Samstag, 30. August 2014

FAITHFUL fooled? Pouring cold water (Ice Bucket Challenge) is a satanic ritual baptism
Worldwide spread occurrence of pouring cold water, all apparently due to charities collecting money for research and treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). ALS also means according to some, the angel-Lucifer-Satan. This fabulous craze has opened a variety of controversial theories about the true purpose of pouring water.

But given the pioneers of this trend, Charles Kennedy, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and other individuals from the elite, who have already revealed their plans to reduce the population of humanity, this is not a harmless act.

ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease is a neurological disease, is one of the most common motor, and can occur singly or as a familial disease. It begins as muscle weakness, and then progressively disabling gait, speech, swallowing and finally breathing.

Many spend their last days of life completely paralyzed, while their brains are still functioning. This disease most often affects middle-aged people, the incidence is approximately two per 100,000. Most die within 3-5 years of diagnosis, because an effective drug for now no.
Now, what does pouring ice water with this disease?

Although many people think that it's just a silly challenge, this seems to raise awareness of this serious disease, and to raise the money needed for research. It started on 15 July 2014 when a golfer from Florida, Charles Kennedy, nominated by friends to accept this challenge.

At that time, the challenge was not associated with a charity, but Kennedy decided that the money that is donated to this challenge, the research of ALS, because his cousin was suffering from the disease. After that he has nominated a woman patient relatives, as well as some other people, and all that is due and to Pat Quinn of New York, who also suffers from ALS. It is with the help of friend Pete Frates also affected, launched a campaign which is then spread around the world.

In this challenge nominees should pay money for these purposes, or if he refuses - to politicians bucket of ice water. You must cause the next two or three men. Anyway, now it is all for fun pour water, regardless give you money or not.

The media and the Internet are full of wet images and video clips, including the most famous and richest people in the world. At the same time, the campaign exceeded its target - the American ALS Association has received $ 15.6 million, which is nine times more than what it normally receives in the same time frame. Some other associations say they have received 10 to 50 times more donations than usual. The goal has been achieved, but is that the only goal?
Satanic ritual baptism or deception?

Those who study the NWO and to consider a global conspiracy point out that this is equivalent to pouring baptism in the Christian infidels. Some believe that the Church is actually satanic and that this "baptism" is preparing for supreme master - Satan. Supporting it and the fact that when you are proven Satanists like Gates involved in it, that there is no doubt that it actually comes to Satanism, regardless of whether it is satanic ritual or baptism of the Church of Satan.

Regardless of the theory, one must admit that it's really amazing how people are literally crazy for this forom, many do not even know what they do and why they do it, but when all work - and they work. At the same time, Catholics who really think about their teachings were instructed to think about the ethics of charity work, since donations to support carried out on embryonic stem cells, which sharply conflict with Christian doctrine.

Regardless of the theory, one must admit that it's really amazing how people are literally crazy for this forom, many do not even know what they do and why they do it, but when all work - they do, and because "for the monkey to monkey sta see ".

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