Mittwoch, 9. Juli 2014

Scary resemblance with Africa:Croatian air assaulted to the African scenario occurred hunger and cultivation of GMO foods?

Author: Damir Kramarić

The last few years, especially in recent months, Croatia affecting extreme weather events that cause great damage to agriculture, but also the country as a whole.

 Afflict us drought (summer 2012)., Freezing rain and catastrophic frost (winter 2014)., Floods (fall 2010, spring 2014)., And tsunamis, tornado and storm that carry roofs and tearing trees (recently in Velika Gorica, Istria , on the 

Leeches and tsunamis have become a regular occurrence

As the Croatian with its Meridian temperate suddenly moved to another place, in a different climate where every day the weather suddenly turns and where there is an unusual and extremely moody air.

 Consequently, more and more citizens Croatian recently left homeless, and the country is suffering increasing damage. From year to year we have all the poorer harvest, weaker yields of corn and other crops - which will already feebly village even more to its knees, but because of the constant rain will most likely fail and the tourist season ...

Amid the granary of Europe, forced to import food
In this way, the state, that could feed half of Europe, prisilljena import and pork and beef and milk and fruit and wheat, corn ... or almost all food products (there are other reasons - but this time we will about them). Very moody weather, therefore, literally destroys Croatia.

 Is it possible that these extreme weather events - some a bit older generations have not experienced throughout his youth and childhood - a consequence of the climate weapon that today there is no doubt (HAARP antenna is one of such weapons)?


Devil's seed instead of the traditional culture

Is there, therefore, the possibility of floods and other natural disasters caused deliberately to destroy the village and agriculture, and to instead of traditional culture, Croatian peasants soon sow 'devil's seed' multinationals that want to win the Croatian market, or to someone the second could take a great natural wealth and property of the state, which - it should be noted - lies at an important geostrategic location - the intersection of the roads of Europe, Asia and Africa, and the fertile fields and large pools of water?

There are many facts and clues that indicate that it is indeed possible.

The analysis of the events that followed the extreme weather (no) opportunities elsewhere in the world, we can come to a presumption would be in Croatia could happen in similar conditions.

First comes the famine, and 'benefactors' like Bill Gates!
We will mention here an example of Kenya. A regular annual rhythm of the rainy season in Kenya, as written by Jill Richardson, author of the famous blog about organic food production, disrupted about seven years ago and were first started late and skipping the short rains between October and December, and then the long rains between March and June . Crops grown during each of those seasons were to take to the next, but the unreliability of rainfall it has become almost impossible. But despite all these troubles, Kenyans have further jeopardized by large corporations often exert common stocks or pollute water. Farms flowers so they drill wells to irrigate crops for which the rivers and lakes are drying up. Climate change due to which Richardson calls the industrialized world have been harmed and herdsmen from the Masai people. One of them, Sidney Quntai, says the sudden droughts and floods in the last decade have caused the emergence of invasive weeds and diseases of livestock that have some growers exterminating entire herd.

And in such a situation occur, Barack Obama and the G8 countries, Bill Gates and Monsanto ... as 'saviors' hungry population.

What kind of help that works?

After the G8 summit, Monsanto arrives in Africa

At the Annual Symposium on Global Agriculture and Food Safety held on 18 May 2012th within the G8 summit President Barack Obama announced the creation of the New Alliance for Food Safety and Nutrition. Alliance has brought together 45 multinational corporations that have pledged to invest a total of 3.5 billion dollars to Africa. Among them are Monsanto, Syngenta, Yara International, Cargill, DuPont and PepsiCo.

Thus, for example, the world's largest fertilizer manufacturer Yara International announced the construction of a $ 2 billion plant in Africa, while Syngenta will invest one billion over the next ten years. But these promises are not motivated by humanitarian motives, says author. 'It is a clean business. "

'Benefactors' only increase hunger in Kenya
The new initiative is just a continuation of the African 'second green revolution' launched by the Foundation Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with his Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, aimed at "building a network of private seed companies and private agro-dealers across Africa." The new plan Obama and the G8 countries, says Richardson, will not solve the problem of hunger in Africa, but will further increase poverty and inequality across the continent.

After the flood, Croatian farmers free of GMO seeds!

Let's see what happened in Croatia after a long drought two years ago, and after the recent floods: in the midst of drought in which the most damaged corn, placed the news over the 'Voice of America', and was carried by the media and others, to GMO corn and resists most severe drought. Some Croatian media recently, however, reported that Monsanto, a notorious American company that is one of the world's largest producer of GMO products, after the disastrous floods donated around 445,000 euros worth of corn seed to farmers in Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The news was announced on the official website of the company, and the amount of seed is reportedly sufficient to planted about three thousand acres of land. Many believe that by this corporation used the worst flood in the last 120 years in this country and in secret, under the guise of humanity and solidarity in their fields introduced GMO seeds. About how much is bad and harmful GMOs can best be illustrated by the example of the United States, where the GMO crops planted for years, and where every fourth citizen is allergic to gluten, which is found in wheat. At the same time Europe is gluten-sensitive 0.1 to 0.2 percent of people in China and Russia, which are not planted GMO seed, allergy to gluten is unknown. Biologists are also after long research couples noticed a problem with infertility, and women who could become pregnant or are ended with spontaneous abortion or were known to give birth to children with various deformities.

Many facts indicate that the deliberate flooding

Now, whether deliberate flooding to the flooded area easier later entered the GMO seeds and waiting for you and Croatia Kenyan destiny?

The answers to these and other questions, we tried to get the intellectuals who for years engaged in the research background events, and events 'behind the scenes', which more and more prominent determine the fate of the world, including Croatian.

15 - There are many facts and clues that support the theory that the HAARP program is actually a weapon that can affect the time and cause disasters such as floods and earthquakes. It is known that back in the sixties or seventies before the U.S. Congress discussed the idea of ​​using the program to be used Tesla's discoveries and the ionosphere. In the nineties the American scientist Nick Begich about the dangers posed by the HAARP program spoke in the book 'Angels do not play this HAARP "(Angels, not play your harp there) Later on its findings, and on climate HAARP weapon spoke in the European Parliament , followed by the EP adopted a resolution by which it defends the development of such weapons. But this resolution, remained a dead letter because the European Parliament has no significant impact on American politics. Several years ago, a catastrophic drought hit Iran, after which the Iranian leadership accused the U.S. government of deliberately causing drought aided by the HAARP program. Many argue that the tsunami in Japan caused by HAARP, as well as numerous earthquakes in China. It is impossible, of course, to the court to prove that this is really about HAARP-in. But just the fact: that this technology has long been contemplated, that the technology in the U.S. undoubtedly evolved, and that was thought to be HAARP technology used as a weapon, it can be concluded that there is a real possibility that this is what they're saying Nick Begich, Velimir Abramovic and many others, actually happens - pointed out recently for our portal Kresimir Misak, editor and leader of the cult TV emicije 'On the Edge of Science, who adds he does not know with certainty what the potential flood creators wanted to achieve' but believes that it could be put across with the help of the wider geostrategic map.

Why are shooting at this area?

- Why climate guns shooting at, apparently this area? It is difficult to say precisely, but if we keep in mind that the war in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina caused by a kind of engineering, and to Bosnia and Hercogovina, even wider area, we still do not leave you alone, then we can conclude that the floods and frequent storms could be part of the same broader scenario which has a focus on Croatian territory and east of us - Misak concludes.

A slightly different dimension to the story given by a member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts diaspora, Master Emil CIC.

CIC: God allows evil itself eradicate

- These events have a dual dimension. Neither the HAARP program, or Freemasonry can not do any harm to people, if people are not away from God and religion, or if they did not mastered evil. God created man and gave him the nature of the management. If a man completely away from God and if poorly managed nature, God is hurt, because the man began to act Devil. The man himself destroys technique that is mastered, and destroyed the nature in which he lives. God permits evil to eventually eradicate itself. Weeds are, therefore, become predominant, why does God allow natural disasters to the weeds disappear. This means that bad people 'playing God' and who, with the help of technology destroyed nature, eventually destroy themselves. It is possible that this will hurt some good people, but it will be a minority. For if a man lives an evil, he becomes evil, why does God allow evil to destroy themselves - concludes distinctive academic Emil CIC.


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