Freitag, 11. Juli 2014

Milosevic 1999th HAARP declined in Serbia, and received a NATO bomb?

HAARP antenna system that controls its influence Earth's atmosphere, ionosphere, and control the climate but also the mental consciousness of people, began with effect on May 3 last year, and is set before four or five years.

What many do not know is that HAARP was ordered by the top U.S. should be installed in Serbia still 1999th year together with NATO occupation of Kosovo, the then FRY President Slobodan Milosevic refused vigorously, followed by an Quarterly bombing of our country by the North Atlantic Alliance.

During the ultimate negotiations that took place during the fall 1998th and the first quarter 1999th year, U.S. envoy Richard Holbrooke sharpest of President Milosevic, in addition to nesting NATO base in Kosovo and Metohija, and asked for permission to set up the HAARP antenna system, as Milosevic together with other requirements of the strongest military powers of the world declined.

About all were familiar and generals Momcilo Perisic and Dragoljub Ojdanic, chiefs of the General Staff of the Yugoslav Army in the period immediately before, during and after the NATO aggression, which were also firmly against the U.S. demands, including setting HAARP on Serbian territory.

The result of the refusal of the Yugoslav peak is known - Quarterly bombing which began on 24 March 1999th year was one of the greatest crime against a sovereign European state in the second half of the 20th century.

NATO bases then were placed in Kosovo, nor the HAARP system is not installed in Serbia, which has not happened even after Milosevic's fall in October 2000th year, because even the new president Vojislav Kostunica did not accept the ultimatum HAARP, or cabinet as prime minister conducted over a period of 2004th-2008th years.

With the advent of the cabinet of Mirko Cvetkovic, the HAARP antenna in Serbia is obviously the most favorable moment came, he says, because the source of "Justice", a new requirement of the then vice president of the United States Joseph Biden to the antenna system set up, did not encounter obstacles.

As a result of yesterday's servility to the U.S. government, we have HAARP antenna system in Barayev and experiments to the Serbian people, which is the third of May 2012th performed very actively.

Also to be explored and finally who is officially permitted and signed installing this dangerous American instrument to control the mental consciousness of our people - says the source, "Justice" well versed in what is happening around HAARP.

There are suspicions that the Americans, despite opposition from the authorities still 2003rd year, six years before the ultimate demands, trying experiments as a precursor for setting the HAARP antenna.

How is using HAARP manipulates the ionosphere, tentatively, performed experiments bedtime people directional and focused energy, which is done in a town in Germany, but also in our Loznica.

Then, according to the testimony of several witnesses, almost all Lozničani were 15 minutes in a collective dream, just a sleepy rays HAARP antenna installed 340 kilometers from the Yugoslav border.H
AARP antenna system that controls its influence Earth's atmosphere, ionosphere, and control the climate but also the mental consciousness of people, began with effect on May 3 last year, and is set before four or five years.

What many do not know is that HAARP was ordered by the top U.S. should be installed in Serbia still 1999th year together with NATO occupation of Kosovo, the then FRY President Slobodan Milosevic refused vigorously, followed by an Quarterly bombing of our country by the North Atlantic Alliance.

During the ultimate negotiations that took place during the fall 1998th and the first quarter 1999th year, U.S. envoy Richard Holbrooke sharpest of President Milosevic, in addition to nesting NATO base in Kosovo and Metohija, and asked for permission to set up the HAARP antenna system, as Milosevic together with other requirements of the strongest military powers of the world declined.

About all were familiar and generals Momcilo Perisic and Dragoljub Ojdanic, chiefs of the General Staff of the Yugoslav Army in the period immediately before, during and after the NATO aggression, which were also firmly against the U.S. demands, including setting HAARP on Serbian territory.

The result of the refusal of the Yugoslav peak is known - Quarterly bombing which began on 24 March 1999th year was one of the greatest crime against a sovereign European state in the second half of the 20th century.

NATO bases then were placed in Kosovo, nor the HAARP system is not installed in Serbia, which has not happened even after Milosevic's fall in October 2000th year, because even the new president Vojislav Kostunica did not accept the ultimatum HAARP, or cabinet as prime minister conducted over a period of 2004th-2008th years.

With the advent of the cabinet of Mirko Cvetkovic, the HAARP antenna in Serbia is obviously the most favorable moment came, he says, because the source of "Justice", a new requirement of the then vice president of the United States Joseph Biden to the antenna system set up, did not encounter obstacles.

As a result of yesterday's servility to the U.S. government, we have HAARP antenna system in Barayev and experiments to the Serbian people, which is the third of May 2012th performed very actively.

Also to be explored and finally who is officially permitted and signed installing this dangerous American instrument to control the mental consciousness of our people - says the source, "Justice" well versed in what is happening around HAARP.

There are suspicions that the Americans, despite opposition from the authorities still 2003rd year, six years before the ultimate demands, trying experiments as a precursor for setting the HAARP antenna.

How is using HAARP manipulates the ionosphere, tentatively, performed experiments bedtime people directional and focused energy, which is done in a town in Germany, but also in our Loznica.

Then, according to the testimony of several witnesses, almost all Lozničani were 15 minutes in a collective dream, just a sleepy rays HAARP antenna installed 340 kilometers from the Yugoslav border.

Antenski HAARP sistem koji svojim dejstvom kontroliše jonosferu zemljine atmosfere, i kontroliše klimu ali i mentalnu svest ljudi, počeo je sa dejstvom 3. maja prošle godine, a postavljen je pre četiri ili pet godina.

Ono što mnogi ne znaju jeste da je HAARP po nalogu vrha SAD trebalo da bude instaliran u Srbiji još 1999. godine zajedno sa NATO okupacijom Kosova, što je tadašnji predsednik SRJ Slobodan Milošević energično odbio, nakon čega je usledilo tromesečno bombardovanje naše zemlje od strane Severnoatlantske alijanse.
Tokom ultimativnih pregovora koji su se vodili tokom jeseni 1998. i prvog tromesečja 1999. godine, američki izaslanik Ričard Holbruk najoštrije je od predsednika Miloševića, pored razmeštanja NATO baza na Kosovu i Metohiji, tražio i dozvolu za postavljanje HAARP antenskog sistema, što je Milošević zajedno sa ostalim zahtevima najjače svetske vojne sile odbio.
O svemu su bili upoznati i generali Momčilo Perišić i Dragoljub Ojdanić, načelnici Generalštaba Vojske Jugoslavije u periodu neposredno pre, za vreme i posle NATO agresije, koji su takođe odlučno bili protiv zahteva SAD, uključujući i postavljanje HAARP-a na srpskoj teritoriji.
Rezultat odbijanja jugoslovenskog vrha je poznat – tromesečno bombardovanje koje je započelo 24. marta 1999. godine bilo je jedan od najvećih zločina nad jednom suverenom evropskom državom u drugoj polovini 20. veka.
NATO baze tada nisu postavljene na Kosovu, a ni HAARP sistem nije instaliran u Srbiji, što se nije desilo ni posle Miloševićevog pada oktobra 2000. godine, jer ni novi predsednik SRJ Vojislav Koštunica nije pristajao na HAARP ultimatum, kao ni kabinet koji je kao premijer vodio u periodu od 2004. do 2008. godine.
Sa dolaskom na vlast kabineta Mirka Cvetkovića, za HAARP antene u Srbiji očigledno je došao najpovoljniji trenutak, jer kako kaže izvor „Pravde“, novi zahtev tadašnjeg potpredsednika SAD Džozefa Bajdena da se ovaj antenski sistem postavi, nije naišao na prepreke.
Kao rezultat servilnosti dojučerašnje vlasti prema SAD, imamo antenski HAARP sistem u Barajevu i eksperimente prema srpskom narodu koji se od 3. maja 2012. vrše vrlo aktivno.
Takođe se mora konačno istražiti i ko je zvanično dozvolio i potpisao instaliranje ovog opasnog američkog instrumenta za kontrolu mentalne svesti našeg naroda – kaže izvor „Pravde“ dobro upućen u dešavanja oko HAARP-a.
Postoje sumnje da su Amerikanci i pored protivljenja tadašnje vlasti još 2003. godine, šest godina pre ultimativnog zahteva, pokušavali eksperimente kao prethodnicu postavljanja HAARP antena.
Kako se pomoću HAARP-a manipuliše sa jonosferom, probe radi, izvršeni su eksperimenti uspavljivanja ljudi usmerenom i fokusiranom energijom, što je urađeno u jednom gradu u Nemačkoj, ali i u našoj Loznici.
Tada su, prema svedočenju nekoliko očevidaca, gotovo svi Lozničani bili 15 minuta u kolektivnom snu, uspavani upravo zracima HAARP antena instaliranih 340 kilometara od jugoslovenske granice.

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