what they told us they would find a way to take more money from us
the want to kill people and the rest schould live half bilion for their purpose

just use your brain just once for yourself in  your life
in book of enoch it states that our havently creator said
you have learned worthles things
we are at the end
they have nothing new Really they have nothing look on the cinema there are the same stories
look on the tv they repeat the same movies, series music remix
al the same
from wham last chrismest still on thats is insane

you can go to sleep and dont think about what j have writen

j speak to the people and  can barely find people that will listen to me
j have done something today are were on this site  people and read the post that j shared from other people that make a lot more work than j am doing elohim bless them

everyone of us is important they fight us in our dreams they bring us not to see what is bevor us
so look up to the stars
learn about yourself what you want to do dont agree with everything
be yourself grow dont shut in yourself seek knownlege
the truth will set you free

my englich is bad so sorry for that

in the last day the knowledge will increase die the almighty mean the internet
what do you mean

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