Mittwoch, 9. Juli 2014

EARTHQUAKE AS A SYMBOL TECHNOLOGIES OF EVIL: Facts and experts confirmed: HAARP antenna caused flooding targeting exactly where there will be a deluge

Author: Damir Kramarić
After the flood almost biblical proportions last days hit eastern Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia, on many portals were published information and speculation to which the American program HAARP (High Frequency Active auroral Research Program) is responsible for this disaster.


HAARP HAARP is, theoretically, the research program of high frequencies, which are designed by the U.S. government in which use radio waves to high-frequency studies of the upper layers of the atmosphere, or ionosphere.

The system is responsible for earthquakes, droughts, floods and storms

However, many serious analysts are convinced that the program HAARP is responsible for many earthquakes, droughts, storms and floods ... and claim that the high-frequency waves can adversely affect the behavior of people, directly affecting the human brain ...

Disclosure of such information, with the greater part of the public these days provoked ridicule, and even openly mocking the 'conspiracy theorists'.

Is it really a conspiracy theory, or there are facts that support the claim that the flood that has messed herself Slavonia is not a natural phenomenon, we investigated with the help of available literature, video and audio material, and in conversation with the relevant Croatian analysts.

Dr. Abramovic: Pouring rain as the bucket, without a single strike

And the conclusion is that those who deride claims about HAARP attack, you should first study the matter, and then judge. For many facts indicate that the flood actually intentionally and deliberately caused.

- It was not raindrops. Pouring from a bucket. With so much rain, there were no strikes. Is not that strange? Everything points to the conclusion that it was a bad storm caused the HAARP system. Today, the system is turned off, which means that the flooded area will soon happen less earthquake. Because when HAARP off then hole that has been made and that causes a cyclone, within two or three days causes an earthquake that could be expected in a specific area in the range of 5 to 10 kilometers, and if the land is flat and can affect other areas - said on the radio show in Serbia on May 17 professor Velimir Abramovic, the man who for years has been researching the legacy of inventor Nikola Tesla and his analysis of the application of technological breakthroughs today. He argues that American scientists have abused some of Tesla's discoveries, and use them for causing storms, floods, earthquakes and other inhuman purposes.

Accurately predicted the earthquake

And three days later, precisely on May 20 this year, there was an earthquake of magnitude 2.3 at a depth of two kilometers in the midst of the flooded areas in Skender Vakuf, Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as seismological devices properly recorded, and some portals published. In Albania, at the same time happened a few more of 'shallow' earthquakes or earthquakes at shallow depth, which, according to available information, indicative of the fact that this is a HAARP attack, not a natural phenomena (earthquakes usually occur at greater depths ).

What do you think is Professor Velimir Abramovic credible source on this subject and whether the facts when talking about the destructive possibilities of HAARP, we asked Kresimir Misak, head of long-lived television show "The Edge of Science, which was in a show and hosted by Serbian analysts HAARP system.

Misak: Many facts support the thesis that HAARP is used as a weapon

- It is true that I was on the show entitled 'Tesla for the 21st Century "hosted Professor Abramovich, who has for years devoted to the study of the work of Nikola Tesla, and the aspect of Tesla's technological breakthroughs, ionosphere and those which deal with Tesla. Abramovic is on the subject and wrote the book and what I've read and heard of it really is in accordance with the facts. Indeed, there are many facts and clues that support the theory that the HAARP program is actually a weapon that can affect the time and cause disasters such as floods and earthquakes. It is known that back in the sixties or seventies one professor of the American Congress talked about the idea of ​​using the program to be used Tesla's discoveries and the ionosphere, after which nothing more about it in public could not hear or read. Later, one small company won the tender for the work in this program, and then the news disappears from view of the public.

Misak nineties, an American scientist of Croatian descent Nick Begich about the dangers posed by the HAARP program spoke in the book 'Angels do not play this HAARP "(The Angels do not play your harp there). At that time (the nineties) HAARP installations exist only in isolated Alaska (Begich of Alaska). Such, or even more modern plants were later built around the world, and today in many European cities have HAARP antennas, and more recently in the village Barajevo near Belgrade - Misak says, adding that Dr. Begich on its findings, and on climate HAARP weapon, middle of the first decade of this century spoke in the European Parliament, followed by the EP adopted a resolution by which it defends the development of such weapons. However, the resolution says Misak, remained a dead letter, as the European Parliament has no significant impact on American politics.

Events in Haiti aroused the most suspicion

- It is known that at the time of the disaster in Haiti, the U.S. military doing exercise on the subject of disaster in Haiti. And just at that time, a devastating earthquake took place, and the exercise morphed into real action. Many analysts argue that the disaster caused by the HAARP system. Several years ago, a catastrophic drought struck Iran, after which the Iranian leadership accused the U.S. government of deliberately causing drought aided by the HAARP program. Many argue that the tsunami in Japan caused by HAARP, as well as numerous earthquakes in China. It is impossible, of course, to the court to prove that this is really about HAARP-in. Because to prove cause floods or earthquakes? But just the fact: that this technology has long been contemplated, that the technology in the U.S. undoubtedly evolved, and that was thought to be HAARP technology used as a weapon, it can be concluded that there is a real possibility that this is what they're saying Nick Begich, Velimir Abramovic and many others, actually happens - is considered Misak.

Editor prominent television shows that he can not just figure out what are the potential flood creators wanted to achieve, "and adds that the answer to this question should be sought with the help of the wider geostrategic map.

HAARP is part of the same story as genetic engineering

Some argue that this is the beginning of the Fourth World War, who this time was focused on the state, but on humanity. According to this theory, the HAARP program is only part of the larger story, which goes along and genetic engineering, financial engineering, and other similar phenomena directed against humans and humanity. Why are they just threw this area? And this question is difficult to answer without looking at the broader story. But if we bear in mind that the war in the former Yugoslavia, largely caused by a kind of engineering, and to Bosnia and Hercogovina, even wider area, we still do not leave you alone, then we can conclude that both these floods could be part of same broader scenario which has a focus precisely on the territory of the former Yugoslavia - Kresimir Misak concludes.

Where the flood, when the Sava upstream normal height?

Then adds that many of these days wondered why so many waters, when Sava in Zagreb is not at all swollen. On that question, he says, he got a lot of convincing response from a Slovene addressed in the theme, which he explained that the technology makes it possible to divert water.

And the founder of the movement together, economist ii analyst background events, Dinko Bartulovic, is convinced that the flood caused by HAARP system.

The goal of HAARP attack the fertile land grab?

- Everything smells like HAARP attack. And Professor Abramovic said there had been very heavy rain, without a single lightning strike, and the dead-cold said it would be in within three days after an earthquake happen less power. This is exactly what happened in the Republic of Serbian. I believe that the goal of this 'shock' to recapture the fertile soil of the population. Because people are in debt and after these floods will not be able to pay, so will have to move out of the country. It is known that the objective of Agenda 21, adopted by the UN, the IMF and the World Bank, the abolition of private property and human rights. Agenda 21 was created in Rockefeller's Club of Rome and for them is a man of the greatest enemy of the Earth. It is known, however, that HAARP Tesla door and called death. It was found that the HAARP program can 'freight this' clouds as he wants, can weigh a storm, flood or earthquake, wherever you want, and can strongly influence the human emotions and behavior of people. It can record all the earth, sky and control all aircraft, and can even people in the brain to transmit certain messages. When you publish on facebook many attacking me, but these people obviously are not addressed, and therefore do not believe that such a thing is possible. Unfortunately, it's quite possible, in what will convince all those who are further informed - concludes Dinko Bartulovic.

 source : HRVATSKI DOM


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