Dienstag, 12. September 2017

the thing about women

j dont exactly how to say it but the worth of a women is not much if you look on the worldview
they are not cherised as they schould be why is it so
when a man play with women he is a playboy he is awe some
so how come a women is a whore, slut and so go on and they are trained to be so
if you look on cartons movies, and so on research it
a women is stronger they love much more than a man they bear more than a man can they bear childern with pain, they bear oppression,
they are trained to be worthles just for fun to not think not to say what they should say and it works
without a women a man can not be a man
a women should be a shield for his man, an a man shnould for his women be a castle he should be ,jealous , possessive he shoul make her clear that she belongs to him in but that works on the otherside to she should make tha to
today clothing from women are to light so mot genuine man have fear to aproach that women but that playboys have not a problem about that 
so are that women mostly betrayed so their trust in men is not so strong

the women now about love in the earliset years and they do anything to get the man they love most of them lose the batle of love because of it 
because the man know about love when most is to late
in anime an japan cartonn you can learn a lot about it
j know it is strange but you can see how dense men are about love

so cheris the women say them the they are precios 
tell them to wear longer dresses not to wear reaviling clothes
that the may be looked in the eyes then the eyes are the door to the soul
thet the may not be distracted by lust
help them to improve 
seek love not sex , seek a whole not breast,ass
 a whole love you will have everthing

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