Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2014

LGBT + Pedo - offensive in Germany

LGBT + Pedo - offensive in Germany
15/01/2014 10:18
In a cultural war that carried homosexual associations one of the most important thrust strategy is kvirizacija education . In the previous article we quoted only part of the scandalous events in American education , while the following text analysis brochure published by the Berlin Senate for principals and teachers in Germany . These are extremely disturbing pamphlet in which the teaching staff requires that students provide information about who they are and where to find a local meeting place for gays , lesbians and transgender people , including gay bars which regularly comes to casual sex with strangers .

Brochure becomes particularly disappointing to the extent that it explains how the students give a " realistic assessment of same-sex relationships and sexuality in men in ancient Rome ." Explanation : " The love of boys was a treasured luxury and as such enjoyed a certain social standing , especially because the adult lover materially cared for the young man . " Only " scientific " reference to which the brochure in this part of the call is the author Gunter Schmidt , German promoter of pedophilia and collaborator on projects with Aleksandar Štulhofer , a key author of the fourth Health education modules to be implemented in schools in Croatia .
It is interesting that the LGBT aggressive offensive in education started in the times of global crisis when they fortunate position of having to make all of it and keep it, in order to save their bare existence . And this is especially true of the educators . Therefore, parents and all who oppose these tendencies make immeasurably well as his and other people's children .

LGBT + Pedo - offensive in Germany
The Berlin Senate published a few years ago, an extensive booklet ( 172 pages ! ) With instructions for principals and teachers on how students present LGBT lifestyles . When you take a closer look , gets the impression that one of the main goals of education homosexual proselytizing ...
Instructions for principals and teacher
Brochure provides 16 precise instructions that all of them end with an exclamation point , which is not common in the German language , which is otherwise quite restrained .

First Do you think that among students can be homosexual young people and avoid formulations that heterosexuality is presented as a matter of course , and the emergence of homosexuality as a boundary !
Second Use formulations that are common to both sexes when the debates talking about intimate relationships !
3rd Tematizirajte homosexual lifestyles in schools and lectures . Organize study days on this topic !
4th Supportive to their homosexual colleagues who will speak openly about your lifestyle !
5th Intervenirajte when pupils / students or faculty discriminatory to homosexual persons . Do not accept any humiliating remarks that are directed towards the person to whom others think it has a different sexual orientation ?
6th Put in a visible place brochures on the subject of homosexual lifestyle ! On the visible report of posters pointing to lesbian and gay lifestyle or such counseling !
7th Ask for a local meeting place for gays , lesbians , bi- and transsexual ( socio - political organizations , counseling , help with AIDS, bars, clubs , youth groups , print and film material !
8th Invite to class representative / representatives of lesbian and gay projects or thematic days ( eg . Abqueer , addresses, see attached ) !
9th Edits to lesbian and gay issues in the classroom , discuss these topics when they indicate special occasions !
10th Take for teaching topics issues of sexual orientation and different lifestyles . Incentives for this can be found in many different subjects !
11th Inform yourself about lesbians and gay men , who have a special way highlight ! Speak about their sexual orientation , to the extent that it was important for their actions ( eg . Know that James Baldwin , Gertrude Stein , Thomas Mann and many others were homosexuals ) , and most teachers that aspect of their lives is not even mentioned !
12th Make sure that the school library available are professional books and novels about homosexuality , " autingu " about famous lesbians and gay men , and that they are accessible to all students and pupils !
13th For a list of the required and recommended texts put texts that talk about lesbians and gays ! Turn on lesbian and gay issues in a list of possible topics for essays or papers to grade !
14th Show your open and endorsing posture toward lesbian, gay , bi- and transsexuals , so that in case of need can be a confidant for young people who want to " autati " !
15th Ensure that lesbianism and homosexuality does not appear as a problem, but as one of many forms of life equal !
16th Find out about the latest releases of general guidelines on sexual education and apply them to your school !

Falsehoods under the guise of science

Brochure claims that among adults aged 5 to 10 % of lesbians and gays , that " autanje " occurs between 12 and 17 age , and concludes that among young people 5 to 10 % of lesbians and gays , but to place them in schools generally do not notice . A representative study in the United States and Germany give quite different figures .
Among the adult population in the U.S. , 2.8 % of men and 1.4 % of women consider themselves to be homosexual ( Robert T. Michael , John H. Gagnon , Edward O. Lauman , Gina Kolata , " Sex in America: A Definitive Survey " , NY Warner Books , New York 1994). .
A study conducted in Germany in 2001. shows that only 1.3 % of men and 0.6 % of women considered homosexual ( Eurogay Emnid - Studie 2001 , Schwules Leben in Deutschland ) .

Brochure claims that " autanje " an important step toward growing up and developing a strong, healthy and joyful personality . Experts are saying something else entirely .
In his youth , sexual orientation in many cases has not yet been definitely determined . Scientists believe that sexual orientation is acquired via a complex developmental process in which many factors are in play , and that this sexual orientation in any case is not immutable . One trial in the United States among more than 34,000 students come to the conclusion that for twelve 25.9 % of young people is not yet secure in their sexuality and sexual orientation . ( Remafedi , G. et al , Demography of Sexual Orientation in Adolescents , in: Pediatrics , vol 89 , no . 4 , 1992 , S. 714-721 . ) " The feeling that I'm different ' and homoerotic tendencies are interpreted as a sign of unilateral gay or lesbian identity . Science has proven that there are different ways of interpreting these feelings , those who leave the future open and provide the opportunity for further development heterosexual . ( Nicolosi , J. , Homosexualität sein muss kein The destiny , Neukirchen Vluyn 1995). Youth , many of whom feel a sense of uncertainty with regard to their sexual identity or the color match with the other sex , from childhood to the head instills a new " maps " : A preferred example is no longer a marriage between a man and a woman and related family , but also other forms of sexual relationships . This new " maps " can significantly influence the further development of the young heterosexual or even completely blocked. It may be the next generation only increase the difficulty with identity and finding it even more difficult identity .

Brochure claims that the percentage of suicide attempts in homosexual youth four times higher than in heterosexual and this is attributed to discrimination and sense of isolation .
Brochure claims to show mainly heterosexual model hinders the development of children and young people who feel as lesbian, gay or bisexual , so it is important to talk about a variety of same-sex lifestyles . Experts are saying something else entirely .
One study of homosexual scientist Gary Remafedija not indicate the following : What happens first public demonstration of homosexuality , the higher the risk of suicide attempts . What later , it was smaller . Each year delay " coming -out " in the direction of coming of age reduces the risk of suicide . ( Remafedi , G. , Risk factors in attempted suicide in gay and bisexual youth . Pediatrics , 87 , 6 , 1991 , S. 869-874 . )
Research in 2007. prove something else : Most teenagers who were initially convinced that homosexuals are and will always remain , during maturation spontaneously find its way to a solid heterosexual identity . ( Savin - Williams RC . , Prevalence and stability of sexual orientation components during adolescence and young adulthood . Arch Sex Behaviour 36 , 2007 , 385-394 . ) The public display of homosexuality that development can significantly impede or block . The first sexual experience can be decisive . Sexual pleasure sensation seeking repetition . Repetition becomes a habit , and habits leave traces in the brain . Something which initially might be weird , becoming a model of behavior and response that is more difficult to dismiss . Calling on public profession of homosexuality encourages young people to make decisions whose consequences have not been able to see .

Plenty of proposals
Brochure offers a full range of proposals in order to organize a thematic teaching ... offers a variety of titles of films on the subject ... offers comics ... cites literature that deals with the topic of homosexuality in young , lists famous homosexual / bisexual men and women ... and explains that the female list ( 40 names ) half the men ( 62 names ) because women in the past are not allowed to talk about their sexuality .
Brochure proposes a " role-playing " ( even homosexual exchange kisses ... and warns you to watch out whether students have sufficiently " open and advanced" in order to be able to do or watch ... if not , we should continue to " work with them " ... )
One of the topics is intense marriage in all forms and varieties ... homosexual parents , " open " relationships , etc.
" He explains ," it is the CSD Christopher -Street - Day and of course invite all youth to participate in the " pride parades " because it is a day of celebration for all .
A whole chapter is devoted to homosexuality in different cultures and religions . Specific information and instructions are given to same-sex relationships with pupils who come from other cultures , other religions , from abroad ...
Brochure states in which all objects in the teaching of elementary through secondary can process the question of homosexuality : art , biology , ethics , philosophy , history , sports, sociology , foreign languages ​​( English, French , Italian, Dutch , Polish, Russian , Spanish Turkish, even Latin ... )

Veiled propaganda of pedophilia - Gunter Schmidt
One of the topics of the brochure is the love of men to boys . The aim of this work unit is to give students " a realistic assessment of same-sex relationships and sexuality in men in ancient Rome ." Katulovu read erotic poetry . Explanation : " The love of boys was a treasured luxury and as such enjoyed a certain social standing , especially because the adult lover materially cared for the young man . " Is not that kind of a call to the poorer boys in an original way solve their existential problems ?
The only " scientific " reference to which the brochure calls Gunter Schmidt , a German sexologist , psychotherapist and sociologist born 1938th It is known as a fighter for " reproductive health and family planning ," according to an American recipe IPPF ( promoting contraception and abortion ) . More is better known for his extensive writings from the nineties on pedophilia and pederasty in modern society : the thesis that sexual contact between children and adults are not harmful to children . Brochure text says Gunter Schmidt " Homosexuality or how science is dangerous for minorities " ( " Homosexualität oder wie für Wissenschaft gefährlich Minderheiten ist " ) .
Gunter Schmidt wrote , among other things , the preface to the book, Theo Sandfort " Male Intergenerational Intimacy " ( Male intergenerational intimacy ) that stands for it , that pedophilia is not categorized as child abuse . His preface ends with these words : " Each case should be considered individually ... a threat to all pedophile seems to be punishable by law , it is difficult to be considered civilized ... it constitutes discrimination and persecution of a minority , and it should be repealed ." Schmidt also gave an interview to the number 5 for pedophiles unavoidable magazine " Paidika " , whose chief editor was Sandfort . " Paidika " is an academic journal that examines the cultural , historical , psychological and literary issues related to " agree " ( ! ) Sexual relations between adults and children .
Gunter Schmidt us is very interesting in Croatia , in the context of sex education Curriculum which offers or imposes Minister Jovanovic , whose author Alexander Štulhofer , because they have collaborated on several projects :

Alexander Štulhofer and Gunter Schmidt worked together on a book (2009 ) : " Pornografiekonsum in Pubertät und Adoleszenz "
Alexander Štulhofer and Gunter Schmidt worked together on the book (2010 ) , " Adolescent exposure to pornography and relationship intimacy in young adulthood "
Alexander Štulhofer and Gunter Schmidt were the leaders of the "Basic course in sexual therapy " in Dubrovnik from the second to 11 lipnja 2004th ( and the unavoidable presence of a specialist with Kinsey Institute ) .

If we want to follow the footsteps of Germany ?
Nota bene : The beginnings of pedophile movement is closely associated with the origins of the homosexual movement seventies in Germany , but also in countries such as the Netherlands , the United States and Canada . The 1980th , educator and sociologist Joachim S. Hohmann wrote: " Consistent and combat actions of homosexual activist groups and their spokespersons ( ... ) prepared the way pedophile movement " .

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