Sonntag, 12. Januar 2014

PHOTO: The public leaked images of the infamous chemtrails!

The system of mass spreading chemtrails really exist, and if there is no system, no doubt there are some. If neither of these photos are not proof enough that people are just planning 'omutavljeni guinea pigs' in which almost every day trying out their poisons, we suggest that you continue to seek the truth themselves, with the hope that at some point for humanity will not be late.

Page received exclusive photos of the system that is used when conducting chemical engineering, or spraying chemtrails country, and that many, despite the very visible evidence, still do not believe. Spraying people and the planet has been ongoing for many years with a single purpose: poisoning people, plants and all living and changes in the planet's dead, barren land is used only for elite interests. Many have wondered how they do it and what planes. Look at these photos and you might be clearer.
Pump - picture shows a diesel engine that drives the system





The source of the photo says, "This system explains a lot. Many years working in the industry, I was always looking for any indicators sprinkler system. Few have doubted the story about chemtrails because I have never seen evidence of sprinklers during all the years of my work on aircraft. This system is designed so that it can be quickly installed, used and then removed if desired. When installed, the aircraft can be used as a normal 737 cargo aircraft. system can also be moved from one aircraft to another. main cabin windows keeps just a few screws. If I remember correctly, it was the eight screws on the window. Workers in front of the hangar attended a test drive, and examining the used water. "

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