Samstag, 18. Januar 2014

The announced rise of a new Babylon

The European Union is preparing the public to create one large ' super state ' !
Announced a European super- state is actually the announcement of the new Babylon, which is odd as John prophesied in the book of revelation , and who will be punished and destroyed by God in the end times that are in all the signs of the times at its peak .
To conspiracy theories from day to day become our true reality , confirmed by a new declaration of Vice-president of the European Commission , Vivien Reding, who was told that people have
been on this year's spring elections finally choose whether they want a government that will be called United States of Europe .
' It is necessary to build a United States of Europe , led by the European Commission as well as the government and the two chambers , the Senate and the European Parliament, member states ' , Reding stressed , adding that the campaign was the creation of a 'super state ' best weapon against Eurosceptics .
But it is not the first and Angle Merkel once announced this new federation which should be a community of European states led by one government.
And while Eurosceptics years ago announced just this reality , top government assured us that Croatia joining the European Union does not lose its sovereignty and will always be able to make decisions at the national level . But it is not so ! Announced through a super state that would weaken the national government and moved all the power in Brussels and our nation would lose all control over his country. Croats are entering the European Union have already lost their sovereignty and our power and so is now just a show for the public . People at the helm of the state does not spend any of their own policy , but now serve the European elite that they determine all actions and decisions . If you just look at , and our so-called leaders and actually puppets in the hands of stronger , we can not see them getting around , literally pushing the law , ignoring the public and pressure which can not soothe . Indeed , we are witnessing a terrible torment of us spend almost as if they were omađijani political representatives literally installed for public programming . They only prepare the way for what 's to come . According to statements by Vivienne Reding , seems to be just waiting for Croatian accession to the European Union and the infernal plan can begin .
Announced a European super- state is actually the announcement of the new Babylon, which is odd as John prophesied in the book of revelation and who will be punished and destroyed by God in the end times that are in all the signs of the times at its peak .
Everything begins and ends with Babylon !
That is precisely the European Union this new Babylon which will inflame the sin of sins, and over which the Antichrist will rule there is evidence . For example , European worship of the ancient goddess Semiramis spring in every step . Semiramis is an ancient goddess worshiped by the Babylonian brotherhood . It belongs to the Trinity Moon Goddess ( Semiramis ) , the Sun God ( Nimrod , known more under names like Bal , Bel , Baal , etc. ) and their son Tammuz . This pagan religions existed for thousands of years before the emergence of Christianity .
Babel fraternity lived in old Babylon , Mesopotamia area today , and then head west , until they moved to Rome , founded by the Roman Empire and caused all known wars of that era . Later, the wider world , and in recent times , as stated by many authors , find out the names : Plantagenet , Warburg , Bruce ( Scott ) , Rockefeller , Habsburg , Rothschild ( Bauer ) , Krupp , Windsor ( actually Saxe - Coburg - Gotha ) , de Medici , Cavendish ( Kennedy ) , Sinclair ( St.Clair ) , Romanov , Hanover .
Over time ,
created a new religion and a new deity , but all along the lines of their ancient gods .
Deity carry other names , but it is always the same konceptu.S time , and from Babylon originated lineage moved to Europe , and later on, carrying with them their ancient symbols and belief . Become the supreme European aristocracy and infiltrate into politics , government , all institutions and banking. These " enlightened " rulers of the world from Babylon , which is also called the Illuminati , tailor redesigned system of profit and trade with the help of wars and manipulation . Another name for the same goddess by the Illuminati and is still revered Europe .
There are more " coincidences " .
Goddess Semiramis is always depicted as a woman with spikes around the head and the torch ( or cross ) in the hands of ( the torch is a symbol of Nimrod ) . So , just like the Statue of " freedom " ! In addition , it symbolizes and 12 stars . Goddess Semiramis is just as depicted on ancient coins .
But it had long been known the origin of the Statue of " freedom " . Specifically , it is a gift of the French Freemasons in Paris and he represents anything but freedom .
The ancient motifs of the deities representing the goddess of Europe ( or Semiramis ) riding a bull ( symbol of Nimrod ) .
And lo ! Union 2002nd he issued a coin just to the Goddess Europe riding a bull . A clear symbol of the same organization that has formed the European Union and that it is ruled .
Of course 12 stars on the European flag , the stars that indicate her crown. The poster Council of Europe that has the tower of Babel and hovers over him twelve stars . There are a number of symbols which clearly show what is actually the European Union and what kind of people it ruled .
But we do not need symbols to clearly see all the evil that is moving our society . To clearly see one central government that rules us all . Sadly this is what happens . It is unfortunate that we have allowed to us by the manipulation of only 20 years after the final establishment of our country , that we are literally forced to enter into a new creation called even worse by the European Union , and ruled by sin and death . But there is a long prophecy that will just Croats that pagan Europe to bring God and that the Croats from the last war out blessed . Our nation's recent referendum showed Europe just to God in the Croatian people .

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