Mittwoch, 29. Januar 2020

Journey to the Center of the Earth | North Pole Hidden Land ▶️️

Heinz Ketchup is not only unhealthy but extremely toxic and quite dangerous to consume over time

Bought - Healthcare Industry Documentary

movie autisam

vacine caused more onfections (polio)

every story has his roots

Dienstag, 28. Januar 2020

Cloneplay 'I AM ONE OF A KIND'

5G is War on Humanity

if you dare share information if you dont plant a seed you wont have something have to earn

Circles and halve circle Obey you must!

Neuralink Your Brain to Computers! Brain-Storm!

whatever they do to the animal that they do to the humans

Besorgniserregende Entwicklung durch staatliche Fremdbetreuung | 27.01.2020 | 15613

Kobe's Helicopter Only Sat 8

Sonntag, 26. Januar 2020

Why China? The Reason for the Coronavirus – Who’s Behind It and Why Now?

antartic treaty research it they work together

Coronavirus, Bill Gates, Agenda 21-2030, Contagion 2011 Predicted = Depopulation ☣️

corona virus The World Bank’s 28 year-old Depopulation Plan

The report is very clear from the beginning as to how important depopulation is in their plans to control the masses. “What governments and their people do today to influence our demographic future, will set the terms for the development strategy well into the next century. Failure to act now to slow growth is likely to mean a lower quality of life for millions of people.” Note that the World Banks’ strategy is one for the long term. Depopulation policies are being applied and will continue to be applied progressively, not at once. That is exactly what the elites have been doing for decades. They have been using slow-kill weapons such as chemical products in the food supply and other products we consume on a daily basis, but whose effects are only seen years later (fluoride, GMO’s, pesticides, herbicides, BPA, vaccines and others).



let the pictures talk

Samstag, 25. Januar 2020

climate change

antartica ice free what civilizations are living there and what monster the mangas (called isekai) and some hollywood movies are explain tu us

thet beings that live there or worldwide they are prepare us for it because they now that the veil is falling

Freitag, 24. Januar 2020

corona virus

20 milion women disapear every year
100 000 childern mising every year only in germany there are more worldwide disapear childern
25 000 suicide people  only in japan in year 2015
death on cancer (it can be cured) no time to search for the statistik
how many people die on that it can bi cured mostly dont have it

there is stil more they dont realy care about you they want you stupid and death

Dienstag, 21. Januar 2020

Project Blue Beam: The Technology For Mass Holographic Deception And Psychological Manipulation Has Existed For Decades

What Do The Australia And California Fires Have In Common?

California & Australian Wildfires Exposed As "Controlled Burns" For Future High Speed Rail

WWE Charlotte Flair - Ivanka Trump - Serena & Venus Williams Exposed As Men

they create  heroes


This is a ‘rape stand’ used by dog breeders to forcibly impregnate/rape female dogs. This is done to ensure that puppies are always available to be sold.

Female dogs are literally used as birth giving machines to generate profit. Once they are useless to the breeders, they are either dumped at a shelter or left uncared until they die.

The pet industry generates profit from the enslavement, commodification, sexual violation, abuse and murder of animals.

If you are thinking of providing home to someone, please adopt an animal from your nearby shelter. In the United States alone, approximately 1.5 million dogs and cats are murdered every year because shelters are too full and there aren’t enough adoptive homes. (

Poisoned Innocence? WE DON'T VACCINATE! (Trailer 1)

75 books REMOVED from the ORIGINAL Bible!!!

Civilian Trump Does Letterman - (Double Trouble) - Believe It Or Not!

Plane Engines No Fuel No Heat THE GREAT JET FUEL HOAX

Jet Plane Fuel Hoax Exposed Over Unity and Free Energy Flat Earth See The Forest Through The Trees

Sonntag, 19. Januar 2020

Reptilian Best In Show - 2019 Three-Year Highlight Reel - See What You've Been Missing!

Reptilian Best In Show - 2019 Three-Year Highlight Reel - See What You've Been Missing!

Photos from the Forgotten Land of the Yukon 2016

1811 Reset: NWO Conspiracy to Wipe out Tartaria - Martin Liedtke

Hrvatska OPET dokazuje ravnu Zemlju

new inventons

Between 1982 and 1990, a cluster of strange and often grisly deaths amongst scientists and computer experts working in Britain’s high-tech defence industry baffled investigators.
Many of the deaths were so bizarre they left coroners unable to determine their cause. Others were judged to be suicides and accidents despite clear evidence to the contrary.

what if ther first world war and the second world war was to kill Antiquitech!date=1890-05-14_16:28:38!

just look for yourself we are runing out of time you have to be prepaired

concentration camps

they have their uniforms

are that the same nation as above

there is still more you can search for it

the animals care for their own jusst lie us humans and they have the red blood like humans.

what we do to the animals that we do to the humans

so they now that most of 78-80 - maybe 90 prozent of people cant kill so they invented  supermarkets tso hat they musnt do it 

the animals are in nature good 

the humans to if you look at the childern they dont fight eachother

so from where comes the evil live

who rulles this world

humans ???

Decommissioned ancient technological antiquitech

Antiquitech: Distortion of history Illumination in 1800's

Samstag, 18. Januar 2020


Iraqis to the United States: What Part of “Go Home” Don’t You Understand?

will farell satanic ritual

Tartaria: Noah’s Old World Order vs The New World Order

The censorship of Flat Earth. What are they afraid of?


Mechanics of the TR3B Killing Machine - Proof of Australia DEW Used

they dont care about us

Australian Fires. Evidence of DEW'S in use!


NASA Admits Space & Planets Are Fake! "Is All CGI" Meet The Artists

Antatica is not what you think hidden story

I Don't Wanna Talk About NASA - Flat Earth Man

climate change fridays for future

Freitag, 17. Januar 2020

NASA Fails Again & Again | Space is Fake | Glitch on the ISS ▶️️

Ancient annihilation, for your consideration.

Ancient Sound Weapons

Tracks of the Gods

Introductional video for "course about ancient Antennas"

FLAT EARTH BRITISH. Juice! Antiquitech Found Still Active! Bingo!

FLAT EARTH BRITISH. Captain Nemo The Nautilus & The North Pole.

Donnerstag, 16. Januar 2020

Organspende – Kann ein Toter ein lebendes Organ spenden? | 15.01.2020 |

people must be alive to get their organs

„Zuschauerkoordination“ - Wie ARD & ZDF sich die gewünschten Klatscher ins Publikum holen (PODCAST)

Brände (Brandstiftung) in Australien - Achtung Verschwörungstheorie australien fire manmade


The 500 Year Old MAP That Could REWRITE Human History

FLAT EARTH FACTS: The Antarctica Treaty (pt.1) - flight paths and flat maps

Sonntag, 12. Januar 2020

Nacht- und Nebelaktion der Medien

Rockefeller Transgender- Happy is a Feller!

Trans/formers - Is lil Mama a Secret MTF Transgender?

Trans Sports Tennis Star Anna Kournikova is Transgender A Transpocalypse Now Transvestigation by MrE

that is what they do witho poor countryies just like germany

United Nations - U.N. Agenda 21 depopulation of 95% of world within the 21st century is now underway,signed and approved by 200 world leaders at the Rio,Brazil Earth Summit in 1992

test in australia ??? Australian Fire Series Part 4: The Perfect Firestorm - Created By Design

United Nations - U.N. Agenda 21 depopulation of 95% of world within the 21st century is now underway,signed and approved by 200 world leaders at the Rio,Brazil Earth Summit in 1992

Australian Fire Series Part 1: Australia - Wake Up Or Die!