Freitag, 17. Januar 2014

Italy is moving in the battle for the family

And Italy is moving in the battle for the family
01/16/2014 11:55
And more recently, Italy has its own " La MANIFA Pour Tous " organization ! The organization was created in close collaboration with the organization of the same name in France to mobilize Italian citizens , regardless of their political affiliation , religion , race or culture they come from. The aim is to awaken the conscience of the Italians in relation to issues that emerged from the recent legislation on homophobia and transphobia , gender theory , " same-sex marriage " and adoption of children by same-sex partners . The purpose of this organization is to defend the right to freedom of expression , to preserve the inviolability of marriage between man and woman and child's right to a father and mother .
In September, the lower house of the Italian parliament adopted a law against discrimination and hate crimes , so as to spread the so-called . Morelli law of the 1993rd which prohibits the incitement of hatred on religious, racial and ethnic lines to spread hatred against homosexuals and transgendered people . However , the Italians are convinced that the law will restrict freedom of speech and expression as to the commitment to what nature created could be declared in accordance with the law , homophobia or transphobia and sanctioned .
The meeting in Rome is not the first such meeting in Italy . With similar events began already last year in northern Italy in Milan.

 Thousands of people on Saturday afternoon (January 11th ) took part in the Roman set to defend the natural family , and freedom of thought , organized under the auspices of the " La MANIFA pour tous Italia " against the adoption of the law on homophobia , as discussed in the Italian Parliament . The meeting was attended numerous families with children and various associations . On stage is scheduled maintenance events for European defense family second February and preparing the new Dana family in Italy .

Italian families have gathered in Rome to confirm what is written in the Italian Constitution : freedom of expression and of course family . A legislative proposal on homophobia prejudice to the two constitutional principles : freedom of expression and of course family . In addition to the lay Catholic associations at a meeting attended by representatives of other religions and homosexuals who reject the gender ideology .

This is not an ideological battle ! We are not against anyone , but unquestionable right to defend the child grows with his father and mother , to have a harmonious and peaceful growth . By Wednesday of the good society .

When asked why the family is in danger , the answer was unanimous : " The danger is respect for creation and human nature . We do not want to defend himself taking his own opinions about the natural society , about that which is based on the state or of the family . If the proposed law is passed , then it is in danger of family and society itself . Here we are with the children because we think this is the best testimony of the natural family .

When asked why should speak publicly about the family responded that it comes natural law . It is not important to be Catholic or believe in God . Our nature says to us that men and women have children , do not give birth to children of two men or two women ... Chesterton said: " We will draw forth sabers to say that the grass is green , the green leaves of summer ." We are gathered to confirm . Thirty years ago, probably no one could imagine that the streets shouting that a child is born , or a male or a female , but not indefinitely . We are here to confirm .

Here we say to all people that nobody should be discriminated against , but no family between men and women , which is the future of society , should not be discriminated against . Family is not natural , traditional or new : family is family! Man , woman , father, mother and children . It is a family and nothing else . We're here and we want to say that Italy belongs families - said Francesco Belletti , president of the Forum of Family Associations .
With families in the square , we draw attention to the country a major threat to democracy . The proposed law against homophobia apparently the fight against homophobia , but in essence it is a fight against freedom . Too many are concerned for the common good of the state to be able to keep quiet - said Belletti .

The meeting was attended by politicians . Eugenia Roccella , the famous Italian politician , said that the time had come for the organization of a new day family . This set me very surprised , because it is spontaneous and the forerunner of new protests . I think it is expensive to heat the new organization of the family - said Roccella .
Homophobia is not an urgent problem . Those who talk about homophobia promote the idea of backwardness of Italy as some European countries have adopted such a law . First of all, we need to check that these laws have brought these countries : have caused social stratification , destroyed the family and the state created more problems because the family solves problems that would otherwise have dealt with the state , are therefore caused greater social and economic costs . We do not say - as some - of the Italian anomaly , but we want to defend the family that John Paul II . called " Italian exception " in a positive , not a negative sense , as some of us want to convince - said Roccella .

The association ' La MANIFA pour Tous " announced the second February wholesale simultaneously mobilizing people in various European cities .

source :
Text taken from the website of Vatican Radio

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