Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2014

The revolt in southern Germany against " ideology colors of the rainbow "
15/01/2014 13:34
More than 80,000 residents of southern Germany have signed an Internet petition against the program mejnstrimiziranja homosexuality among schoolchildren . Sex education program that promotes the homosexual lifestyle in schools is introduced under political patronage of the Greens and the Social Democrats , whose leaders have made ​​statements that are not to look at the petition and complaints from parents .
Concerned parents accused of homophobia . However , reading parts of the brochure , which German politicians intended principals and teaching staff to more easily find their way to the introduction of the topic of homosexuality in classes inevitably provokes fears and phobias in every responsible person .
How far would you go to this fight , which leads to all parts of the world between parents and those who 've taken the right to forcibly correcting their children ? In the western world , including Croatia , systematically violate the Convention on the Rights of the Child , and many other charters that guarantee the rights of parents and children , but most of the public is still true that nothing alarming going on.

80,000 Germans signed a petition against the education of ' sexual diversity ' in schools
Published: 10 January of 2014.

More than 80,000 residents of southern Germany have signed an Internet petition against teaching children about the lifestyles of LGBT people as part of the curriculum . The program , which is intended to implement in schools was conceived as an initiative to promote tolerance towards sexual minorities .
The new curriculum , which should come into force in 2015th , triggered a lively debate in the province of Baden - Württemberg in southwest Germany.
Thousands of parents and teachers vehemently opposes the program, which introduces green coalition and the Social Democrats , which has a majority in the region. The coalition of Social Democrats and Green has set as its goal " the acceptance of sexual diversity " through the school curriculum in which children will learn about different types of links and different lifestyles .
Proponents of the program argue that it will help to prevent discrimination and enable a more open and tolerant society , while opponents of the program argue that it actively promotes the " ideology of rainbow colors , " says the magazine The Local .
An online petition against the reforms in education , which is addressed to the Ministry of Culture has already collected over 82,000 signatures , and the number of signatories is growing rapidly .
The petition was initiated by a teacher who is active in the Christian community . It requires the right of children to " responsible " sex education in schools , without putting a special emphasis on certain interest groups and not " promote " a new sexual morality .
Critics of the program also inizistiraju on the fact that sex education must be based on scientific grounds, and that should take place within biology rather than as part of social studies . The text of the petition criticizes the proposed curriculum because it fails to talk about the negative aspects of lifestyle LGBT people , such as " increased risk of suicide among gay youth " and high rates of HIV infection among homosexual men.
One of the signatories of the petition in a commentary he wrote that " there are many homosexuals among politicians , actors and athletes " and to treat them all tolerant , but when one theme " constantly " speaking in public , it starts to " get on my nerves " because wants to give the impression that "the great advantage and preferably be gay ." Another signer adds that teachers should not be forced to teach children what their parents disagree .
They hope that the regional parliament to consider when you start a petition with the parliamentary debate on the initiative of the Minister of Culture to " acceptance of sexual diversity " be included in the curriculum .
Meanwhile , the initiators of the program accusing opponents of the program because of the " incredible homophobia ."
" Internet petition currently signed in itself contains disturbing spirit of intolerance , " he told local media education expert of the Social Democratic Party of Germany Stefan Fulst - Blei .
Advocates of new educational programs have also actively participated in the discussion on the Internet . Explaining why not sign the petition , the petition is one critic remarked that one day , despite fierce resistance , the children began to teach that the earth is round .
" Now the time has come to explain to them that homosexuality exists on our planet and that it is no longer considered a morbid phenomenon, " said a critic of the petition , adding that the program does not put emphasis on one interest group but simply transmit knowledge and a way of curbing discrimination .


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